History & Geography
This week in our unit on the Civil War we finished reading about the war and took a look at women’s roles during this time. We took our assessment on Thursday. The class also broke up into groups and wrote a short skit about key events and people during the war. They each made a puppet for their character and worked on acting out their skit. On Friday Maria´s Father read us a story about two soldiers in the Civil War, and one had shaken the hand of Abraham Lincoln. He then shared with the class a box of his Great Great Grandfather
that was made from a table that Lincoln had once eaten at.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• describe the end of the Civil War
• understand what women did during the Civil War
• identify Clara Barton
• recognize Barton’s role as the “angel of the battlefield” in the Civil War
English Spelling and Writing
La lectura
This week we read Dragones y gigantes. Our objectives were:
- look over frequently misspelled words and discuss why they might be misspelled
- focus on the reading comprehension skill making connections during our first read
- focus on the reading comprehension strategy sequencing during our second read
- we also listened to our second read on CD this week and compared/contrasted with Ms.Ivary’s read alouds
PUF words for next week: poco, muchos, jueves, domingo, o, buena, todos, llama
Las matemáticas
This week we reviewed adding and subtracting with 3-digit numbers and we began rounding numbers. Our objectives were:
- use a number line to round numbers to the nearest ten
- use rounding to estimate sums and differences
- estimate to check reasonableness of answers