by Jill & Sarah | May 3, 2019 | In The Loop
History & Geography
We had our Westward Expansion celebration on Monday. The class enjoyed a special treat of Johnny cakes and beans with pork. Each student shared what they were bringing on the Oregon Trail and we made a class Wagon Train to go on the journey. We began our next unit on the Civil War. The class is working on reading the book Journey North about Harriet Tubman’s experiences, they also learned a poem about Harriet Tubman.

Our weekly objectives were to:
• understand that discriminates between Northern and Southern states over slavery.
• recognize two enemies of slavery: colo Harriet Beecher Stowe and Harriet Tubman
• identify Uncle Tom’s Cabin and the Underground Railroad.
• understand what Southerners wanted
• recognize Abraham Lincoln, his background, and his feelings about slavery.
• identify the beginning of early battles of the Civil War
This week in our Simple Machine domain we finished up our lessons on screws and began to learn about levers. We continued to explore using screws and screw drivers on wood and did a lever exercise on Friday. We worked in our Simple Machine journals and watched a short video about levers and screws.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• the student will identify that a screw is an inclined plane that curves around a shaft or pole
• label the parts of a lever
• explain how a lever operates
English Spelling and Writing
In our journals we used the idiom of the week “I’m feeling under the weather” . The class worked on one spelling assignments and took their final spelling test on Friday . Our Word Wall words were: wanted, when, with, won
La lectura
This week we read Huellas de Monstruos
Our weekly objectives were to:
- Review comprehension skills especially making connections
- Create a list of rhyming words
- Begin a writing piece using at least 4 pairs of rhyming words
Next week we will begin our new unit!
Las matemáticas

This week we began works with shapes. Our weekly objectives were to:
- review the 4 basic shapes (circles, rectangles, squares, triangles)
- Introduce two new shapes, trapezoid and hexagon
- Practice copying figures onto dot paper and grid paper
by Jill & Sarah | Apr 26, 2019 | In The Loop
History & Geography
We wrapped up our westward expansion unit this week. We learned about the impact of the expansion on the Native Americans. We read the book, Trail of Tears, together as a class. The students finished their lap books and made their covered wagons. The rest of the Covered Wagon home assignment is due this Monday, students will be sharing their list of supplies and show some the items they made to go into their wagons. We took our assessment on Friday.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• understand how Sequoyah taught the Cherokee people to read
• identify the Trail of Tears
• explain the importance of the buffalo to the Plains Indians
• understand how westward expansion harmed the Native Americans peoples
This week in our Simple Machine domain
we began to learn about screws. The class explored using screws and screw drivers on wood. We worked in our Simple Machine journals and watched a short video about wedges and screws.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• the student will identify that a screw is an inclined plane that curves around a shaft or pole
• the student will explain how a screw works in wood
English Spelling and Writing
In our journals we used the idiom of the week ” She got cold feet?” . We also wrote a reader’s response to the book Trail of Tears in our journals. The class got their new sorts and took their practice spelling test on Friday . Our Word Wall words were: two, very,went

Blue group sort

Green group sort
La lectura
This week we read ¿Por que desaparecieron los dinosaurios?
Our weekly objectives were to:
- review the reading comprehension strategy visualizing during our first read
- review the reading comprehension skill Cause and Effect
- discover what antonyms are and play a matching game to identify them
- understand how to make words plural in Spanish using -s, -es, and -ces
Las matemáticas
This week we learned about lines and surfaces. Our weekly objectives were to:
- identify straight and curved line within drawings
- identify straight and curved surfaces on 3D objects
- understand how straight surfaces can stack and slide
- understand how curved surfaces can roll
Music with Ms. Erin
In April we learned more about the orchestra. We listened to all three movements of Vivaldi’s Spring from The Four Seasons, and read sonnets that were written for each movement.
We practiced singing the song we chose for the end of year performance, learning how to focus on each section to clearly memorize lyrics and melody.
In May we will learn more about keyboard music (piano, harpsichord, etc.), including pieces by Bach, Mozart, and Mendelssohn, as well as some contemporary piano composers.
We will also be listening to and singing many songs: Goodbye Old Paint, Follow the Drinking Gourd, The Erie Canal, and more!
Art with Ms. Kelly
This month all the students have been working on artwork for Mother’s Day. Our inspiration has come from these books:
Waiting for Wings by Lois Ehlert
The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
Both of these author/illustrators use painted paper and collage to create their amazing books.
We also looked at some famous artwork by Picasso. The students had fun creating their own painted papers using tempera paint and adding texture. I know you’ll enjoy the artwork that your students will bring home in May!
by Jill & Sarah | Apr 19, 2019 | In The Loop
History & Geography

