La Lectura
This week we read a whole-group complimentary story to the reading groups from last week. We reviewed our reading strategies and then implemented them as we read as a whole class.
We then reviewed our reading strategies again, before receiving a new book and reading through independently (the first time). Here’s what that looked like:
- Receive new book.
- Do a picture walk through, to give a general idea of what the book might be about.
- Read independently. (Underline unfamiliar words.)
- Re-read with a partner, discuss and underline the main idea on each page.
- Re-tell the story to a new partner, siting important events from the story.
Next week we will continue with this book with these steps:
- Read the book as a whole group.
- Discuss vocabulary (and add this vocabulary to our language arts journals).
- Identify any inferences we needed to make throughout the story.
- Identify main idea of the book.
- Identify main characters and describe their personalities.
Las matemáticas
This week we continued working on Bar Models. We have also been working to solidify our math facts with flashcards,, and timed tests. Next week we will move on to our introduction to Multiplication:
Math in Focus Chapter 6: Multiplication Tables of 6, 7, 8, & 9
Objectives for December and January:
- Use multiplication properties.
- Understand multiplication by using array models.
- Understand multiplication by using area models.
- Understand multiplication by using number lines.
- The number line is used to skip-count by factors from 2 to 10.
- Use various models & strategies to multiply
- Use array models to multiply
- Use area models to multiply
- Recognize odd & even numbers
- Use number lines
- Divide
- Solve real-world problems including multiplication & division facts.
- Practice multiplication facts of 6, 7, 8, & 9.
- Divide to find the number of items in each group.
- Divide to find the number of groups.
- Understand related multiplication and division facts.
- Thinking skill:
- Identifying patterns and relationships
- Problem-Solving Strategies:
- Work backward
- Use guess & check
Key Visuals/Activities:
- Students use concrete representation such as dot paper and area models to learn multiplication facts of 6, 7, 8, and 9.
- Students make use of known multiplication facts and number properties to find other unknown multiplication facts.
- Students solve problems using related multiplication facts to find the number of items in each group.
- Students solve problems using related multiplication facts to make equal groups.
- Students learn to apply the inverse relationship of multiplication and division to write division statements from a corresponding multiplication sentence.
- Write division sentences for real-world problems.
- Express division sentences for real-world problems.
Our weekly objectives were to:
*Recall the sense of hearing and the corresponding sensory organ
*Identify sound as a form of energy that travels in waves
*Describe how sound waves travel in different mediums
*Identify sources of sound
*Compare and contrast light and sound
*Describe how the intensity and frequency of vibrations affects the qualities of a sound
*Identify the parts of the body that create the human voice
*Explain how the human voice is produced and is able to make a wide range of sounds
History & Geography
Our objectives this week were to:
*Identify the role of a Viking storyteller
*Recognize the Vikings as the first Europeans to cross the Atlantic Ocean to Newfoundland, Canada
*Understand that much of what we know about the Vikings has been learned it from archaeological discoveries
*Identify leaf Eriksson, also known as “Leif the Lucky”
*Understand the meaning of the following vocabulary: pasture
*Recognize the Vikings’ achievements as explorers
*Identify Eric the Red and explain why he traveled from Iceland to Greenland
*Understand the meaning of the following vocabulary: feast, hush, and banish