by Macky & Veronica | Sep 21, 2018 | Preschool

This week we continued working with “Mi Familia” /“My Family” theme. We use this theme as a guide to teach children more about families and what makes up a family. It’s so lovely to see how they are learning in every class! We worked with reading the book “Ricitos de Oro y los Tres Osos” “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. With this classic and amazing story the kids learned new Spanish words such as:
mamá oso / mama bear,
papá oso / papa bear,
bebé oso / baby bear,
casa / house,
bosque / forest,
oso / bear,
cuchara / spoon,
plato / plate,
sopa / soup,
silla / chair,
cama / bed,
pelo / hair.
We did great activities, such as painting bears faces using a fork to paint them, followed by recognition of three different sizes big/grande, medium/mediano, small/pequeño. As well, they were coloring bears, cutting out, and arranging correctly. The kids enjoyed this book and they had a good time learning our new words. In addition, we worked on different activities to help build up their fine motor skills.

This week we began our letter introduction. We started with vowel A a. The Spanish /a/ sound is what the dentist ask you to say, “ahhh”. This letter only has the one sound!
Kids found the vowel A in their names, daily reading and handwriting. The kids did different activities such as making vowel A a with play dough, and in different sensorial materials ( salt, flour, and mixed flour with water and coloring food). They had a lot of fun

This week we started working with number 2. We had a fun time playing and recognizing the number, they traced the number with play dough, traced the number in the board, counting bears, and pom poms.
La figura y el Color
This month we continued with the circle shape (círculo). I talked about it with the kiddos, passing around the shape, so the children could examine the shape up close. We compared different sizes of the circle shape. They also made different sizes of circles with play dough (small, medium, and big). Finally, we continued reviewing the color red with paint, colors, and finding red bears in the classroom.
Have a good weekend
by Macky & Veronica | Sep 14, 2018 | Preschool
This week we continued working with our socials skills activity and “Family” unit. We talked all about families with our “Family “preschool theme. We use this theme as a guide to learn more about families and what makes up a family. We have worked with reading book as “Eres tu Mi Mama”. “Are You My Mother?” This is a story about a hatchling bird. His mother, thinking her egg will stay in her nest where she left it, leaves her egg alone and flies off to find food. The baby bird hatches. He does not understand where his mother is, so he goes to look for her. As he is unable to fly, he walks, and in his search, he asks a kitten, a hen, a dog, and a cow if they are his mother, but none of them are. Finally, his mother returns to the nest and the two are united, much to their delight, and the baby bird recounts to his mother the adventures he had looking for her. The kids enjoyed this book and they had a good time learning new words as:
gato / kitten,
gallina / hen,
perro / dog,
vaca / cow.
The kiddos were very excited to share their family pictures with their classmates and teachers.(one funny thing; more of kids said this is my family but I don’t want to share my family, you can see them, but don’t take my picture
). In addition, the children did activities with: a bird nest, cows, cats and birds placing little dots of paper mache. These activities help them to build up their fine motor skills.
We practiced tracing and writing our names. We also did a name recognition activity with letter beads and letter stickers.
This week we continued working with number 1 / número uno. We had a fun time playing and using some items to recognize it. We did different activities such as tracing number 1, coloring and counting 1 drum/tambor.
This month we will continue working with circle shape / circulo, and red/ rojo color. This week we enjoyed using scissors to cut small pieces of red paper to place it in circle shape. We looked around the classroom for circle manipulatives and traced the circle shape. Also, we played sorting colors and recognition of red color.
It was a great week. Thank you!
by Macky & Veronica | Sep 7, 2018 | Preschool
“All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and someone to believes in them” Magic Johnson.
Welcome preschool families! We are so happy to have your kiddo’s in our class!
Everything we do is an opportunity to learn, show kindness and caring for each other, and to have fun! This week we began our new school year by working with a socials skills activity. This activity was a great way to ease anxious feelings, while allowing children to celebrate differences amongst each other. We begin with our circle time as circle sitting tends to make everyone equal and encourages participation to all kids. I announced to them that this was “all about us” time. Everyone introduced themselves and shared their favorite and special things! It was a wonderful activity and our returning students set great examples for our new students and helped ease some shyness.
Also, we began working with our “My family / Mi familia” topic, which is our theme for the month of September. This week, we were read ¿Tú Mamá Es Una Llama? We learned some new Spanish words:
llama / llama
vaca / cow
cisne / swan
murciélago / bat

