by Macky & Veronica | Mar 10, 2018 | In The Loop, Preschool

los tiburones
I can’t believe that the time is going so fast, Spring is almost here! And it’s the perfect time to introduce children to the world under the waves. Then, kids will be introduced to lots of fun information. We will read and talk about how some animals have adapted to live in the sea. These animals are known as marine mammals and cover both those who live all the time in the sea, and those who spend time on land and at sea. These animals are the result of the evolution of terrestrial species that for various reasons had to return to the sea and adapted to the life in the water.
Marine mammals are divided into two large groups that are cetaceans, who spend all their lives in the sea and the sirenian that are mammals that inhabit both the sea and the land, in the sea feed and on land rest.
Through this theme, we are going to learn all about different marine mammals. We are going to read lots of different books and do some fun science lessons and projects as well. Some of our new vocabulary is:

bulletin board
Starfish/estrella de mar,
Sea Horse/caballito de mar,
This week we learned all about the letter Rr/ letra Rr. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The Spanish pronunciation of this letter varies. When this letter is in the middle of a word it makes the same sound you hear in the middle of better or butter. (It’s a tap on the roof of your tongue.) When this letter is at the beginning of a word it rings like the telephone (trilled r) Some examples:

We did activities like letters games, coloring and letters recognition.
This week we started with addition (1-5), as well as reviewing the numbers that we see every day in our classroom calendar. So, they counted 1-9. And most of them recognize every number. The kids are doing a good job counting the numbers. They did different activities like counting and recognizing the number through fishes, goldfish, and dice. As well, I placed manipulatives on the ground next to the number and then I encouraged the little ones to sort the objects into the corresponding number.
La Figura y Color
This week started working with star shape (estrella), and a new color added in our range colors! Anaranjado y/o naranja (orange). The kids play a game “who can find five orange manipulatives in the classroom”. They were so exited looking for that.
Have a good weekend!
Macky J
by Sarah Segall | Feb 26, 2018 | In The Loop, Preschool
Monday, February 26th
2-hour late start due to weather conditions.
Classes start at 10:45.
There will be no AM preschool.
by Sarah Segall | Feb 24, 2018 | Preschool
This short week we continued working with the “Solar System” unit. The children were able to learn about the sun and the constellations. They learned that the sun is the center of the universe, and the sun gives us light and warmth, We also showed them that constellations are not galaxies but a group of stars that form figures. To form a constellation you need at least a group of twelve stars that can be observed from north to south, east and west. Certainly, when observing the sky, the children could observe up to three thousand stars. While observing them through a telescope they could observe more than 600,000 stars. Thus, the children made projects sticking stars of colors that they choose (yellow, green or gray) on a black sheet of paper. Once sticking their twelve stars they joined them with colored chalks of their preference forming a constellation.
This week we went over to the letter Kk/ letra K. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The pronunciation of this letter is the same in both Spanish and English.
Some examples (all words with the letter K are foreign to Spanish):
This week, we did a brief review of numbers 1-10, recognizing the numbers and tracing them on the whiteboard.
Have a good weekend
by Sarah Segall | Feb 22, 2018 | In The Loop, Preschool
All SWS classes are cancelled for Thursday, February 22nd due to inclement weather.
by Macky & Veronica | Feb 15, 2018 | Preschool
This week we continued working with the solar system. We were working with the planets/planetas and moon/luna. The kids have been introduced to the phases of the moon. We talked about when we look into the sky, the moon does not always look the same. I explained to them that the moon is always the same shape round/redonda. The moon does not have light of itsown and we can only see the moon by the light of the sun. We talked about how sometimes the light from the sun cannot reach the whole moon and we can only see part of it. So, sometimes the moon looks like a circle, sometimes it look like half a circle and most of the time it looks like a funny section of a circle. We also talked about how every month we are able to see at least one full moon.
Also, they learned that our moon rotates around our earth once each day. They also learned that a rocket takes three days to get to the moon; children did activities like painting the Moon using tempera and glitter to decorate it.
They also did a science project where they showed that the moon has craters. Also, the children made activities for the celebration of the Valentine’s Day, as recognition of the letters of their name forming a worm of hearts.
La Luna | Videos Educativos para Niños
This week we learned all about the letter Vv/ letra Vv. Be sure to point o
ut the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter V, can be pronounced as (vi). While the Spanish pronunciation is; V (ve, sounds like b). Some examples:

