History & Geography
This week we jumped right back into our studies of Ancient Greece. We learned about Athenian government and the daily life of its people. We compared and contrasted this to life in Sparta. On Friday we began to learn about the Olympic games.
Our objectives:
• locate Athens and Sparta on a map.
• Define democracy and identify Athens as the birthplace of democracy
• understand some aspects of Athenian democracy
• understand how Athenian boys and girls were educated
• recognize that men and women were not equal in Athenian Society
• understand the military lifestyle and education in Sparta
• identify ancient Greece as the site of the original Olympic Games
This week we really began to delve into our insect domain. We read about insect habitats, learned a new insect song, and started an insect journal.
Our objectives were to:
• explain that insects are the largest group of animals on Earth
• explain that there are many different types of insects
•explain that insects live in virtually every habitat on Earth, with the exception of the oceans
• classify and identify particular insects as small, six-legged animals with three main body parts
• identify and describe the three main body parts of insects: head, thorax, and abdomen
• identify the placement and/or purpose of an insect’s body parts
• describe an insect’s exoskeleton
• explain why spiders are not insects
English Spelling and Writing
La lectura
This week we read La Cenicienta.
Our weekly objectives were to:
- practice asking questions before, during, and after reading our story
- identify causes of different effects within our story
- create a picture chart of vocabulary for our story
- begin writing about our New Years Resolutions
Our PUF words for next week are: adentro, nosotros, trabaja, tres, traigo, nuestro
Las matemáticas
This week we began working with mass. Our weekly objectives were to:
- use a measuring scale to measure mass in kilograms and grams
- compare and order masses
- practice math as well as computer skills by adding Prodigy into our math station rotations
In December we learned to sing and play Hanukkah and Christmas holiday songs, and identified whether the songs were in major or minor keys.