La Lectura
It was so nice to see everybody, after a fun break, ready to start from day one! Our new unit for Literacy is Logros (Achievements). During this unit we will be discussing and reading different texts on topics such as: common interests, transformations, the meaning of development, advice, choices, role models. We can already tell it will be a fun unit!
At the beginning of the week we had a discussion about personal goals/objectives and the steps necessary to take in order to achieve them. We had an argumentative exchange about “new year resolutions”. It always great to hear our students insightful comments. We started the draft of our first writing assignment- a book review. Other objectives this week included:
• Identify areas of strength
• Analyze text, craft, and structure, citing text evidence.
• Use text evidence from close reading to write to a source.
• Understand the genre writing features to write a book review (pre-write).
• Debate and construct and arguments: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and classmate-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
• Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing.
• With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
How do you get your energy? What are some of the kinds of work that you do that require energy? Working in collaborative groups, students brainstormed ways organisms use energy to do work and make things happen. They sorted energy-use strips into categories: maintenance, growth/ reproduction, waste, and movement. They learned that all organism functions require energy.
This week we began working with Algebraic Expressions. Our objectives were:
- review percents by completing an escape room
- use variables to write algebraic expressions
Reminder! Students will now be graded on completing 40min of Prodigy a week. They will be graded every Monday, unfortunately there is no way for the students to check their own minutes but they are welcome to ask me at any time.
History & Geography
This week we began learning about the French
Revolution. Our objectives were:
- describe the old regime in France
- identify the social classes, or Three Estates, of French society
- understand how the influence of Enlightenment ideas, of English rights, and of the Glorious Revolution affected revolutionary movements in America and France
- explain the French alliance during the American Revolution and its effect on both sides
English Writing & Spelling
This week we wrapped up our final Narrative writing pieces. Next week, we will begin writing Argumentative pieces.
Our Greek and Latin Roots this week were:
- dict/dic: say, declare
- graph/gram: write, draw, describe, record
- scrib/script: record
Music with Ms. Erin
In December we learned Hanukkah and Christmas holiday songs for voice, guitar, ukulele, piano, and percussion. We learned new chords on guitar and ukulele. We practiced harmonies and sectional vocal layering skills.
In January we will be learning the Italian terms for a wide range of tempos, from grave (very, very slow), to prestissimo (extremely fast). We will also learn about musical form, adding introduction, interlude, and coda to our knowledge base of verse, chorus (refrain), and bridge.