This week we went over numbers 1-10/números del uno al diez. Children did different classroom activities, such as recognizing of the numbers and quantity with hearts. They trace the numbers in the board.
by Macky & Veronica | Feb 9, 2018 | Preschool
El Sistema Solar

This week we continued working with the solar system. We worked with the kiddos towards learning the names of each planet.
The four planets that are closest to the Sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Mars is known as the Red Planet. Mercury and Venus are the only planets that have no moon.
Also, we talked about the four planets farthest from the Sun which are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They learned that these planets are formed of gases. They learned that the beautiful rings of Saturn are formed by pieces of ice, as well as Jupiter that has thirty-nine moons.
It was fascinating to work with the children this week as they were very interested in learning about each planet. The children did different activities like, making the planet Earth and puzzles with the planets. Also, the children chose three planets and painted them with their favorite watercolor.
This week the kids reviewed these consonant letters with the vowels: M, S, P, T, N, F, L, D, and B.
We did activities like letters games, letter recognition, bingo, and singing the vowels song.
This week we spent a lot of time with the number 10/número diez. Children did different classroom activities, like counting and recognizing the number diez/ten, sorting and counting piles of manipulatives. They traced the number diez/ ten and played memory numbers games as well.
La Figura y Color
This week we continued working with the corazon/heart shape. The kids could play through the shape tracing the shape with their fingers. As well, the kids were passing around the shape so they could examine its form up close. They reinforced this shape by making hearts with their hands. They looked all around the classroom for the Corazon/heart shape. We also continued reinforcing the colors they have learned as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, and rosado/pink.
Have a good weekend!
by Macky & Veronica | Feb 4, 2018 | Preschool
Hi preschool families! Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we closed up our “Nursery Rhymes” unit remembering and singing the songs they learned during the month. It was a great topic, kids enjoyed all the songs they learned.
February is here and so is our new topic “Solar System.” This is one of my favorites topics! Kids love to talk about the solar system topic. This month they will learn the “formation of the Solar system” they will know that all the stars are formed within clouds of gas and dust. The objective of this month is that they will able to name the planets in order from the sun, to explain what would happen if the earth was a few centimeters closer to the sun. Students will be able to recognize the sun as our galaxy star. As well they, they will learn new vocabulary about our solar system topic.
Systema solar/solar system,
This week we learned all about the letter B/ letra B. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English and Spanish pronunciation are the same for the letter B. Some examples:
Bolsa/bag or sack,
We did activities like: letters games, coloring and letters recognition, and tracing letter B.
This week we go over number 10/numero diez, we did different activities, as counting and recognizing the number through counting diez/ten bloques/blocks, counting galaxy stickers. They were tracing the number ten/diez as well.
La Figura y Color
This week we continued with the oval/ovalo shape and began our study of the shape heart/Corazon. The kids could play through the shape, tracing the shape with their fingers. As well, the kids were passing around the shape ovalo/oval and corazon/heart, so they could examine it up close. To reinforce the knowledge of the kiddos, they did activities with shapes by making chicks, cats and butterflies, using diferents shapes, as circle, square, triangle, rectangle, and oval. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the colors names that they learned as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, and we introduce the new colors to learn as, rosado/pink.
