by Ivary & Paola | Apr 12, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
I hope everybody enjoyed their spring break! We were so lucky to have such wonderful weather – it definitely made it extra especial. My family was able to work on our big garden project, and had a fun camping trip (at our family’s property) to celebrate Maya’s birthday! After a much needed rest, we are all fully charged and ready to make this spring term the best we possibly can!
These are the Zoom meetings this week. Please see details in Google Classroom. Small group meetings run for about 20 minutes, starting at 2:00.
Monday small group meetings: group 1 at 2:00 , group 2 at 2:25, group 3 at 2:50.
Tuesday whole group Zoom conference at 2:00.
Thursday small group meeting: group 3 at 2:00, group 2 at 2:25, group 1 at 2:50.
Friday whole group Zoom conference at 2:00.
These are the objectives for this week in Lectura:
- Understand and apply the spelling patterns of abbreviations in Spanish.
- Learn to use and identify verb tense and sentence tense.
- Use verb tense accurately in both, oral and written form.
- Explain cause and effect situations.
- Compare and contrast two objects, two ideas, two texts, etc.
- Articulate an argument stating the pros and cons in a given situation.
- Publish writing assignment “Mi pasatiempo favorito”.
- Read chapter 5 of our book La llamada de la selva. Complete all notes and be ready to participate during our book club discussion on Friday at 2:00.
- Continue to practice your Spanish reading every day. Use all your available resources.
In science, we have been studying plants vascular systems. As we continue to observe the changes and the growth of the seeds we have planted, students were assigned to read our FOSS resource Plant Vascular System and the fascinating, The Story of Maple Syrup. They were also assigned to watch the video Plant Structures and Growth. This week we will take a quiz to assess understanding of the concepts and towards the end of the week, we will be moving on to the next part of our science studies which is The Human Circulatory System.
by Ivary & Paola | Apr 5, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
There will not be any 1-On-1 English meetings during Spring Break unless requested. There will be optional materials posted on the Google Classroom that students may complete, there will also be an optional Group Meeting on Friday for English at 9:00am.
History & Geography
When we return from Spring Break we will begin learning about U.S. Geography. Our objectives will be:
- Describe the location of the United States in the Western Hemisphere and in North America, and the
water and land that surround the United States.
- Name their own state capital and the governor of their state
- Identify the New England region on a map of the United States, and describe its climate.
- Describe the geographical features, climate, and population of the Mid-Atlantic region.
When we return from Spring Break we will continue learning about Percents. Our objectives will be:
- to use different ways to find the number represented by a percent
- solve real-world problems involving percents
- review skills from the chapter
- complete the chapter test
Lectura y Ciencias
Dear families,
What a wonderful week we had. I am so happy to see everyone transitioning so smoothly into their new daily routines. Students did such a great job getting their assignments ready, turning in their homework and participating during our videoconferences.
Next week, during spring break, we will not have our regular Zoom meetings. I will be available via email and Google Classroom. Students do have one writing assignment. They have to write a paragraph about their favorite hobby, or their favorite thing to do during this time at home. They have the writing rubric – please have your child find this assignment on Google Classroom. Students are expected to continue to practice their reading during the week. Reading in Spanish has never been so easy. Everybody has access to multiple online reading resources, utilize them! We have read up to chapter 4, in our book La llamada de la selva. We will continue with chapter 5 after spring break.

In science, please stay tuned to hear about the development or our organisms.

In science, please stay tuned (via Google Classroom) to hear about the development or our organisms.