Our field trip to the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center was a great success! Thank you to all the parents who drove and helped with the scavenger hunt. There was so much information that related to our Westward expansion unit. They did a great job of finding evidence in their scavenger hunts. This week in Americans Move West, we had a wonderful presentation by Owen’s grandfather, Dick. He talked about the building of the transcontinental railroad and his family history of settling in the West. He shared lots of pictures and family heirlooms. The students even got to practice how the conductor use to collect messages from the station platform with out stopping the train.

Our weekly objectives were to: 
• recognize the challenges faced by Cowboys, farmers, and miners in the West.
• understand how a cattle drive worked
This week in our Simple Machine domain we learned about wedges. The class did an experiment with apples and clay using non wedges and wedges to separate each material. The class had fun finding examples of simple machines on their field trip too.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• identify that a wedge is a simple machine that is also a small inclined plane that is used as a tool
• identify everyday objects that are wedges
English Spelling and Writing
In our journals we used the idiom of the week ” does the cat have your tongue?” . The class worked on a spelling assignment and took their final spelling test . Our Word Wall words were: too, use
La lectura
This week we read El dinosaurio que vivía en mi jardín.
Our weekly objectives were to:
- Review our PUF and vocabulary words before reading
- Use our comprehension strategies during our first read
- Use the new skill Fact vs. Opinion during our second read
- understand the contractions al and del
- review synonyms
Students also began the Rockin’ Readers Challenge this week. They have been tasked with reading 100 minutes before the end of April. We want to encourage students to read in both English and Spanish. Students can earn prizes for reaching milestones in each language.
Las matemáticas
This week we began learning about Lines and Surfaces. Our weekly objectives were to:
- recognize, identify, and describe parts of lines and curves
- draw parts of lines and curves
- identify, classify, and count flat and curved surfaces
- identify solids that can stack, slide, and/or roll
Character Ed with Ms. Jennie
Over the past few months we have focused on the themes of Courage (February), Overcoming Adversity (March), and Appreciation of Nature (April). We’ve read some great books and had good discussions. We’ve also continued to focus on one poem each month and in June will have a special poetry day to celebrate. Kids are encouraged to find a poem they love and either practice reading it in order to present it, or go for the extra challenge of memorizing it. This is NOT required but highly encouraged! It strengthens kids’ confidence to stand up in front of the class and read or recite something! Poetry day will be on June 5th.
In May, we will continue to focus on appreciating nature along with our annual May tradition of talking about and celebrating other cultures. Our culminating project for this topic will be our 4th Annual Bake Sale to raise money for a special cause. This year we will be raising money for the Ryan’s Well Foundation, which was born out of a six-year old’s desire to help dig a well for people without access in Uganda. Check out this inspiring story here: This ties in so well to our own water fountain “project” this year and hopefully will remind our kids that no matter what your age, you can make a difference in the world! The Bake Sale will be held outside after school on Wednesday, May 29th. We will ask for your participation in donating a batch of baked goods to sell. More information to come!
by Jill & Sarah | Apr 12, 2019 | In The Loop