Focusing on the first letter of our names is a great start!
Also, we worked with different activities to build up fine motor skills. In addition, we sang songs, danced and played.
Each week of the school year we will focus on a new letter. We will introduce the upper and lower case letters to the class. We will sing songs while passing around objects that begin with that letter sound. We will play games with the sound and learn the correct formation of the letter. (Most uppercase letters begin from the top down.) This first week of school though the students started practicing their names. They used play dough and traced their names with it as well as sorting their names by first letter.
Every two weeks of the school year we will focus on a new number. Our goal is for the preschoolers to count, develop number sense, identify groups of a given number, correctly write numbers, and more!
This week we worked with number 1 / número uno. We had a fun time playing and using some items to recognize it. We did different activities to work with the number such as: make number 1 with play dough, trace the number one with crayons and markers, identify the number in a group of other numbers. Also, they glued tissue paper onto the number (developing those fine motor skills).

Color sorting AND fine motor skills practice all in one.
Figura y el color
Shapes is one of the topics taught during preschool mathematics. We will talk about shapes every day but we will specifically focus on one shape each month. The students will not only learn the name of basics shapes but also how they integrate with each other. This month we are working with the circle shape / el círculo. We passed around different circles so the children could examine them shape up close while hearing the name. We all had fun tracing the circle with their little fingers.
We focused on the color red / color rojo. We went on a color hunt around the classroom and found red items all around us.
It was a great start to the school year and we are looking forward to a great year!
Thank you and have a good weekend!
by Macky & Veronica | Jun 16, 2018 | Preschool

“A Father is neither a sun nor moon to light up the whole sky. He is just a candle in the shadow of the night, shinning brightly to those that surround him” Happy Father’s Day! This week we started work with the plants, I was teaching the little ones what the plants need to grow (sun, water, soil, and air), and plants parts (root, steam, leaves and flower), as well the life cycle of plants from seed to plant. Children were fascinating by the notion that a tiny seed can emerge from the ground as a plant. the little ones enjoyed what they were learning, we did some science projects and paper project too. As well, the kids were working doing a Father’s Day project. Thank you, papas/ Dads, to come a read a book to the children they were very excited.
Número de la semana: This week we focused on the number: 17 We are focusing on correct number formation (top -down), making groups of objects, and counting up to this number. We used our plants topic to do different activities like counting seeds. This was a simple activity to help kids practice counting and number recognition.
Letra de la semana: This week we learned all about the letter Gg. This letter follows the same rules in Spanish as in English. It makes the hard sound (like in Goat) before all letters except
i and
e (like in
giant or
gentle). Please be sure to have your child point this letter out when you are reading together.

Some examples:

We reviewed all the shapes we have learned; circle/circulo, square/cuadrado, triangle/triangulo, rectangle/rectangulo, oval/ovalo, heart/corazon, and star/Estrella and diamond/diamante. Also, we reviewed our color range; rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, pink/Rosado, baby blue/celeste, black/negro, white/blanco and gray/gris. They reinforced the colors by making a beautiful tie for their dads.
by Macky & Veronica | Jun 1, 2018 | Preschool

