2020-2021 Plans

What will the 2020-2021 school year look like for Spanish With Sarah?

We will update this page as more information becomes available. We are also working on a handbook and will email and post that to all families the first week of August.

We will need to follow health and safety guidelines set forth by the state of WA for all public and private schools.
We are working on a plan for staggered arrival and dismissal times to help with the flow of traffic.  The current plan of thought is (subject to change):

Drop Off Times by grade levels:

8:30-8:40 – 2nd-4th Grade Families

8:40-8:50 – Kindergarten – 1st Grade Families

8:45  ( or 12:30) – Preschool families will enter through the back door of the school, maintaining 6’ social distance from other families.  

Parents will drive up to the yellow area, cars will be met by either Ms. Marilu or Maestra Sarah, with parents remaining in their cars.  We will ask to see your written temperature check from home or we will do a temperature check on your child, help them to exit the car, and escort them inside.

We will be able to help two cars at a time, please be sure to pull into the nearest spot.  Children, at this time, are required to wear masks and have it on before the car doors are opened for temperature checks.

Students will wash their hands upon entering the school each day.

Preschool families will escort your children to and from their class via the back entrance, closest to the preschool room.  We will ask anyone on school property to wear a mask to properly cover their nose and mouth.

Pick-up Procedures and Times

We will have students lined up, hands washed, and ready to escort them to your car.

Alternating pick-up times:

3:00-3:15 – 2nd-4th  Grade families

3:15- Preschool Families will enter the back door of the school for pick up (please maintain 6’ distance from other families)

3:15-3:25 – Kindergarten – 1st Grade Families

The current plan is to have in-person classes (we already have smaller class sizes)! We have also acquired a larger room upstairs for our oldest class (with it’s own bathroom). This will help reduce the number of students in the downstairs hallway and bathrooms.
We are currently planning to:
  • Have in-person classes.
  • Ask parents to drop their children off outside so we may escort them to their classes.  (This will reduce the number of people in our hallway as well as reduce the points of contact in the school.)
  • Ask preschool families to enter and exit through the back door (the door closest to the preschool room).
  • Ask students to stay home when they are sick.
  • Wear a mask while at school. (Following recommended guidelines.)
  • Arrange classrooms for maximum student distance of 6′, including alternative seating options.
  • Conduct classes outside, when possible.
  • Record and/or broadcast lessons so sick children can join from home.
  • Take temperatures regularly (following the guidelines that have yet to be sent out).
  • Have extra and frequent cleaning methods in place.
  • Have all individual, non-shared, supplies.
  • Have specialist teachers come to classes so that students will not be moving to different rooms on Wednesdays.
  • Split the students during lunch and recess so we have half as many kiddos eating or playing at one time.
  • Have teachers bring their class outside for dismissal.
  • Have students bring their own snacks so we are not handling their food.
  • Limit field trips until we have been advised to lift this restriction.
  • Divide preschool classes in half to separate students during table activities and rug/calendar activities.
  • State guidelines state that music and some PE activities may not be safe and will need to be offered in a different way. We are awaiting further guidance while making plans to use larger spaces or have these student activities outside.
We will have Google Classroom and other virtual sites set up so that students will be familiar with them in the event students are ill and can join class remotely or watch a recording of lessons when they are feeling better.
Last year we really didn’t miss a beat and our teachers immediately began recording lessons and hosting live lessons every single day for the classes. Like every classroom in the country, we will need to be prepared to move to a short-term distance-learning model should someone in the class test positive.  Unlike last year, distance learning should be for limited periods of time only.

Preschool news week 39


Zoom meeting classes for next week:  No classes Wednesday AM. Kids can attend PM class at 1 pm.


AM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 10 am Monday (Reverse Parade on Wednesday 10:00-11:30)

PM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 1 pm  Monday, Wednesday.


AM 2 DAY and PM 2 DAY

Tuesday and Thursday 10 am

See the source image

This week we are continue  working “Water Cycle, Plants, and Light/Sun”. During this short week, the children will learn the concept and idea of ​​the sun. Incorporating fun activities about the sun into learning instruction and playtime at home will not only strengthen your child’s understanding of the day, but will also spark their interest in astronomy, the solar system, and even space exploration. They will be taught that when the sun rises, it is day, the sun gives us light and warmth, when the sun sets it is night. As well they will be taught that when something blocks the sun’s light it forms a shadow, and shadows are dark. We will also learn how the sun helps plants grow.





El Sol.

El sol es mi estrella favorita.


We reviewed the letters that they have been learning  (vowels, B, C, D,F, G, H, J, K, L, LL, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W X, Y, Z), focus in vowel Uu


18 – dieciocho


We reviewed all the shapes that they have been learning (circulo, cuadrado, rectangulo, triangulo, estrella, corazon, diamante, ovalo, and pentagon)


See the source image

We reviewed all the colors that they have been learning (rojo, azul, amarillo, verde, anaranjado y/o naranja, rosado, morado, café, blanco y negro)




El Sol

Sol solecito, luna lunera

Los colores



” An early childhood educator takes a hand, opens a mind, touches a heart”



SWS Reverse Parade

Dear Parents,

We are excited to celebrate the end of the school year with our students.  We know the normal end of the Performance and Field Day can’t occur under the current circumstances.  In light of that, we would like to share how we will celebrate our students’ accomplishments from this year and wish them a wonderful, safe summer.