History & Geography
Social Studies:
This week in our unit, Americans Move West, we continued to work on our lap books, learned a song about the Erie Canal, and read about the Gold Rush and the Pony Express. The class got a chance to try out an old telegraph machine. We will be making a covered wagon as a class project in the next couple of weeks. Please send in a small shoe box for this project. Look for more information to come home soon.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• recognize the Oregon Trail and the California Gold Rush
• identify Jedediah Smith and Levi Strauss
• understand how the Pony Express worked
• understand how telegraphs and railroads replaced the Pony Express
This week in our Simple Machine domain we learned about the inclined plane and wedges. We did some demonstrations using both of these. We continued to work on our Simple Machines journals.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• develop an understanding of quantities associated with energy movement and change
• understand interrelationships among science, technology, and human activity and how they can affect the world
• examine how certain tools work and are made to perform specific jobs
English Spelling and Writing
In our journals we used the idiom of the week ” She laughed her head off ” . The class got their new spelling sort and took their practice test on Friday. Our Word Wall words were: than, then, them, thing.

Green Group sort

Blue Group sort
La lectura
This week we began our new unit Los Fósiles. We read Los fósiles nos hablan del pasado.
Our weekly objectives were to:
- review how to spell color words
- review our reading strategies; summarize, making connections, visualizing, and asking questions, during our first read
- review the comprehension skill sequencing during our second read
- play a game to review adjectives
Las matemáticas

This week we began learning about picture graphs. Our weekly objectives were to:
- understand how to read information on a picture graph
- identify the four parts of a picture graph (title, categories, pictures, and key)
- draw our own picture graphs
- answer questions about picture graphs
by Jill & Sarah | Mar 29, 2019 | In The Loop
History & Geography
This week we began our next unit, Americans Move West. We began a lap book for this unit and watched a video of the making of the Erie Canal. We have a field trip coming up on April 18 to go to the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center. Please return permission slips ASAP. Students will need to ride with parent or an arranged driver. There is a sign up sheet outside the classroom door for students who need a ride and for parents who have room in their car for additional students. We will be learning more about Lewis and Clark’s journey west on this field trip. It should be lots of fun and very interesting.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• Identify some early methods of transportation that people use to settle the West
• recognize the importance of water transportation in the settling of the West
• identify Robert Fulton’s steamboat and idea for the Erie Canal
This week in our Simple Machine domain we learned about inertia, force, power, energy, and what a simple machine is. We had fun exploring different kinds of machines and participating in some demonstrations. The class played Force Charades on Tuesday.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• develop an understanding of quantities associated with energy, movement, and change. • identify the force that causes the machine to work.
• explain that force is the push and pull on an object.
• explain that when work is done, if the effort increases, the distance decreases, and vice versa
English Spelling and Writing
In our journals we used the idiom of the week ” Get off your high horse ” . The class had two spelling assignments and took their final test on Friday. Our Word Wall words were: they, they’re, their, there. Look for the Spring Break Bingo reading challenge in your child’s take home folder. Their goal is to get a bingo on both the English and Spanish side. Two Bingos will equal a special reward when they return from Spring Break. This is kicking off our April reading challenge for the whole month.
La lectura

This week we finished up our animal reports.
Our weekly objectives were to:
- Write speech is based on the reports we made last week.
- Decorate our reports with colors
- Complete our first ever Spanish presentations
This is also a reminder that there is a Spanish bingo side that lines up with the English side that kiddos can also complete over spring break for some extra prizes when we get back.
Las matemáticas
This week we finished up our measurement with feet and inches unit.
Our weekly objectives were to:
- Compare feet and inches
- Complete real world problems using feet and inches
- So what we know on the unit test
- During breaks a lot of our kiddos tend to forget stuff that we just studied, so keeping up on Prodigy is a great way to keep kids refreshed on all those measurement skills to work so hard on the last couple weeks.
Art With Ms.Kelly
Dr. Seuss Week: We looked at McElligotts Pool (my favorite) and the students designed and painted their own fun imaginary fish!
Art with Miss Karen: The students used oil pastel and colorful ink to make a design with their hand print and patterns.
First Day of Spring: The focus was using shapes of letters to draw a bird. The students started with a capital D letter and added shapes to make a bird. They also learned about using chalk pastels to add color to their pretty spring birds.
Japanese Cherry Blossoms: We reviewed some information from their study of Japan earlier this year, and learned about the gift of 3000 cherry trees from Japan to Washington D.C. in 1912. The students used cardboard scraps dipped in paint to create tree branches, and then paint for the blossoms. These beautiful pictures are on the bulletin board at school.
Have a wonderful spring break!
by Jill & Sarah | Mar 22, 2019 | In The Loop
History & Geography

