La lectura

We have really been working on our reading strategies with some non-fiction pieces. This week we focused on answering comprehension questions using complete sentences. We are also working on using textual evidence to help us confirm our answers.
Students received their new spelling list on Tuesday. The test will be on Friday, January 17th. Each day we are working with the words in different ways to help us with their spelling and their meanings.

Las matemáticas

We continued our multiplication unit and jumped right back in with our timed tests. We have been adding to our Multiplication Strategies poster each day, as well as adding to our math journal. This week we worked through the 7s, 8s, and 9s.


I have asked the kiddos to complete their first Genius Hour project in the next two Fridays.  Here are the sign-ups:

Friday, January 17th:Rachel, Frederick, Evelyn, Aleya, Eden, Evie, Maya

Friday, January 24th: Catalina, Elizabeth, Isabella, Penelope, Andres, Maria


We had a great first week back after the break and we are enjoying our new unit: Classification of Animals.  Our weekly objectives this week were to:

*Observe and describe basic characteristics of an animal

*Observe and describe basic characteristics of an animal

*Explain the plan to classify animals by common or shared characteristics

*Explain that scientist classify animals in order to study them and show relationships

*Identify cold-blooded/warm-blooded and vertebrate/invertebrate that’s important characteristic used to classify animals

*Describe basic characteristics of vertebrates/invertebrate animals

*Pacify particular animals as vertebrate or invertebrate

*Identify fish, amphibian, reptiles, birds and mammals as groups of vertebrates

*Pacify particular animals and fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds or mammals

*Identify insects as invertebrates

*Explain that there are a large number of animals that have not yet been identified


History & Geography

This week, our objectives on our new unit: Earliest Americans, were to:

*Understand that nomadic hunters may have made their way from Asia to North America by crossing a land bridge located in the Bering Strait

*Describe how Ice Age people of Beringia

*Understand the meaning of the following vocabulary: Ice Age, land bridge, sheets, hunter-gatherers, herd, mammoth, musk ox, and spear

*Explain how Americans first settlers divided into many groups and spread throughout North and South America

*Explain the impact of farming on how people lived

*Understand the meaning of the following vocabulary: river valley, mastodon, and soil





Character Education

“Be like a postage stamp, stick to something until you get there!” ~Josh Billings

During the month of January we will be learning all about Perseverance.   What does it mean?

  1. Staying with the task and not giving up.
  2. Showing commitment, pride and a positive attitude in completing tasks.
  3. Trying again and again and again.
  4. Being patient and willing to work hard.

Throughout the month we will be reading several great books, discussing them and then putting our perseverance to the test with some fun activities.