This week we read Abran paso a las patas! Our objectives were:
- identify whether a verb is in past, present, or future tense
- To use comprehension strategies such as Asking Questions and Predicting to construct meaning from the story during the first read
- Understand that a writer can write stories based in reality or fantasy and be able to identify examples of fantasy or reality within stories
- Introduce book report
- introduce and define new spelling words
Students took home their book report instructions this week. The book report is due January 4, 2018. All of the writing for the book report will be complete in class, students will complete their shoe box diorama at home.
This week we finished our chapter on Multiplication of 6,7,8, and 9. Our objectives were:
- Divide to find the number of items in each group
- Understand the related multiplication and division facts
- write division sentences for real-world problems
- Divide to find the number of groups
- express division sentences for real-world problems
- Students will review multiplication by creating multiplication Holiday trees!
- students will demonstrate mastery and understanding of multiplication and division on the chapter test
History & Geography
Social studies with Ms. Marci.
This week we learned about the significance of Julius Caesar, Augusta Caesar, Marc Anthony, and Cleopatra to Ancient Rome. We finished our Roman lapbooks this week and began brainstorming our Ancient Roman contribution papers.
Our objectives were to:
• identify in locate on a map the following areas: France (the area formally known as Gaul) Spain, England, Germany, North Africa, and Egypt.
• describe the life in contributions of Julius Caesar
• describe the evolution of government in ancient Rome monarchy to Republic to Empire
• describe the role of Cleopatra of Egypt in the Ancient Roman civilization
• identify some of the contributions of the ancient Roman civilization and describe how they have influence the present
• describe the life and contributions of Augusta Caesar as first Emperor of Rome
• explain the significance of the Pax Romana and how it affected the life of Romans
Social Studies with Ms. Laura:
We learned about the Chinese zodiac, by listening to the book Cat and Rat The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac by Ed Young. We made our own zodiacs! We celebrated Chinese New Years with a song and loud parade. We ended Ancient China unit with a review, assessment and some traditional food. We are introduced to our new unit, Japan Today, by reading a Japanese folktale, The Badger and The Magic Fan by Tony Johnston and Tomie DePaola.
This week we began our Light and Sound science domain. The class did a few Light experiments involving the concept of concave and convex as well as refraction and magnification.
Our objections were to:
• recall the census and there corresponding sensory organs
• identify the Sun as Earth mainsource of light and name other light sources
• identify light as a phone is Energy that travels and wave
• explain why life is so important
• describe how late waves travel in different mediums
• explain how shadows are formed
• explain how light is absorbed reflected or transmitted
• describe the three types of mirrors: plane, concave and convex
English Word Work
We had our spelling test on Friday, everyone did really well! The class sorted and practiced their spelling words on Tuesday and Thursday. In grammar this week we reviewed past tense verbs. In our journals we used the word “baffled” and wrote about Thanksgiving break.
CHARACTER ED with Ms. Jennie: