by Ivary & Paola | Jun 14, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
Students will be able to join any small group meeting on Monday and Tuesday to ask questions.
We will have a final meeting on Thursday in Google Meets with both teachers!
This week we will finish learning about Three Dimensional Shapes. Our objectives will be:
- Identify and classify prisms and pyramids
- Identify the solid figures that can be formed from a net
- Identify and classify cylinders, spheres, and cones
Videos will be available for Chapter 16 on Google Classroom over the summer. I strongly recommend that students complete the Chapter 16 pages in their workbook, as well as the chapter reviews and the full year review.
This week we will continue learning about The Civil War. Our objectives will be:
- Explain how the Dred Scott decision, John Brown’s raid, and the election of 1860 increased the disagreements between the North and the South.
- Describe the challenges Lincoln faced when he took office.
by Ivary & Paola | Jun 7, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
This week we will finish learning about the Properties of Triangles and Four-Sided Figures. Our objectives will be:
- understand and apply the properties of parallelogram, rhombus, and trapezoid
- demonstrate understanding of the properties of triangles and four-sided figures on the chapter test
This week we will continue learning about The Civil War. Our objectives will be:
- Summarize the political background and events that led to the Missouri Compromise.
- Identify the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison and his publication The Liberator, and abolitionist Frederick Douglass.
- Explain how the growth of manufacturing in the North and the plantation system in the South increased the economic and social differences between the two regions.
Lectura y Ciencias
Thank you Adi for your outstanding science presentation! This week, students will continue presenting their end of the year science projects. I have posted a sign-in sheet in Google Classroom so they can schedule the day they would like to present. This is how the schedule looks like so far:
Monday: Emilie, Alora, Ben
Tuesday: All slots available
Thursday: Natalie, Naomi, Marisol
In literacy, Students have been working on a writing assignment. We will be publishing our pieces this week.
by Ivary & Paola | May 31, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
History & Geography
This week we will take the Westward Expansion Before the Civil War test and begin learning about The Civil War. Our objectives will be:
- demonstrate understanding the events and changes that occured during Westward Expansion on the chapter test
- Understand the institution of slavery and the basis of the antislavery movement
- Explain the different types of jobs done by slaves
- listen to and compare Two African American Spirituals
This week we will continue learning about the Properties of Triangles and Four-Sided Figures. Our objectives will be:
- understand that the sum of the length of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the third side
- understand and apply the properties of parallelogram, rhombus, and trapezoid
This week we will continue with our literature studies and narrative writing. Students have been assigned a reading from our book Beisbol en abril. During our meetings, we are discussing the elements of short stories and el genero narrativo. Students should be ready to provide the class with a short summary of their story on Tuesday. We are getting ready to write our own narrative pieces this week. The objectives are:
- Identify the elements of a narrative piece: characters, setting, storyline and plot, themes, word choice, dialog, etc.
- Go through the writing process to write your own original short story.
- Use descriptive language and figure of speech in your writing.
This week we will continue to explore the marine ecosystems. On Tuesday, I have invited my daughter, Valentina, to talk to us about her work as a marine biologist.
Students are expected to continue to work on their end of the year science projects. Projects will be presented the week of June 8th. This week, I will put up a sign in sheet so they can schedule their presentations. An example of a project, a rubric and the requirements for the project are posted in Google Classroom under the science tab. I can wait to see their science projects!
by Ivary & Paola | May 24, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
History & Geography
REMINDER: There will be no Google Meets meetings on Monday May 25!
This week we will continue to learn about Westward Expansion Before the Civil War. Our objectives will be:
- Understand why the United States went to war against Mexico.
- Explain why the Mormons settled in the Far West.
- Read an excerpt of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
This week we will continue learning about the Properties of Triangles and Four-Sided Figures. Our objectives will be:
- understand and apply the property that the sum of the angle measures of a triangle is 180
- understand and apply the properties of right, isosceles, and equilateral triangles
This week in lectura, we will be studying short stories of El género narrativo . Students have been assigned a reading of our book “Béisbol en abril”. We will be having our book club discussion on Friday. Please make sure you remind your child to be ready for our discussion.
This week we will review and summarize the main concepts seen these last few weeks during our Sensory Systems unit. To bring closure to the study of systems, students will read about the North Atlantic Ocean ecosystem and its importance in the carbon cycle. We will use this reading to talk about our science studies this year, and brainstorm ideas on how we can apply these concepts for our end of the year science project. Students have the freedom to choose any topic or area of interest for their science research project.
Students have been given a rubric, as well as an example of how the project should look like. They are welcome to include any and all their creative ideas during this project. Science Research Project will be presented the week of June 8th.
These are the guiding questions for the project:
¿Cuál es el tema de tu informe de investigación?
(What is the topic for your research project?)
¿Cuál es la pregunta de enfoque de tu proyecto?
(What is your guiding question?)
¿Cuál será tu plan de investigación para tu proyecto?
(How do you plan to develop your project?)
¿Qué fuentes confiables piensas usar para tu investigación?
(What sources will you be using?)
¿Cómo planeas hacer tu presentación a la clase?
(How do you plan to present to the class?)
by Ivary & Paola | May 17, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
History & Geography
This week we will continue to learn about Westward Expansion Before the Civil War. Our objectives will be:
- Explain the significance of the Alamo
- Describe the significance of the Oregon Trail, the use of wagons, and the hardships endured by travelers.
- discover art and music from the nineteenth century
- Understand why the United States went to war against Mexico.
This week we will begin learning about the Properties of Triangles and Four-Sided Figures. Our objectives will be:
- classify triangles by their side lengths and angle measures
- Understand and apply the property that the sum of the angle measures of a triangle is 180°
- Understand and apply the properties of right, isosceles, and equilateral triangles
Congratulations to our students on their outstanding presentations of our literature studies’
final project, La llamada de la selva. Once again, we were moved by the level of the quality of
our student’s work! We are ready and excited to kick off our narrative studies through our last
book club of the year, Béibol en abril.
In science, students have been learning ways that animals communicate through sound, visual
displays, and smell. We have been studying the role that instinct and learned behaviors play in
the life of living organisms. We studied the monarch butterflies and their instinctive migration
over several generations.
This week students will be participating in a collaborative writing assignment. If your child
hasn’t yet, please have them choose an animal they would like to do their research on. Students
will be studying that over long periods of time, species must gradually adapt to meet the
challenges of their environment, or they will not survive. They will address the difference
between physical and behavioral adaptations, as well as distinguishing between behaviors that
are instincts and those that are learned.
Students have been developing their independent science research projects. This
week we will discuss all the details about this end of the year science project.
Continue to:
● Read books in
● Read books in
● Book Club with Maestra Paola on Fridays!
by Ivary & Paola | May 10, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
History & Geography
This week we will continue to learn about Westward Expansion Before the Civil War. Our objectives will be:
- Explain the ways settlers and government officials pushed Native Americans out of their homelands, including broken promises and treaties.
- Identify the improvements made in transportation, and explain how these improvements affected travel.
- Explain how the Erie Canal boosted the country’s economy and westward expansion.
- Explain the concept of Manifest Destiny
This week we will continue learning about Angles. Our objectives will be:
- understand and apply the property that the sum of angle measures on a line is 180*
- Understand and apply the property that the sum of angle measures at a point is 360*
- Understand and apply the property that vertical angles have equal measures
This week we will write a new short story together during our class time. We will work together to include this week’s spelling words as well as to focus on synonyms and antonyms. (Students who do not participate by adding several sentences to the stories will be asked to write spelling sentences for the week……). Our learning objectives are:
- Work collaboratively to use our spelling words in context.
- Form detailed sentences focusing on: agreement, sentences structure, correct punctuation, etc.
- Identify common mistakes and peer-edit during class writing time.
- Correctly identify synonyms and antonyms and discuss how they are useful to writers and readers.
- Read books in
- Read books in
- Book Club with Maestra Paola on Fridays!

Spelling list for the week. Have it for each class!

Grammar focus for the week. Have it for each class!
Students will work to complete their study of the body systems using and their Tuesday meetings with Maestra Paola.
by Ivary & Paola | May 3, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News

We 💜 our students!

We miss you all so much!
History & Geography
This week we will be wrapping up our unit on US Geography. We will also start our new unit Westward Expansion before the Civil War. Our objectives will be:
- complete the US Geography unit project: create a brochure for one of the US regions
- Understand how hunters and trappers helped expand the nation, and how Daniel Boone has come to represent this pioneering spirit.
- Describe Lewis and Clark’s experiences and discoveries during their expedition.
- Explain the ways settlers and government officials pushed Native Americans out of their homelands, including broken promises and treaties.

Drawing Tree Diagrams in Math!
This week we will finish working with Graphs and Probability. We will also begin studying Angles. Our objectives will be:
- compare the results of an experiment with the theoretical probability
- complete the Quizizz chapter review
- complete the Graphs and Probability test to demonstrate understanding
- Complete the Angles quick check to review past skills needed for this chapter
Lectura & Ciencias
Zoom Meetings
Mondays -Small Groups with Maestra Veronica (Spelling and Grammar- Please have your papers with you!) 2:00, 2:25, 2:50
Tuesdays- 2:00 Whole Group Science with Maestra Paola
Thursdays – Small Groups with Maestra Veronica (Spelling and Grammar- Please have your papers with you!) 2:00, 2:25, 2:50
Fridays – 1:45 Whole Group Club de lectores with Maestra Paola
Through video, text, and simulations, students learn about the role of sensory and motor neurons in brain messages. They explore ways that animals communicate through sound, visual displays, and smell. They find out about the role that instinct and learned behavior plays in the life of animals. To bring closure to the study of systems, students find out about the North Atlantic Ocean ecosystem and its importance in the carbon cycle.
Students develop their own science investigation.
by Ivary & Paola | Apr 26, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News

