

Journal writing!


Using dictionaries to define our spelling!

This week we read Niña ángel, niña dragón. Our objectives were:

  • understand what pronouns are
  • use comprehension strategies such as self-questioning, visualizing, and Summarizing to construct meaning from the story during the first week
  • use comprehension skill Cause and Effect as we read the story the second time



Playing mental math games!

This week we finished our first math chapter and began our second Mental Math and Estimation. Our objectives were:

  • add 2-digit numbers mentally with or without regrouping
  • subtract 2-digit numbers mentally with or without regrouping

History & Geography

Social studies with Ms. Marci20170919_135147_resized

This week we in our unit on geography we began looking at world rivers.  Students each have a copy of the World Rivers Student Reader and are reading chapters together and on their own.  Each person also spent some time researching and gathering information to add to our “living” map including rivers, animals, and other significant landforms.

New readers!

New readers!



Our objectives were to:

•  understand how to use and construct maps, globes, and other geographic tools to locate and derive information about people, places, and environments
•  locate  and label the four oceans and seven continents on a map
•  measure straight line distances on a map using a map scale.
•  use the maps in the atlas of the Student Reader to find geographic information
•  describe two ways that Rivers bring life to farms and cities
•  compare the Nile River and the Yellow River
•  understand the meaning of: river, riverbank, source, irrigation, silt, and flow

IMG_2788Social Studies with Ms. Laura

We studied The West Indies (The Caribbean), locating many islands and talking about some characteristics and history of the area.  We learned about some countries in South America (Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.


This week in our Animal Classification domain we finished looking at of warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals and read a chapter on vertebrate animals .We also worked on our animal shape poem.

Our objectives this week were to:

•  classify particular animals as cold-blooded or warm-blooded
•  interpret information about animal characteristics and their classifications from diagrams, charts, graphs, and graphic organizers
•  classify and organize the characteristics of five groups of vertebrates

English Word Work

We took our second spelling test on Friday. Overall the class did very well on their first spelling test. Almost everyone turned in their homework on time too! Good work to all those that did. We have an added flashcards to the weekly activities ,  these are worth 10 points.  In grammar this week we worked on pronouns, singular, plural, subject, and object.