History & Geography
This week in our unit on Ancient China we learned about the ancient process of making silk and the Silk Road. The class had fun acting out what traders might have encountered on the Silk Road. We also began to learn about the Chinese New Year.
Our objectives:
• recall the history of how silk was discovered
• understand how silk is made
• understand the cultural, economic, and geographic importance of silk
• identify the road from Europe to China as the Silk Road and know its significance
This week in our science domain, Cycles in Nature, we finished editing and published our frog paragraphs. We began the next section of the science domain Cycles in Nature. We are now learning about butterflies.
Our objectives were to:
• explain that is cycle is a sequence of events that repeats itself again and again
•identify introduction and conclusion sentences while listening to a paragraph being read.
•explain in writing facts about each stage of a frogs life cycle
• understand that the life cycle of a butterfly goes through a metamorphosis.
English Spelling and Writing
In our journals we used the idiom of the week, “He is a couch potato “. we got new spelling sorts this week and went over them in class. Your child should have brought one home on Monday. These sorts were also in last week’s newsletter. On Friday we took our practice spelling test, if students got a 100% on their practice test they will be tested on Word Wall Words next week for a chance to visit the treasure box . Our word wall words this week were: friends, float, found, green,
La lectura

We earned a movie party this week! The kiddos enjoyed watching The Cat in the Hat Knows a lot About That in Spanish!
This week we read La grulla de papel.
Our weekly objectives were to:
- Understand and practice the letter y making the /i/ sound
- Understand that in Spanish we use lower case letters for days of the week and months
- Use the comprehension strategies making predictions and asking questions during our first read
- Use the comprehension skill sequence cause and effect during our second read
We will be reviewing all our high frequency words next week!
Las matemáticas
This week we finished working with Bar Models. Our weekly objectives were to:
- Model addition and subtraction as comparing sets
- Apply the inverse operations of addition and subtraction
- Show what you know on the chapter test