History & Geography
This week we began our first unit: World Lakes. Our objectives were:
- familiarize ourselves with Google Classroom
- understand the procedures and expectations for History
- read maps and globes using longitude and latitude, coordinates, and degrees
- identify the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn, and the three climate zones
This week we set routines and expectations for Math. Our objectives were:
- practice writing math notes in our math journals
- practice group rotations
- familiarize ourselves with Prodigy and Homework expectations
This week we set up our writing journals. Our objectives were:
- look at old writing journals for expectations of how our journals should look
- set up our writing journals
- understand the spelling routine for the year
We are so excited and ready for our school year. We have planned so many fun-filled, engaging and meaningful activities designed to maximize every one of our students opportunities to develop their unique skills. We can’t wait to share these with our students and families.
This week we were very excited to hear all the fun summer stories and adventures. Students got to share some of the special moments they experienced with their families and friends. After that, we took the time to revisit our school’s expectations and procedures. Students got familiar with our Literacy and Science expectations and procedures. We discussed how identifying our strengths and setting up clear/specific goals will help us have a successful year. Lastly, we spend some time assessing(diagnosis) our students Spanish through some fun games, reading and writing activities. We can already tell: This is going to be an epic year!
Investigation 1 part one: The Sun
Focus Question: What are shadows and how are they formed? How and why does your shadow change during the day?
This week, students has a chance to get familiar with our science resources as well as our science expectations and safety rules. We started our first investigation for the fall module: The Sun. Students traced their shadows two times in the afternoon, and compare the tracings. They use this information to determine the position of the Sun as it appears to move throughout the day.