History & Geography
Social studies with Ms. Marci
This week we began our unit on the Viking Age. We read a book about Leif Erikson. The class had some time to explore Iceland on the chrome books.
Our objectives were to:
• describe the Viking people’s proficiency and legacy at sailors, raiders, and traders
• explain about the Vikings

This week in our Light and Sound domain the class finished their Alexander Graham Bell biographies. Our Light and Sound Science Fair was a great success. The demonstrations were well thought out and very interesting. It was fun to have parents and the rest of the school came to visit our fair.
Our objectives were to:
• describe the life and contributions of Alexander Graham Bell
• present our demonstration/experiment with an explanation including domain vocabulary.
English Word Work
Spelling and grammar:
We did not have a spelling test due to the large work load and shortness of the week. In grammar we are talking about similes and metaphors. In our journals we used the word “tranquil “.