by Marci & Ivary | Apr 12, 2020 | First Grade News
La Lectura & Las matemáticas
Please see Google Classrooms for assignments. Our Zoom meetings are 1-on-1. Please be sure to email if you can’t make the scheduled time!
Suggested Daily English Schedule
English Zoom Meetings![](
Our individual Zoom meetings are scheduled for Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday between 10- 11:30 am, or unless otherwise arranged.
Our whole class Zoom meetings are on Friday at 10 am. Please see Google Classroom for our new meeting link.
Sharing my new hair do and fire pit
Little radish seedling popping out to see the sunshine
by Marci & Ivary | Apr 5, 2020 | First Grade News
During Spring Break we will not upload any new assignments. There will be materials posted that are optional and students can use this time to catch up and explore past assignments. We will continue to have our Spanish and English 1-on-1 meetings. Our English whole class Zoom meeting will still be on Friday; however it will be a special sharing meeting with crazy hair.
La Lectura
Spanish Writing about Plants!
When we return from Spring Break will we read Song y Júniper. Our objectives will be:
- make predictions, before reading the story of the week and your reader look at the title, illustrations, and author. What can you predict about what will happen in the story?
- use plant vocabulary from the story to talk about activities you like to do with your best friends
- practice fixing capitalization mistakes in our daily sentence practice. Remember to look at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns.
- practice the open syllable ta-, te-, ti-, to-, and tu- in our spelling sorts
Las matemáticas
When we return from Spring Break we will continue to work with Adding and Subtracting to 40. Our objectives will be:
- subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number with and without regrouping
- subtract a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number with and without regrouping
- add 3 1-digit numbers
- solve real-world problems; use related addition and subtraction facts to check the answers
Fast Land Changes science experiment.
When we return from Spring Break students will be learning more about volcanoes and geysers. Students can virtually visit some Yellowstone National park sights and watch the live cam of the geyser, Old Faithful. They can also take a guided virtual tour of one of Hawaii’s active volcanoes.
Our objectives for April 13 – 17:
- Compare and describe volcanoes and geysers
- Describe how heat, pressure and time cause many changes inside the earth
- Understand that much of our knowledge of the earth and its history is the result of the work of many scientists
- Read books that describe both of these geological occurrences
History & Geography![](
We will be learning about what happened after the war and the transition the colonies went through in becoming the United States. We will also be hearing in more detail about the life of Benjamin Franklin. Students will finish up their Benjamin Franklin project and share them during our Zoom meeting.
Our objectives for April 13 – 17:
- Describe how the thirteen English colonies in America evolved from dependence on Great Britain to independence as a nation
- Describe the contributions of George Washington as first president of the U.S.
- Identify Washington, D.C., as the nation’s capital and named after George Washington
- Describe the contributions of Benjamin Franklin as Patriot, inventor, and writer
English Sight Words of the Week
Our words for April 13 – 17: just, knew, know, look, long
Our goals are to practice our Week 3 sorts, do sight word handwriting, Spelling City assignments and Daily Language Review (D.L.R.)
During Spring Break we will continue to have our class zoom meetings but these are optional, as we know each family celebrates different holidays in different ways. The zoom meetings will be a social time for classmates to catch up!
by Marci & Ivary | Mar 29, 2020 | First Grade News
La Lectura
Showing off our monster drawings!
This week we will read the story Mira cómo crece una fresa.Our objectives are:
- make connections to the story, connections to what you see growing around you and other books you have read
- use plant vocabulary from the story to describe a plant you see growing nearby in your journal
- practice recognizing correct verb usage in our daily sentence corrections
- practic
e the open syllable pa-, po-, pe-,pi-, and pu- in our spelling sort
Cooking with fractions
Las matemáticas
This week we will start Chapter 13 Addition and Subtraction To 40. Our objectives are:
- add a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number with and without regrouping
- add two 2-digit numbers without regrouping
- subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number without regrouping
- subtract a 2-digit number from another 2-digit number without regrouping
Sketching layers of Earth
Quarantine inspired seedling greenhouse at home. Growing tomatoes, kale, okra, broccoli, flowers (to name a few) and harvested milkweed seeds to share with neighbors in order to support the Monarch butterflies
This week we will learn more about the Earth’s layers and about parts inside the earth that are solid and others that are liquid.
Our objectives for the week:
- Understand the characteristics of the crust, mantle, and core
- Learn about Volcanoes
- Understand how heat, pressure, and time cause many changes inside the earth
- Identify the layers of the earth, crust, mantle, core (outer and inner)
History & Geography
We will be learning more about the role that George Washington had in the birth of our nation and how the war ended. We will also be reading a biography of a slave who, inspired by the words of the Declaration of Independence sued for her freedom in 1781.
Our objectives for the week:
- Understand the contributions of George Washington
- Identify the slave Mumbet and her inspirational story
- Identify Martha Washington as the wife of George Washington
English Sight Words of the Week
Our words are: him, his, how, if, into
Our goals are to practice our Week 2 sorts, do sight word handwriting, Spelling City assignments and Daily Language Review (D.L.R.)
by Marci & Ivary | Mar 22, 2020 | First Grade News
La Lectura
This week we will complete our first Spanish Epic! Books assignment. We are reading Hay un Monstruo en Mi Armario this week. There is also a quick comprehension quiz at the end. We will also create our own monsters in our journals and describe them.
Las matemáticas
Our goal this week is to learn about numbers to 40. We want to focus on writing numbers in words and having a solid understanding of place value. We will complete Chapter 12 Practice 1, 2, and 3 in our workbooks. We will discuss Spanish math vocabulary and complete the Chapter 12 test sheet in 1-on-1 meetings.
Students should also complete at least 10 min of Prodigy a day to review past concepts.
Our goals this week are to read two Earth books from Epic! books and to learn about Continents in our Brain Pop Jr. app. Students will be doing several activities and taking two quizzes.
History & Geography
This week our goal is to learn more about the Declaration of Independence and Benjamin Franklin. We will be reading chapters 6 and 7 in our Student Core Knowledge book. We will also be writing a journal response on something we learned from our reading. Students will also be working on their Daily Geography.
English Sight Words of the Week
This week we will be working on the list D-G in our Spelling City app. Have fun playing games and practicing spelling these words.
We will also be working on our Daily Language review and spelling sorts.