History & Geography
This week the class took their Immigrant assessment on Tuesday and began writing their Immigrant reports from the information that they gathered during their family interviews. The stories they have collected from their families have been absolutely wonderful! We will celebrate our combined Spanish and English immigration studies with a potluck next Friday at 11:40.
We also started our last unit on Civil Rights this week.The students are working on reading several books about the Women’s suffrage movement, Martin Luther King, and Ruby Bridges.

Our weekly objectives were to:
• Understand the rights of citizens
• Learn how immigrants can become citizens
• Understand the metaphors of the “melting pot” and the “mosaic”
• Identify Susan B. Anthony as a civil rights leader devoted to woman suffrage.
• Understand why Anthony’s trial was unfair
• Recognize it often takes a time to succeed.
• Understand the challenges Mary Mcleod Bethune and Eleanor Roosevelt faced.
• Explain how Mary Mcleod Bethune worked in education to help others.
• Explain Eleanor Roosevelt’s way of helping others.

This week in our Simple Machines we finished pulleys and learned about complex machines and reviewed what we’ve learned so far.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• Explain that a pulley is a simple machine that is used for lifting heavy objects or moving objects up and down or side-to-side
• Explain that simple machines can be combined together to make a complex machine
• Examine and name the types of simple machines that are found in a complex machine
English Spelling and Writing
This week we read Nueva Esperanza. Our objectives were:
•begin our final unit Our Country and It’s People
•when reading the first time focus on asking questions before, during, and after reading
•when reading the second time focus on making inferences
•review the three types of sentences: exclamatory, interrogative, and declarative
Las matemáticas
This week we continued with our end of the year Math Olympics! Our objectives were:
•review how to write numbers in word and standard form
•review place value by adding/ subtracting 1, 10, or 100 from a 3-digit number
•review 3-digit addition and subtraction
Music with Ms. Erin
In May we listened to pieces by Bach, Mozart, and Mendelssohn, and learned about the lives of these composers. We learned and sang Goodbye Old Paint, Follow the Drinking Gourd, The Erie Canal, and students shared songs they’ve learned with each other.
In June we will be completing this year’s focus on Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons by listening to the three movements from Summer, as well as reading the sonnets written for each movement.
We will also be working hard to prepare the song chosen by the class for the End of Year performance at Field Day!