This week we completed our “Mi Familia” unit. This month was amazing! The kids did a great job learning family vocabulary such as;








As well, we learned more about our students and their awesome families through their family’s picture and stories that they brought to class!

This week we read the book “¿El Canguro Tiene Mamá? by Eric Carle. In this book we met little joey bouncing in mother kangaroo’s pouch, watched little cubs prance around their mother lion, and swim with a baby dolphin calf in the deep blue sea. Kids know that all moms love their children. Also, they learned new vocabulary:


León / lion

Jirafa / giraffe

Cisne / swan

Pingüino / penguin

Zorro / fox

Delfin / dolphin

Cordero / lamb

Oso / bear

Elefante / elephant

Mono / monkey

We had a lot of fun with our different activities such as, paper plate kangaroos, counting kangaroos’ game, kangaroo crown, as well, coloring, cut, glue with different materials.


Libro de la Semana

¿El Canguro Tiene Mamá?

Special Focus of the Week:

Have a great weekend!