I hope everyone has a wonderful, well deserved, spring break and a happy Easter! Enjoy the beautiful weather, work on some fun family projects and make memories for life!
by Ivary & Paola | Mar 29, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
History & Geography
This week we will continue learning about Feudal Japan. Our objectives are:
- Describe the lives of artisans, merchants, and peasants in feudal Japan.
- Draw your own Japanese Garden
- Explain the differences between Kabuki theater and a Noh play.
- Describe the attempts by the Mongols to invade Japan.
- Explain the end of shogun rule.
This week we will begin work with Percents. Our objectives are to:
- relate and compare percents, decimals, and fractions
- express fractions as percents
Zoom meetings this week. Please see details on Google Classroom. If students were not present during our Friday Zoom conference, they can find the information on Google Classroom.
Monday small group meeting (20 minutes), starting at 2:00:
group 1 at 2:00 ,
group 2 at 2:25,
group 3 at 2:50.
Tuesday whole group Zoom conference at 2:00.
Monday small group meeting (20 minutes), starting at 2:00:
group 3 at 2:00,
group 2 at 2:25,
group 1at 2:50.
Friday: Whole group Zoom conference at 2:00.
These are the objectives for the week.
- Understand the spelling patterns of words and homophones with x, c, s. Turn in sentences by Friday.
- Understand and apply proper use of uppercase and lowercase letters (worksheet Uso de mayúsculas).
- Continue practicing our play. Be ready to participate during our Zoom group meeting on Tuesday at 2:00.
- Read chapter 4 of our book La llamada de la selva and complete notes on our shared document. Be prepared to share ideas on our Zoom group meeting on Friday.
How are nutrients transported to cells in a plant?
Plant Vascular System
This week students will continue their exploration of plants by observing the veins in leaves. I will be planting wheat seeds in clear straws to allow detailed observation of the development of leaves, and to investigate their functions. Last week, students were asked to go outdoors, observe and find ways to classify leaves. This week will investigate what happens when some foliage of a growing plant is constrained in a clear plastic bag. When moisture condenses inside the bag, students speculate about the source of the water they find. We will start to construct explanations and establish explanations of how are plant similar and/or different to the human body.
This week you should continue to work on your project Mi receta.
Make sure you have access to our online resources to find your reading assignments.
by Ivary & Paola | Mar 20, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
History & Geography
This week we will continue to learn about Feudal Japan.
- catch up on reading through Chapter 3
- Read or listen to information about Earthquakes and Typhoons
- Read or listen to the story of the Samurai’s Daughter and complete a short quiz
- use your textbook to complete the Early Russia test that is in your History folder
This week we will continue working with decimals
- Watch the video about practice 5 and complete the corresponding workbook pages
- Watch the video about practice 6 and complete the corresponding workbook pages
- Complete the chapter review online
Lectura y Ciencias
Dear families,
We had smooth transition into our new phase of distance learning. Students responded so well and I am so proud of all their work. I am sending a schedule so students can create a plan for the week. Each family can organize their time in a way that works best for them. I will be available to connect with students at our regular Spanish times during the week. Feel free to reach out should you have any questions.
Families all over the world are adjusting to the current situation. Spending time together, having conversations, playing games, exercising, learning a new skill, cooking, reading and just holding each other close are probably the best things we can do right now. During our book club meeting this week, we discussed how the main character of our story , Buck, is learning how to survive in a completely different environment, a harsh inhospitable environment. He is discovering an inner strength he didn’t know he possessed, he is observing the signs, learning about his surroundings and adapting to a new way of life.
Horario para esta semana:
You will find all your assignments for this week in Google Classroom.
Práctica de ortografía
- Understand the spelling patterns of words with g.
- Look for the definition of three words on your list. Use a dictionary of definitions.
- Submit spelling sentences throughout the week.
- Work on spelling quiz and submit to maestra Paola by Friday.
- Review of the concepts of the book Alimentos y nutrición.
- Prepare for the science quiz on March 26 or 27. Send results to maestra Paola by Friday.
- Choose one day of the week. Plan and cook a meal for your whole family. It could be breakfast, lunch or dinner. Make sure you apply the concepts you have learned, incorporating nutritious and healthy foods.
- Turn in your assignment in Google Classroom and be prepared to share your experience with the class during our conference call on Friday.
- Continue to work on science projects.
Club de lectores
- Update the notes on our shared documents for chapter 1 and 2 of our book club. You will find the documents in Google Classroom under the Lectura tab. There will be a space for every student to add their ideas. . You may add as many ideas as you would like – students may not delete other people’s ideas. At the end of the week, I will do the final edits. When it’s time to work on your final project, you will be able to go back and use these notes, along with your personal notes.
- Read chapter three of our book La llamada de la selva. Complete notes, organize possible ideas for the final project, and be prepared to discuss on Friday during our conference call.
Start planning the book club final project that will illustrate understanding of the main ideas of the book. This project is completely open and students can get as creative as they would like!
Práctica de nuestra obra de teatro Como domar al monstruo de plástico
- Continue to practice and memorize lines. I am hoping to set up another Zoom conference call so we can all get together and practice. Does Tuesday at 1:00 sound good? I will be sending confirmation and invitation.
Extras: juegos/arte/proyectos en español cuando tengas tiempo
- Look for some yummy fun recipes
- Play a board game with the family
- Do something fun outside
- Write an email to a friend or your teachers.
- Watch a movie in español
- Participate in our jump rope challenge.
by Ivary & Paola | Mar 13, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
History & Geography
- Russia’s Beginnings
- The Mongol Invasion
- Ivan the Great
- Ivan the Terrible
- Peter the Great
- Catherine the Great
MATHEMATICS – Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
- Dividing decimals
- Dividing by tens, hundreds and thousands
- Estimating sums, differences, products and quotients with decimal
- Math Bingo: with division and decimals
- Celebration of Pi Day (one day early) with song and activity, including the 2/3 class.

