Rimas Infantiles

This week, we continued with Nursery Rhymes/ Rimas Infantiles. We worked with Humpty Dumpty/ Humpty Dumpty.
Spanish Version20160127_101510_resized
Humpty Dumpty
Sentado en un muro,
Humpty Dumpty
Se dio un golpe muy duro;
Todos los caballeros y jinetes del rey,
Fueron a levantarlo y no pudieron con el.
English version
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and
All the king’s men
Could not put humpty Dumpty20160125_103815_resized
Together again.
The kids played with this rhyme. Singing in Spanish and English was really fun for them. We did different activities related with this rhyme. We sang songs, made puzzles, and the children made a Humpty Dumpty from their imagination. They were very excited doing these activities while singing the rhyme.


Las letras y los números

This week we incorporated our touch investigation with the letter Dd and Ff/ letra Dd y letra Ff. Be sure to point out the letters that we practice when you are reading. The English letter names can be pronounced as D (di), and F (ef). While the Spanish letter name pronunciation is; D (deh), and  F (eh feh).

Some examples of letter D;

delfin/ dolphin

dientes/ tooth



20160125_094522_resizedExample of letter F;






At the same time, we reviewed the number 11. The kiddos did an excellent job counting 1 through 11. We did different activities with this number, such as counting and recognizing the number through dots, as well as playing with dice in order to  find the number 11.