On June 17, we are inviting all students and parents to a drive-thru celebration at Spanish With Sarah where students will be cheered and celebrated by staff.  All preschool-5th grade students and parents are invited from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. In order for us to facilitate this, we need to follow specific guidelines and expectations laid out by the State of Washington:

  1. Parents are encouraged to decorate their cars to celebrate their students!
  2. Students and family members will NOT be able to get out of their vehicles.
  3. Vehicles with students and immediate family members will enter the parking lot from 23rd street (closest to the big trees) and follow the loop, pause to greet teachers, and exit out 23rd street (closest to the house).
  4. Staff will be stationed in front of the playground fence to wave and celebrate students.
  5. Staff will have signs acknowledging students and will decorate the fence and their cars.
  6. Each vehicle will stop at the designated TEACHER area: award appropriate certificates, give end-of-the year items, and take an optional photograph. Students will NOT be able to get out of their cars.
  7. Please do not pull ahead of the vehicle in front of you but rather follow through the procession.
  8. Anyone who did not have their yearbook mailed to their home will be able to pick this up during the parade.

We know this is not the way we had all planned to celebrate the successful completion of the school year, and we appreciate your understanding as we do our best to celebrate.

PLEASE take a look at the MAP to help make things run smoothly!


Preschool News Week 38

Zoom meeting classes for next week:  No classes Friday 12 of  June.


AM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 10 am Monday, Wednesday.

PM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 1 pm  Monday, Wednesday.


AM 2 DAY and PM 2 DAY

Tuesday and Thursday 10 am

See the source image

This week we started working with the plants. We are going to learn all about what plants need to grow (sun, water, soil, and air), and plants parts (root, steam, leaves and flower), as well the life cycle of plants from seed to plant. The kiddos will have the opportunity to work on a science  experiment at home with their parents if  they desire to do it with the little ones.

Kiddos can wet a few cotton balls and drop them in a plastic bag. Then, add a couple of beans and seal the bags. Then, they will attach the bags to the window with tape and check to see what happens during the follow days. Kids can draw what they see. They will be fascinated by the notion that a tiny seed can emerge as a plant. The little ones will enjoy what they see in the experiment. As well we are going to sing songs “las plantas necesitan…tierra, aire, agua y sol…”. We are going to review the numbers, shapes, colors, and letter.


Ciclos de vida de las plantas: de semilla a girasol.

Después de la tormenta.


Review the letters that they have been learning  (vowels, B, C, D,F, G, H, J, K, L, LL, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W X, Y, Z),


 17 ( we are reviewing all the numbers 1-17)


Review all the shapes that they have been learning (circulo, cuadrado, rectangulo, triangulo, estrella, corazon, diamante, ovalo, and pentagon)


Review all the colors that they have been learning (rojo, azul, amarillo, verde, anaranjado y/o naranja, rosado, morado, café, gris, blanco y negro)


Petronila es una flor

Los Pollitos

La Araña










Preschool News Week 37


Zoom meeting classes for next week: 


AM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 10 am Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

PM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 1 pm  Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


AM 2 DAY and PM 2 DAY

Tuesday and Thursday 10 am

See the source image

June is here and our new topic is “Water Cycle, Plants, and Light”. This week the little ones will learn all about the water cycle. To understand water and why it rains, kids need to know about the water cycle first. I will explain to them that water covers more than 70% of the earth’s surface, and living things need water to survive. The water cycle is nature’s way of purifying, circulating, and replenishing water. They will learn a little introduction to the four basic steps in the water cycle:

  1. Evaporation: When heat from the sun turns liquid water into gaseous water vapor, causing it to rise into the air.
  2. Condensation: When gaseous water vapor cools at high elevations and becomes liquid (or solid) again
  3. Precipitation: When liquid water (rain) or solid water (snow) falls to the ground.
  4. Collection: When large amounts of water gather in oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams

I will read  books to them and we are going to sing songs;  las vocales, que llueva,  un elefante y contando hasta 20. They will learn new vocabulary, review the shapes, colors, numbers and vowels..  Also, I will continue assigning them books in www.kidsa-z.com They can listen to the books on this site and see the words as they listen.


El Agua



Soy el agua

Había una vez una nube



See the source image    Vowels review (a,e,i,o,u) andFocus in vowel Ii


See the source image

La Fígura y Color

See the source image

All shapes review (circulo, cuadrado, triangulo, rectángulo, estrella, corazón, diamante, ovalo, pentágono) all colors review (rojo, amarillo, verde, azul, naranja, rosado, café,morado, blanco,gris)


que llueva

Las Vocales

Contando hasta 20




preschool News Week 36

Zoom meeting classes for next week: No clases Monday 25


AM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 10 am Wednesday

PM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 1 pm  Wednesday.