Club de lectores La llamada de la selva.
Dear families, that was a full week!
This week we went over the results of our assessments and continued with our literacy routines. Our spelling work this week focused on the letter h in the middle of a word, and during grammar studies, we worked on the use of prepositions. We were so excited to start our new literature circle, La llamada de la selva. We also continued to work on our school play, Cómo domar al monstruo de plástico.
I cannot tell you how disappointed students were to find out school was going to be closed for a couple weeks. We all love school so much! They were all so mature and understanding, and as a class we put together a plan. Please stay tuned as I will be updating assignments regularly. Families can work and develop a homework schedule that best fits their needs. However, I believe continuing with a routine that is similar to what we do in school would be highly beneficial. I suggest families to devote time for Spanish work everyday after “lunch and recess”. The following is the daily schedule (four times a week) and the assignments students have for the next couple weeks.
- Práctica de ortografía
- Ciencias
- Club de lectores
- Práctica obra de teatro
- Juegos/arte/proyectos en espanol
- Planificadores (I would love for students to record on their planners all their daily work)
Continue to practice (and hopefully memorize) our school play. (Due date: No due date)
Club de lectores La llamada de la selva. Read one chapter per week and complete notes. (Due date: students are expected to have read their chapter and have their notes completed by Friday every week).
Start planning the book club final project that will illustrate understanding of the main ideas of the book. This project is completely open and they can get as creative as they would like. I will be sending more information about this in the next few weeks.(Due date: students will have to submit the final project the first week back in school)
Ortografia: One list per week. Practice spelling. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of unknown words. (Due date:submit sentences by Friday every week).
Writing: Develop a piece of writing over the time school is out. Students are welcome to email or share their pieces with me so I can help with editing suggestions (Due date: first week back in school).
Write maestra Paola or a classmate an email every week.
Lectura FOSS. Read and/or listen to one science chapter from our science interactive books every week. Students are welcome to read from past investigations to continue to practice their Spanish fluency. (Due date: do reading and answer questions on their science journals by Friday).
Finish reading their little science black and white books.
Following the format of previous investigations (think about a focus question), and following the scientific method, develop your own science investigation. Document all stages of your investigation. Share results. Due date: first week back in school.
Check google classrooms and emails on a regular basis.
Send pictures of the work you do at home so we can share on our newsletter at the end of the week!
Please stay connected as I will be keeping you all posted of the development of the organisms we currently have in our classroom.
Students wrote some ideas of meaningful activities they can do every day during their free time. I hope everybody stays busy and most importantly safe. Feel free to reach out should you have any questions or simply to connect and say hi! I will miss you all greatly!

Yes, we saw everything this week! Even snow!

Nutrient Systems :Plant Nutrition and Animal Nutrition
- Chlorophyll is the green pigment that absorbs sunlight in the cells of producer organisms.
- Green plant cells make sugar (nutrients) from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight, and release oxygen.
- A nutrient is a substance, such as sugar or starch, that is used by a cell to produce the energy needed to perform the functions of life.
- Plants make their own food by photosynthesis. Animals obtain nutrients by eating other organisms.
- Digestion is the process used by animals to break down complex food items into simple nutrients.
Character Education with Dr. Torres
Feelings Identification and Modification:
Kids can have a tough time knowing how to deal with different feelings in appropriate ways. Understanding and appreciating others’ feelings can be difficult, too. This week’s activities focused on helping students identify and deal appropriately with their feelings and their classmates’ feelings. They participated in a game called, “Guess the Feeling,” in which one student picked a card with a feeling listed on it. They then tried to get the class to guess the feeling by expressing it. This activity helped students both recognize different feelings in oneself and others, and provided an opportunity to discuss moments of misperceptions or mis-cueing of feelings (I.e., trying to express sadness, but others’ interpreting it as anger). We also talked about what makes us feel good and created a “Feel Good Journal” as a coping tool.
This class also worked on identifying and discussing how they’d feel if they were involved in a variety of scenarios provided by the teacher. This included:
-Demonstrating the ability to listen to and appreciate classmates’ opinions and feelings
-Practicing reflecting skills to ensure they truly heard and understood the other’s feeling statements.
Through this lesson, students will:
• Comprehend concepts related
to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
• Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
• Demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
• Demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.
by Ivary & Paola | Mar 6, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
History & Geography

This week in Spanish, we spent most of our time working on our science investigations. We did have a chance to do our regular spelling and grammar routines. If your child was absent, they will be taking their spelling quiz on Monday!
Due to having quite a few students out this week, we will be starting our literature studies on Monday.
Obra de teatro: Cómo domar al monstruo de plástico.