Making Double Bar Graphs!
History & Geography

Pet Day!
This week we will finish reading about US Geography. Our objectives are:
- Summarize the history of Spanish and Mexican influence in the Southwest region.
- Describe the climate, landforms, and industry of the West Coast region; including the specific features of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle.
- Describe the climate, location, landforms, and wildlife of Alaska and Hawaii
- Name their own state capital and the governor of their state by creating a state brochure

Making Double Bar Graphs!
This week we will continue working with Graphs and Probability. Our objectives are:
- graph an equation
- list and count all possible combinations
- draw a tree diagram to show all possible combinations
- use multiplication to find the number of combinations
- find the experimental probability of an outcome

Making Double Bar Graphs!
Students need to be prepared to discuss the book during our meeting on Friday. We will also be talking about our end of the book project. Students are expected to read chapter seven(final chapter) and complete all notes (shared document in Google classroom and personal notes). ~ Maestra Paola
- Entender y aplicar los patrones de ortografía de hiato y diptongo en español. Entregar las oraciones hasta el viernes 24 de abril.
- Repaso de los tipos de oraciones: declarativa, interrogativa, imperativa, exclamativa.
- Continuar practicando el uso correcto de las conjugaciones de los verbos en español, en los tiempos pasado, presente y futuro. Asegúrate de que las conjugaciones tengan concordancia.
- Poesía de verso libre. Escribir un poema dedicado a nuestra madre Tierra.
- Leer el capítulo 7 del libro “La llamada de la selva”, completar notas en el documento compartido y tus notas personales. Estar preparado para nuestra discusión el viernes a las 2:00 en Zoom.
- Comenzar a trabajar en tu proyecto final de el club de lectores.
- Hacer tus tareas asignadas en
- Leer tus libros en
- Leer libros en Epic por diversión
Maestra Veronica attended Zoom meetings with the class and Maestra Paola all last week and will be helping out throughout the next few weeks by hosting some of our Zoom meetings and through Google Classroom. Show her what you’ve got students!
by Ivary & Paola | Apr 19, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
History & Geography

US History Map

We have changed our Zoom Meeting schedule! Please make sure to check your email/Google Classroom to see the new schedule for this week. I have also spoken to each one of the students about the schedule change.
This week we will continue learning about U.S. Geography. Our objectives will be:
- Explain the climate, population, history, and landforms of states in the South.
- Describe the climate, landforms, and industry of the Midwest region.
- Describe the climate, landforms, and industry of the Great Plains region, and explain the tornado phenomenon
- Describe the animal life and features of national parks in the Rocky Mountain region.

US Map Cookie!
This week we will begin learning about Graphs and Probability. Our objectives will be:
- to make and interpret double bar graphs (online and on paper!)
- read points on a coordinate grid
- plot points on a coordinate grid
These are the Zoom meetings this week. Please see details in Google Classroom. If your child is not able to make it to their assigned group, they are welcome to join any other group, I don’t want anybody to miss their small group work because of this reason. They are also welcome to stay and be present at the the meeting if they feel like they need extra practice or further clarification of assignments. Rotations run for 25 minutes starting at 2:00. Please note that this week we have new groups, that way we can have all students work with each other in small groups.
Monday small group meetings starting at 2:00 – see specific times and groups in Google Classroom.
Tuesday whole group Zoom conference at 2:00
Thursday small group meeting starting at 2:00 – see specific times and groups in Google Classroom.
Friday whole group Zoom conference at 1:45 virtual recess time – School Play!
These are the objectives for this week in Lectura:
- Understand and apply the spelling patterns of open and close vowels (diphthongs and hiatus).
- Review types of sentences.
- Continue to use verb tense accurately in both, oral and written form.
- Use the five steps of the writing process to write free verse poetry.
- Focus on word choice to express precise detail.
- Read chapter 6 of our book La llamada de la selva. Complete all notes and be ready to participate during our book club discussion on Friday at 2:00.
- Continue to practice your Spanish reading every day. Use all your available resources.

El pasatiempo favorito: sacar a caminar al perro de su vecino:)

Escribiendo chistes en la acera (calle), en este día soleado.

Oraciones de ortografía. Buen trabajo practicando su escritura.

Regando los guisantes 🙂
For the next chapters during our science time, we will be studying the human’s circulatory and respiratory systems. Students will see a video showing how blood is delivered to every human cell by a system of vessels connected to a pump, the heart. They read about the structures inside the human heart. Students will study the structures and functions of the interacting parts of the respiratory system, learning about the acquisition and distribution of oxygen, and the process of waste removal.