Los Deportes
We were very busy this week! Besides working within our monthly Sports theme we also joined the other classes from the school and practiced singing on stage. Preschool is a great time to introduce children to speaking and performing in front of others. By practicing with the other classes they were able to learn by example.
The preschoolers will start our program Monday evening by singing just a few of their routine songs. These are songs they have been singing all year so they are very comfortable with them.
Los movimentos
We also had a great time weaving our bodies in and out of a long series of cones. This is a great exercise for our eyes!
We also practiced gently kicking a ball in and out of a series of cones. This was a great way to work on our control. We talked about not using our hands and being gentle with the ball in order to have more control.
We read a very fun book about the movements of animals, ¿Quién salta? We then practiced making all the movements with our own bodies:
se desliza – slithers
vuela – flies
nada – swims
se arrastra – crawls
We worked together and played a very fun game of leap frog. The children did a great job of being in control of their bodies, carefully leaping over one another, remaining aware of their weight, hands, and feet.
Letras y Números
We read a great ABC book about sports. While we were reading the book the students practiced their letter writing skills on white boards. They did an excellent job writing the upper and lower case letters!
On June 10th we focused on the number 10. We used our math station to show a few ways the number 10 can be formed.
This is a great activity for preschoolers to do up to the number 6. (We chose to do it up to 10 due to the date but we have done this previously with lower numbers.) Colored blocks are great for this activity.