Plant Nutrition
This week we continued with our plant nutrition investigation. Students planted wheat seeds in containers of soil and placed half of the planters in a lighted environment and the other half in a dark environment. Students read about the action of chlorophyll and its role in the manufacture of sugar. After 7 days, they took out and checked the plants to find out if their hypothesis were correct. We wanted to take this investigation one step further, experiment and observe how photosynthesis works! Please ask your child to tell you all about their results!
Animal Nutrition
Students investigated how animals acquire nutrients for their cells by eating and digesting food. We have been observing the growth and changes of another organism – the painted lady butterfly. We are seeing it go through its life cycle. Our larvae have grown so much in the past week and we are excited to see them get into the next developmental stage soon.
The human digestive system was explored through our FOSS reading assignment. If your child was absent, they can access FOSSweb from home and read the chapter El sistema digestivo humano (26 – 27). Students have also been assigned to continue to read their science books, Alimentos y nutrición, up to page 16.

Estudiantes midiendo el largo de su intestino delgado.

Estudiantes midiendo el largo de su intestino delgado.
by Ivary & Paola | Feb 28, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
History & Geography
This week we continued to learn about England in the Golden Age. Our objectives were:
- Describe Sir Francis Drake’s activities and his importance to Queen Elizabeth and England
- Summarize British exploration during the Elizabethan era, including voyages to North America.
- Summarize the defeat of the Spanish Armada.
- finish reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and continue practicing dissecting the language of Shakespeare
This week we wrapped up our unit on decimals. Our objectives were:
- round decimals to the nearest hundredth
- rewrite decimals as fractions and mixed numbers in simplest form
- demonstrate mastery and understanding of decimals to the thousandth place on the chapter test
Please remind students that their homework is to complete 30 Prodigy questions by Sunday night! I have also offered students a chance to make up missing homework by completing extra Prodigy questions, if needed.

Students taking their end of the unit assessment in the sunshine.
Over two days, student took our end of the unit assessment. During this time, students had an opportunity to show their understanding of the spelling, grammar, syntax, reading and writing concepts seen this unit. Everybody has worked really hard – we are all so proud of their efforts!

This week we had two full days of Spanish! Please stop by our bulletin board and see our literary studies project: ¨Authors as Mentors¨. This week we studied the work of author and illustrator Mo Willems.

Students visiting the 2/3 grade class!

The 2/3 grade class did such a wonderful job for their Native American research project.