‘The sun shines in the east, the first rays of light end with the darkness of the night and the chirping of the birds warns us the last day of May has arrived.’ As it has happened fast in our school year!
This week, we finished the unit/La unidad “El Circo/The Circus”. Kiddos had a lot of fun with this unit as they enjoyed learning the circus vocabulary and pretending to be artists from the circus. They did a great job with this as well as all their fun projects. This week children added to their circus vocabulary while working with all our previous vocabulary: (circo y/o carpa/ circus, boleto/ticket, and payaso/clown, Pista/circus ring, Taquilla/ticket window, Palomitas/popcorns, Domador/tamer, Tigre/tiger, and Elefante/elephant, Jaula/ cage, Tren/ train, Trapecista/trapeze artist).
New vocabulary:
Kids had fun playing in the circus with hoops games and a circus memory game.
This week kids learned the letter “Ch”. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. While in United States this is two separate letters, it’s one letter in Spanish. They do make the same sounds in both
languages. Some examples:
Chapulin/grasshopper or locust.
We did activities as, handwriting the letter Ch in the board, singing, letters games and letters recognition.
This week we started working with the number 15. We had a fun time playing and using different items for sorting and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities such as counting and traced the number 15 (número quince) with play dough and other manipulatives.
La Figura y Color
We reviewed all the shapes we have learned this year; circle/circulo, square/cuadrado, triangle/triangulo, rectangle/rectangulo, oval/óvalo, heart/corazon, and star/Estrella and diamond/diamante. We also reviewed the colors that we’ve learned in our daily class routines: rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, pink/Rosado, and black/negro.
by Macky & Veronica | May 28, 2018 | Preschool
This week we continued working with “The Circus” unit. The children have had a lot of fun with this topic since it gives them the opportunity to use their wonderful imaginations with: juggling, pretending to jump in the ring of fire, taming animals, being clowns, dancers and trapeze artists. They did a very g
ood job. Besides playing and having fun in the circus, the kiddos learned new words related to “The Circus/ El Circo” unit as review the vocabulary that we started with this unit: (circo y/o carpa/ circus, boleto/ticket, and payaso/clown, Pista/circus ring, Taquilla/ticket window, Palomitas/popcorns, Domador/tamer, Tigre/tiger, and Elefante/elephant).
New vocabulary:
Jaula/ cage,
Tren/ train,
Trapecista/trapeze artist.
We did projects such as; tigers, lions, and elephants in cages, trapeze artists, and masks.
This week we continued reviewing the letter Ñ ñ/. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. While in United States this letter does not exist in the alphabet. In the Spanish pronunciation is; N (enye). Some examples:
This week we started working with number 14. We had a fun time playing and using some items that the students sorted and counted. Children have a natural desire to make sense of their world that seems largely out of their control. For that reason, “sorting activities often attract children, and help them see differences and similarities”. We also did activities such as counting fourteen manipulatives. As well, they traced the number 14 (número catorce).
La Figura y Color
We reviewed all shapes that we have worked with so far; circle/circulo, square/cuadrado, triangle/triangulo, rectangle/rectangulo, oval/ovalo, heart/corazon, and star/Estrella and diamond/diamante. Also, we reviewed the colors that we have learned: rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, pink/Rosado, and black/negro.
by Macky & Veronica | May 19, 2018 | Preschool
This week we continued working with the “El Circo” unit. This topic has been very interesting for the children’s learning because the circus is a magical world for children and the activities that take place in it give the opportunity to work on aspects such as: motor skills, coordination skills and abilities perceptive-motor. We have had so much fun with all our prepositions words as we move ourselves around in our circus activities.
The circus always presents itself to children as an activity in which they can learn many things, that is why we started from this idea to develop our project.
From these ideas, we tried to create a series of different activities for children, based on circus activities, where the children have done an excellent job. Also, we reviewed the vocabulary learned during the last couple weeks (circo y/o carpa/ circus, boleto/ticket, and payaso/clown, pista/circus ring, taquilla/ticket window, and palomitas/popcorns). As well, they learned new vocabulary this week:
Domador/ circus tamer
Tigre/ tiger,
Children did activities for lions, elephants, and popcorn.
We learned all about the number 13/trece. They did an excellent job counting 1 through 13. We did different activities with this number involving counting and recognizing the number. Children used some different manipulatives to count. Also, they traced the number 13, forcing on correct number formation. They did a good job!
We reviewed the letters that we have introduced throughout the past weeks (A,E,I,O,U, M, N, S, T, P, L, V, B, K, R, C, F, H,Q, W, Y, D). We played games to find letters in books and looked into letter soup. The kiddos traced the letters they found. Before they left the classroom each day we reviewed the letter placed in our letter’s tree as well.
La Figura y Color
This week we went over the shapes that kids were learning throughout the year. Children could play with shapes, looking for them throughout the classroom. Kids that found more shapes earned tickets, which they are saving, to exchange on our last day of “El Circo” unit to buy special prizes. They are so excited, waiting to exchange those tickets. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the colors names that they learned: rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, and the new color blanco/white. This week children colored a sheet of paper with different circus animals like the leon/lion and elefantes/elephants, being sure to identify the colors they were using.
Have a good weekend!
by Macky & Veronica | May 12, 2018 | Preschool

“Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever” Unknown.
Happy Mother’s Day!
This week we continued working with “The Circus” unit. Kids had a lot of fun playing with our little circus, made by a school parents Fernando Horner and Akilah Johnson. Thank you very much for making this awesome circus for the kids. They were so exited with it. We also reviewed the vocabulary learned last week (circo y/o carpa/ circus, boleto/ticket, and payaso/clown). As well, they learned new vocabulary this week:
Pista/circus ring
Taquilla/ticket window
This week we had a great time playing at the circus. Each child did different shows, like dancers and clowns. They made it excellent. On the other hand, children were working with beautiful projects for their moms. So, they were working hard to give their moms a very special moment, practicing the song and poem many times. Thank you moms who were able to attend this little gift for you. Your kids were so happy to sing and recite for you. Doing projects together was awesome!
This week we learned all about the letter Yy/ letra Yy. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter name Y can be pronounced as (uai). While the Spanish letter name is; Y (i griega). Some examples:
Kids did activities like hands-on working with sugar, sand, letters games, coloring and letter recognition.
This week we continued working with the number 12. We had a fun time playing with and recognizing the number too. Kids used some items to sort and count. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities such as counting twelve/doce buttons, little bears, and beans. As well kids traced the number 12 (número doce).
La Figura y Color
This week we continued reviewing the shapes learning through this course. Children were looking into the classroom for shapes circulo/circle, cuadrado/square, triangle/triangulo, rectangulo/rectangle, oval/ovalo, Estrella/star, and diamante/diamond. They play shape memory games as well. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the colors names that they learned as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange. This week the kids had fun using the colors they learned using them on the beautiful hand prints they made for their moms.
Have a good weekend!
Macky J
by Macky & Veronica | May 5, 2018 | Preschool
May is here and the Circus is coming to the classroom!
This month we are going to work with “Circus”/ El circo Unit. The theme of the circus is a very fun topic where children will learn about the people that work in the circus and their different jobs and performances. We are going to do different activities throughout this unit that will help them to work with their fine motor skills doing different types of crafts, trimming, inserting figures, etc. We will also work with their gross motor skills, pretending to be the artist or performer of the circus they will use general coordination, vision, muscle, motor and balance.
This week we put our focus in the circus on; who works there? What do you need to go into the circus? Who is the funniest artist/performer in the circus? They had a lot of fun doing activities with circus and clowns. Our favorite activity was to paint on our own pictures as a face of a clown. They were very happy doing this activity.
Vocabulary learned this week:
This week we went over the letter Xx/ letra Xx. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English and Spanish pronunciation of this letter are the same, most of the time. 😉 Sometimes the Spanish pronunciation is /s/.

Some examples:
Rayos X/ x-ray
This week we started working with the number 12/ doce. We had a fun time playing and used some items sorted and counted. Sorting helps children see different and similarities, we used to count little fishes, bears and blocks. We worked on correct number formation by writing the letter on the white board (vertical surface) and on our papers (horizontal surface).
La Figura y Color
This week we continued with the diamond shape/figura de diamante. We played with the shape by tracing it with our fingers and lacing shapes. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the colors names that they learned such as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange. This week the kiddos had fun using the colors that they learned on their clowns faces.
Have a good weekend!
Macky J