
This week we finished up our unit by taking the Unit Assessment. Our objectives were:

  • students will demonstrate their understanding of grammar, vocabulary, and writing that was studied during this unit on the unit test
  • students will demonstrate their comprehension ability on the Unit Test

Next week we will start our new unit: Imagination!


This week we finished up our unit on Division. Our objectives were:

  •  review how there can be remainders when dividing to form equal groups or when dividing things equally
  • demonstrate how there can be remainders when dividing to form equal groups or when dividing things equally on the chapter test

History & Geography20180118_145308_resized

Social studies with Ms. Marci20180118_133047_resized_220180118_132908_resized_2
Social studies with Ms. Marci.
This week our next unit on the Viking Age.  We were introduced to who the Vikings and Norse people were, the areas they lived, and a little about their daily life. On Thursday everyone did a great job performing their Romulus and Remus play and presenting their opinion papers/projects. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend!

Our objectives were:
20180118_133101_resized_1• identify and locate Scandinavia as the area from which the Vikings originated20180118_132935_resized_1
• describe the geography of Scandinavia, Iceland, Greenland, and Newfoundland
• understand that the Vikings were proficient sailors, raiders, and traders.
• explain why Vikings were also called Northmen or Norsemen
• identify the Vikings as the earliest known Europeans to travel to North America
• Recall that the Viking people relied on farming, fishing, and trade for their living
• explain the importance of Erik  the Red and Leif Eriksson20180118_133006_resized20180118_133123_resized_2

Rehearsing the play.

Rehearsing the play.

Social Studies with Ms. Laura  We learned about the city-state Athens by reading a myth concerning a competition between Athena and her Uncle Poseidon. Athena wins and becomes the goddess for the people of Athens.  We learned about the Parthenon, the temple Athens built in Athena’s honor.  We each made own model of the Parthenon.  We talked about Athens, the democracy, and had our own Assembly of Citizens, suggesting, speaking for and against, some laws (rules and modifications) for our class.  We read and practiced a play, A Trial in Athens.


This week we continued with our Light and Sound science domain.  In our read aloud we learned about qualities of sound.  We explored with different instruments on Friday the different ways they make sound and the qualities they observed. Each student is also reading their own A to Z science book about the properties of sound.20180119_142434_resized

Our objections were to:
• identify sound is a form of energy that travels in waves
• describe how sound waves traveling different mediums
• identify sources of sound
• compare and contrast light and sound
• describe how the intensity and frequency of vibrations affects the qualities of a sound.

English Word Work

We had our spelling test on Friday.  In grammar we worked continued to work on past tense verbs and reviewed quotation marks.  In our journals we used the word “lug” in one entry and also wrote about the proverb, “His bark was worse than his bite,” in another.