Practicing our reader’s theater.
This week we finished our unit on the War of 1812. We read about Old Ironside, the Treaty of Ghent, the Battle of New Orleans, and the outcomes of the war. On Thursday the class had fun doing a reader’s theater about the key people in this unit. We had our assessment on Friday.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• Understand the meaning of the “Star Spangled Banner” by analyzing the language used by Key, and why it is our national anthem.
• Identify significant individuals and groups in the War of 1812
• Explain why the Battle of New Orleans was fought after the signing of the Treaty of Ghent
We took our domain assessment this week and the class did terrific; we really know our bugs and insects! On Thursday, as a reward, we watched “Miniscule” and had some insect snacks. Friday we began our last science domain, Simple Machines. To kick off this new unit we learned a Simple Machines song and did a lesson on “work” comparing different ways to make butter and the amount of work involved.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• review and assess what we’ve learned in our insect domain
• develop an understanding of quantities associated with energy, movement, and change
• identify that machines help us work and name different types of machines and how they work
English Spelling and Writing
In our journals we used the idiom of the week ” She has ants in her pants ” . The class got their new spelling sort and took their practice test on Friday. Our Word Wall words were: slow, those, that’s, thank.

Blue spelling sort

Green spelling sort
La lectura
This week we created our Animal Reports.
Our weekly objectives were to:
- read and highlight important information from an article about our animal
- answer comprehension questions about the article
- write a report about your animal using the information you learned
- High Frequency Words for the week: niño niña mejor tu reír quién pero (quiz on Monday!)
Las matemáticas
This week we began learning about customary units of measurement. Our weekly objectives were to:
- compare lengths
- find the difference in lengths of objects
- use a ruler to estimate and measure length in feet and inches
- draw parts of lines given the length
by Jill & Sarah | Mar 15, 2019 | In The Loop
History & Geography
This week we read more about America at War in 1812, including naval battles against the British and failed attempts to invade Canada. We read the “Star-Spangled Banner” and analyzed Key’s poem in regards to what he was experiencing during the battle at Fort McHenry.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• Understand the story of Francis Scott Key and the “Star Spangled Banner”
• Identify American Naval victories and defeats
• Explain why the Battle of New Orleans was fought after the signing of the Treaty of Ghent
We worked hard this week putting our speeches together for our insect reports. On Thursday the class did a great job presenting their models and doing their speeches. Everyone should be proud of themselves for their efforts. We will take our Insect domain assessment next Monday.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• Write a speech based on the research gathered from the insect report.
• Edit and revise the speech
• Practice reading the speech with a partner
• Present the speech to the class and describe how your model was made

Spelling and Writing
In our journals we used the idiom of the week ” he is a barrel of laughs ” . The class worked on two spelling assignments and took their final spelling test on Friday. Our Word Wall words were: shook, sometimes, short.
La lectura
This week we read De donde saco sus manchas la gallina de guinea.
Our weekly objectives were to:
- we focused on making connections and predictions during our first read
- during our second read we worked on drawing conclusions throughout the story
- learn a poem about prepositional words then we played a prepositional word matching game
Students also brought home instructions for the Spanish Animal Reports. If you have any questions please let me know!
Las matemáticas

