Literature Circle

And just like that, we have concluded another memorable book club. These have been the most amazing 2+ weeks, where we have taken Jack London’s classic, and have, literally, turned it inside out, analyzing and interpreting the most profound corners of this remarkable masterpiece. The Call of the Wild and its main character, Buck, made a special paw print and we will hold it dear in our hearts forever!

This week we had a very special visitor, Ruby, that helped us celebrate the end of our book club in a very meaningful way!


Focus Question: What behaviors are instinctive and what behaviors are learned?

In connection to our book club, students where introduced with this question. Next week we will explore the ways non-humans communicate though sound, visual displays, and smell. We will talk more about the role that instinct and learned behavior plays in the life of animals.

We are so excited about our science field trip on March, 29th 2018 at 1:00 pm. Please make sure that you have made transportation arrangements to the site. Everybody should be prepared to spend the afternoon outside. Wear clothing and shoes that can get wet and dirty, and layers for the cold. We will be outside rain or shine! Please contact maestra Paola, should you have any questions.

History and Geography

This week we continued working on our Feudal Japan Research projects. Our objectives were:

  • Describe the attempts by the Mongols to invade Japan.
  • Explain the effects of the arrival of Europeans on Japan.
  • Summarize Japan’s closing to Western influence.
  • Explain the end of shogun rule.
  • Write a five paragraph research paper about some aspect of Feudal Japan


This week we finished our chapter on Percents. Our objectives were to:

  • Use different ways to find the number represented by a percent
  • solve real-world problems involving percents
  • demonstrate mastery and understanding of percents as another way of expressing part of a whole and percent means “out of 100”

English Spelling

This week we finished our last rotation and began our new one. Our rotation days were:

  • Blind Sort Test:  Students tested each other on their spelling using the Blind Sort method.
  • Word Search: Students received a word search with their new spelling words. They were tasked with finding and sorting their new words.
  • Teacher Meeting: I met with each student to discuss and clarify their new sort.
  • Vocabulary Day: This week our lesson was about eponyms. We are adding vaudevillian and tangerine.

Our spelling test will be on Thursday, March 29th!