AM 2 DAY and PM 2 DAY

Tuesday and Thursday 10 am



See the source image

This week we will continue working with the unit of the month “La Jungla / La selva.” We are still learning about the habitat in the jungle and types of animals living there. We are learning that the plants and the animals need air, water and food to survive. Animals find everything they need in their habitat. Some animals that live in the jungle live in trees such as birds, snakes, and lemurs.

Also, this week we will learn some important facts about the Chimpanzee, The chimpanzees live in large families. They talk to each other using their hands and grimacing. They generally walk on their hands and feet. They stop when they want to look around. Chimpanzee babies are always hanging from their hands or on their mama’s backs. Chimpanzees are very agile to climb trees and make their beds in the branches to sleep. Sometimes the chimpanzees eat ants and use long sticks to get them out of nests.

In addition, we will continue singing songs in our virtual class. I will read books and we will review the numbers, the figures, and the letters. We will continue singing the song of the jungle animals and the numbers with the elephant, and Bugui  song.   Also, I will continue assigning them books in www.kidsa-z.com They can listen to the books on this site and see the words as they listen.










Serpiente, snake,



Veo la Selva



Review vowels Aa and Ee


15- quince (Also, we are going to continue reviewing the numbers 1-13)


Pentágono (reviewing shapes)


Blanco-Gris(White – Grey : reviewing colors)


En la selva me encontre

Un elefante

El baile de los animals

El Bugui de la Selva



“It’s not about what I can get.  It’s what I can give”

Marie Forleo










Parenting in Uncertain Times

If you are a parent or guardian of minor children also struggling with child rearing, I want to personally invite you to our virtual town hall, featuring notable child psychologist Dr. Allison Briscoe-Smith of the Wright Institute. The lively town hall discussion will be moderated by Sara Ellis Conant, co-founder and CEO of A-Plan Coaching. Dr. Briscoe-Smith will address your tough parenting questions and provide you with practical coping strategies to help you and your family promote resiliency during these uncertain times.



Preschool week 35

Zoom meeting classes for next week: No clases Friday 22 for the Memorial Weekend holiday.


AM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 10 am Monday and Wednesday

PM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 1 pm Monday and Wednesday.



AM 2 DAY and PM 2 DAY

Tuesday and Thursday 10 am

This week I will continue working with the unit of the month “La Jungla / La selva.” We are still learning about the habitat in the jungle and types of animals living there. Last week we talked about the elephants. We learned that elephants have two tusks  and they use them to rip the bark off trees and to defend themselves. We also learned that elephants love water. They suck up the water with their trunk and shower with it.

This week the kiddos will learn about giraffes. They will learn that giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. Giraffes have little horns on their heads. When they drink water, they must spread their legs out to the sides to get to the water. Giraffes sleep during the hot hours of the day. Most sleep standing up, but some lie down. Giraffes use their long necks to reach the leaves on top of the trees.  In addition, we will continue singing songs in our virtual class. I will read books and share interesting facts about giraffes. We will review the numbers, the figures, and the letters. We will continue singing the song of the jungle animals and the numbers with the elephant. Also, I will continue assigning them books in www.kidsa-z.com They can listen to the books on this site and see the words as they listen.


One learning objective for preschoolers is to compare and contrast two things.  You can do this with your child at home.  Compare the different animals.  What do they have in common?  How are they different?










Veo la Selva

Las Jirafas


Ch and vowel AaCh vowel Aa


15 -quince (also we are going to continue reviewing the numbers 1-13)


Pentágono (reviewing shapes)


Blanco-Gris(reviewing colors)




En la selva me encontre


Un elefante


El baile de los animals




“It’s not about what I can get.  It’s what I can give”

Marie Forleo









Preschool Week 34 News


Zoom meeting classes for next week:


AM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 10 am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

PM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 1 pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday



AM 2 DAY and PM 2 DAY

Tuesday and Thursday 10 am

Thursday and Friday Pajama virtual class!

See the source image“Mothers hold their children’s hands for a while but their hearts forever.”

Happy Mother’s Day!!



La Selva-Jungla

See the source image

Next week I will continue working with the unit of the month “La Jungla / La selva.” We will investigate the habitats in the jungle and types of animals living there. Last week we talked about the lions that live in the jungle of Asia. We saw that lions live in packs. The lions sleep almost all day and are mammalian animals because they feed on the mother’s milk. They do not eat every day, but when they do, they eat a lot.

This week we will be talking about the elephant. In addition, we will continue singing songs in our virtual class, I will read books and share interesting facts about elephants. We will review the numbers, the figures, and the letters. We will continue singing the song of the jungle animals and the numbers with the elephant. I will also send the lyrics of the songs, as well as the videos of the music below.








Veo la Selva



Ññ and Yy


14 – catorce (also we are going to continue reviewing the numbers 1-13)




Blanco y gris-white and gray


En la Selva me encontre


Un elefante


“It’s not about what I can get.  It’s what I can give”

Marie Forleo