Nutrient Systems – Plant Nutrition

Students thought about how to break the dormancy of another organism, the wheat plant. They planted wheat seeds in containers of soil and placed half of the planters in a lighted environment and the other half in a dark environment. Students read about the action of chlorophyll and its role in the manufacture of sugar. Based on previous investigations and their background knowledge, they made an hypothesis about what will happen to the seeds. Students will be observing, monitoring and documenting their their wheat plants development.
Art with Ms. Kelli
Basket Making
- Learn how to measure, cut, and assemble a basket framework
- Use natural reed and yarn to weave a basket
- Add decorative beads
The students made a variety of beautiful, creative baskets which are on the top shelf in the 1st Grade classroom. We’re saving these for their Art Display at graduation in June.
Pop-art Valentine cards
The students used markers to create a fun heart design similar to their foil hearts on their classroom bulletin board.
- Learn weaving vocabulary: loom, warp threads, weft threads
- Create a small woven wall hanging
- This project uses similar skills as basket weaving and the students are creating some beautiful weavings which will be on display next week!
Music with Ms. Nadia
Happy February! What better way to celebrate than by learning about Romantic composer Felix Mendelssohn and his symphonic accompiament to William Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream?!
As music prodigy compared to Mozart, Mendelssohn wrote the overture for this famous play at 17 years old. The rest of the orchestration came later in his 30’s, a few years before his passing. We first listened to the overture while drawing our own stories following the emotions of the score. Stories included a chasing cat, a friendly ghost, and a chicken skiing. (Listen to the overture at home and see what stories you can come up with!) The story is in fact about fairies, magic flower potions, mistaken identity, and love triangles, which we learned through a short video summarizing the whole play. Perhaps the most famous song from Midsummer is the Wedding March. While we listened to it, the class was split into two teams and challenged to create wedding dresses out of toilet paper. (Enjoy this video this memorable moment: This past week, we learned about the scherzo, which is a vigorous, light, and playful movement. While we listened, students took turns acting out scenes from the play in a game of charades telephone. It was hilarious!
This month in recorder, we continued honing sight-reading skills, discovered more about sixteen notes, and learned two more notes (high C and high D). Other highlights include hangman, meter re-designation (taking a music piece in 3/4 time and turning into 4/4 time by moving the bar-line), and dancing like lions and walls.
by Ivary & Paola | Feb 22, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
History & Geography
This week we began learning about England in the Golden Age. Our objectives were to:
- Identify Henry VIII as the king who started the Church of England because he wanted to remarry and have a male heir.
- Explain why Elizabeth I became queen, following Mary I’s death
- Describe how Elizabeth I kept peace between the Catholics and Protestants in England
- learn about William Shakespeare and begin reading an abridged version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream
We will be heading to the Wells Fargo Museum on Friday March 6th! This is a preview for what we will be studying during our US History chapters. We will be meeting at the museum at 9:45. There is only street parking available around the museum so it’ll be best to carpool. Our tour/ activities start at 10:00 am and will continue until 11:15. There will then be time for questions before we head back to the school. There is unfortunately no place for us to eat lunch at the museum. Mtra.Paola has agreed to let students eat lunch during class in the afternoon if we run out of time.
If you have any questions please let me know!
This week we began learning about Decimals. Our objectives were:
- read and write decimals to the thousandths place in standard, written, and expanded form
- compare decimals using a place value chart
- order decimals from least to greatest, or greatest to least
- we also completed our first Unlock Challenge by unlocking the math love for Valentine’s Day!

Our class started working on a fun fun project!
This week in Lectura, we continued to review the objectives for this unit, answered questions and got ready for our unit assessment next week. Students took home our review packets to study over the weekend. Please make sure they bring them back on Monday.
We are in the final stages of our persuasive writing assignment. We will be ready to publish our pieces next week.

This in science our focus questions were: What are the conditions an organism need in order to survive and perform the functions of life? What does yeast need to break its dormancy? Students designed an investigation to determine the necessary conditions for activating dry yeast. After determining that warm water and a cookie produce yeast activity, they conducted an experiment to discover that it is the sugar in the cookie that activates the yeast. Yeast was introduced as a single-celled fungus.
by Ivary & Paola | Feb 15, 2020 | 4th/5th Grade News
History & Geography
This week we wrapped up our unit on The Reformation, next week we will begin The Golden Age. Our objectives were:
- Describe the causes and effects of the Catholic Church’s attempt to reform itself
- Explain how Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuits, the Council of Trent, and the Index of Forbidden
Books contributed to the Counter-Reformation.
- demonstrate understanding of important people and events of The Reformation on the chapter test
We have been working on building our classroom community by having Morning Meetings. These are student led meetings, students begin by discussing this week´s community goals (this week we worked on including everyone in classroom discussions), we will then do a quick greeting, have some sharing time, and finally we complete an activity. Our class has done a great job of keeping our goals in mind throughout the week and working together during our Morning Meetings.
We also wrapped up our math unit on Ratios this week. Our objectives were:
- complete real world problems with 2- and 3- quantity ratios
- review using CUBES to complete real world problems
- demonstrate understanding and mastery of ratios on the chapter test
We also had a great time on the 100th day of school completing an escape room! We will be celebrating Valentine´s Day on Tuesday, students are welcome to bring decorate boxes to collect Valentines.
Essential Question: ¿Que es una comunidad?We are beginning to wrap up our literacy unit, La energia en accion. This week students received a review packet of the spelling and grammar concepts seen this unit. We will continue to review these concepts next week, as we get ready for our assessment the week on the 24th of February.

During this unit we have been doing a lot of work with spelling and vocabulary. Students are using dictionaries on a regular basis to increment their knowledge and understanding of words. If you haven’t done it yet, consider getting a dictionary of definitions in Spanish. This is a great resource to help your children develop their Spanish.
This week we continued to work on our persuasive writing. Students have done a remarkable job during this project and I am so excited to see the product of the hard work.
Objectives for persuasive report:
- Gather ideas for their persuasive report.
- Organize their ideas using an outline.
- Draft their persuasive reports.
Nutrient Systems: Yeast Nutrition
Students will be investigating nutrient systems of yeast, plants, and animals. Students will design an investigation to determine the necessary conditions for activating dry yeast. Yeast is introduced as a single-celled fungus.