Have a good weekend!
Macky J
by Sarah Segall | Jan 12, 2018 | Preschool
This week, we continued with Nursery Rhymes/ Rimas Infantiles. The kiddoss learned Tres Ovejas/ the three sheep, and Itzi, Bitzi Araña/ Itzy, Bitzy Spider.
Tres ovejas:
Tengo, tengo, tengo
Tú no tienes nada,
Tengo tres ovejas en una cabaña
Una me da leche,
Otra me da lana,
Otra mantequilla toda la semana,
Caballito blanco, llevame de aqui,
Llevame hasta el pueblo, donde yo nací.
(Tres Ovejas)
La Araña
Itzi, Bitzi Araña subió su telaraña,
vino la lluvia y se la llevó.
Salió el sol se secó la lluvia.
Y Itzi, Bitzi Araña otra vez subió.
The kids had fun playing with these rhymes and singing. They love to sing and had a fun time dancing and singing the learning nursery rhymes. They did different activities related to the rhymes like puzzles, making sheep, making horses and spide projects.
Vocabulary we learned this week:
Lana, wool,
This week reviewed the vowels ( A, E, I, O ,U) and letters Mm, Nn, Ss, Pp, Tt, and Ff. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter names can be pronounced as, M (em), N (en), P (pi), S (es), and T(ti). While the Spanish letter name pronunciation is; M(eme), N(ene), S(ese), P (pe), T (te), and F (eh feh). Some examples, mamá/mother, manzana/apple. Nido/nest, naranja/ orange,sopa/soup, sandía/watermelon, Papá/father, pelota/ball, tomate/tomato, tortuga/turtle, foco/lightbulb, fútbol/soccer, falda/skirt.
We worked with and reviewed the number 8/número ocho. The kiddos did a good job counting and recognizing the number 8 with different activities. Counting ocho/eight shapes as circles drawing and coloring numero/number ocho/eight.
La Figura y el Color
This week kids started learning the oval shape (óvalo). We talked about it as the kids passed around the shape so they could examine the shape up close. They had the opportunity to see that the oval shape is like an egg. We also incorporated this into our color study: purple/morado.
Have a great long weekend!
Macky 🙂
by Macky & Veronica | Jan 6, 2018 | Preschool
Welcome back to all preschool families. I hope you had a wonderful winter vacation! January is a great month to start with Nursery Rhymes. Nursery rhymes are an important part of anyone’s childhood, so this month, we are going to sing to them and with them. We are going to use
rhythm (avoiding monotone voice
). And for a great advantage we are going to use the natural skills of every child asking questions that encourage their memory—making. Thus, we started this week with Spanish nursery rhym “La Muñeca Azul”
“Tengo una muñeca vestida de azul,
zapatitos blancos delantal azul.
La saqué a paseo y se me constipo,
La tengo en la cama con mucho dolor.
Esta mañanita me dijo el doctor,
Que le de jarabe con un tenedor.
Dos y dos son cuatro, cuatro y dos son seis,
Seis y dos son ocho y ocho dieciseis”.
Playing with Spanish Rhymes, children explore the mechanism of language, and also help them to build vocabulary and develop sounds. We then worked on following sequences of the song, dressing and coloring la muñeca azul. They had the opportunity to learn new vocabulary;
Constipo / get a cold or catch a cold,
This week we incorporated our touch investigation with the letter Ff/ letra Ff. Be sure to point out the letters that we practice when you are reading. This letter makes the same sound in Spanish and English. Some examples:
We were working with number 8/número ocho, the kids did a good job counting and recognizing the number 8. They did many different activities to practice their number sense and number recognition, such as counting ocho/eight yellow fishes and drawing numero/number ocho/eight.
La Figura y el Color
This week we continued working with rectangulo shape (rectangle). We talked about the attributes as the kids passed around the shape, so the children could examine it up close. We counted that this shape has a 4 sides/cuatro lados like the square but two side are longer. Also, we were reviewing the yellow/amarillo color, coloring, and finding different yellow/ amarillo objects into our classroom.
Have a good weekend
Macky 🙂