
Book reports!
This week we completed our second book report!
Our objectives were:
- Summarize a story’s plot, setting, and characters
- define vocabulary words
- write a concise description of the main character
Take a look at our Book Worm Book Reports on the bulletin board!

Measuring capacity!
This week we finished our measurement chapter.
Our objectives were:
- use ounce, pound, and ton as units of measurement for weight
- read scales in ounces (oz) and pounds (lb)
- estimate and find actual weights of objects by using different scales
- use referents to estimate weight
- measure capacity with cup (c), pint (pt), quart (qt), and gallon (gal)
- estimate and find the actual capacity of a container
- relate units of capacity to one another
History & Geography
Social Studies with Ms. Marci
This week in our unit on European Exploration of North America we learned about Juan Ponce de León, Hernando de Soto, and Francisco Vasquez de Coronado. So far our gold seeking Spanish explorers have not been very popular amongst the students. We continue to define vocabulary and take notes in our travel logs throughout each lesson.
Our objectives were to:
• identify motivating factors that led to the exploration of the Americas in different expeditions
• explain the significance of Christopher Columbus and Juan Ponce de León in the early Spanish exploration of the Americas
• explain the significance of Hernando de Soto and Francisco Vasquez de Coronado in the early Spanish exploration of the Americas
• locate on a map or Globe key places explored and visited by the Spanish
• describe the encounters between early explorers and Native Americans
Social Studies with Ms. Laura We continued our discussion about Civil War battles and the end of the war, with Lee’s unconditional surrender to Grant. We talked about Lincoln’s assassination and how the North treated the South after the war. We discussed the meaning of Grant’s famous quote: “The war is over. The rebels are our countrymen again.” We made stick figures of some people important in the Civil War and start practicing a short play. Our review and assessment will be on Tuesday, May 8th.
This week in our Astronomy science domain we had a successful blast off on Space Day. The 2/3 grade class did their celestial bodies presentations to the K/1 class and then everyone enjoyed some “astronaut” food. On Tuesday we took our unit assessment. We began our next domain on ecology this week as well.
Our objectives were to:
• review for the space assessment
• explain the difference between an ecosystem and a habitat
• describe what an ecologist would study
• review what different kinds of species need in order to survive in their habitats
• identify different ecosystems that we have learned in past domains
English Word Work
The class took our spelling test this Friday. For grammar we reviewed adjectives and adverbs. In our journals we used the word of the week “amble” in our entry.