This week we learned about fractions!
Our weekly objectives were to:
- identify fractions that name more than one equal part of a whole
- use models to add and subtract fractions
- add and subtract like fractions
- review our objectives by working in Ms.Ivary´s pizza kitchen!
by Jill & Sarah | Mar 8, 2019 | In The Loop
History & Geography
On Monday we had this week we went over our Constitution test and played jeopardy in order to do test corrections. Each student got a copy of the our own Constitution and signed the class copy which is now on display outside of our room door. In our new unit, the War of 1812 We read more about why the war happened and what groups of people and individuals were involved.
Our weekly objectives were to:
• understand the causes of the War of 1812
• identify James Madison, Dolley Madison, and the War Hawks
• Identified Tecumseh and explain how British involvement with the Indians inflamed war sentiment in the West
• Explain the burning of Washington and Dolly Madison’s role in saving government documents
• Understand the story of Francis Scott Key and the “Star Spangled Banner”
This week we finished our last lesson, Friend and Foe. We worked in our insect journals, seeing if we could answer some of the questions that we had at the beginning of this unit. On Thursday and Friday we did some fun activities to go along with our Insect Unit. Next week students will be working on their speeches and will be presenting them to the class on Thursday March 14. Everyone should plan on bringing their models to school on this day.
Our objectives were to:
• identify ways in which insects can be helpful to people
• identify ways in which insects can be harmful to people
• explain what an entomologist does
•review what we have learned in this unit so far
English Spelling and Writing
In our journals we used the idiom of the week ” she has egg on her face ” . They wrote about something embarrassing they have experienced or witnessed. The class got their new sort on Monday and took a practice test Friday. Our Word Wall words were: said, saw, sister, small.
La lectura

This week we read three Dr.Seuss books!
by Jill & Sarah | Mar 1, 2019 | In The Loop
History & Geography
This week we reviewed our unit on the Constitution and took a closer look at the Bill of Rights. We held a constitutional convention in the class. Delegates from four “state” groups presented the the four rights and rules that they wanted to be included in our class Constitution. They then debated and compromised until they had chosen 10 ideas. The delegates then went back to their “state” groups to try and get the constitution ratified. On Thursday we reviewed our unit and took our assessment. On Friday we began our new unit, the War of 1812.

Our objectives this week were to:
• breakdown and understand the meaning of the words in the Preamble
• identify the 10 Amendments as the Bill of Rights
• understand that the US was the first country to establish a constitution by the people and that other countries later followed suit
• understand the causes of the War of 1812
• identify James Madison, Dolley Madison, and the War Hawks
This week we read more about beetles. We learned about some pretty interesting beetles such as the Dung beetle, Rhinoceros beetle, and Goliath beetle. On Friday we began to learn whether insects are Friend or Foe and how human beings are doing harm to insects and why this matters. Friday, March 8 will be the due date for reports and models. Students will be giving short speeches on their insect the Thursday. March 14.
Our objectives this week were to:
• list some ways that beetles differ from other insects.
• name different types of beetles
• Understand that beetles make up two-thirds of all insects on our planet
• identify ways in which insects can be helpful to people
• identify ways in which insects can be harmful to people
• explain what an entomologist does
English Spelling and Writing
In our journals we used the idiom of the ” she is giving me the cold shoulder ” . The class did to spelling of assignments and took their final spelling test on Friday. Our Word Wall words were: rain , ride, really, school.
La lectura
This week we read Como esconder un pulpo y otras criaturas marinas.
Our weekly objectives were to:
- connect the story to our theme: Look Again
- practice making connections to yourself, to another story, and to the world while reading
- practice identifying the main idea of the story and finding details to support it
We ran out of time this week for our High Frequency Word Quiz so we will have it on Monday! Our words are: bien, día, su adiós, del, ahora, a, muy
Las matemáticas
This week we finished our unit on money!
Our weekly objectives were to:
- compare amounts of money using tables
- use bar models to solve real-world problems involving adding and subtracting money
- show what you know on the chapter test
Next week we will being working on fractions! Continue having students name, recognize coin amounts, and add up money at home for extra practice!
Art with Ms. Kelly
Our art projects this month were:
Clay masks with Miss Karen
Valentine pictures
Use Oil Pastel and watercolor to create heart designs. These turned out very beautiful!
Name Insects
Learn how to make a REFLECTION (Mirror Image) of your name, and then turn it into an insect design. The students created their own unique insect!
Use markers to draw buildings, and then fold the drawing onto wet paper to create a reflection. Great job, everyone!