by Macky & Veronica | Dec 16, 2017 | Preschool
This week we continued working with celebrations, kids continued learning about the different ways to share with others and learned values and generosity. The students were learning with different examples and activities using this topic. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday they learned about the Januca celebration/Chanukah Celebration. The rest of the week the kids learned that Holidays give us a wonderful opportunity to share with others and learn about our different traditions. The kids were really excited learning a little of the Classic Christmas Stories. It is amazing to see how they enjoy the stories. We worked with different activities doing Januca/Chanukah crafts, and Christmas crafts (Ornaments, Santa Claus, Christmas wreath).
This week we reviewed the vowels/ las vocales (A, E, I, O, U), and the letters Mm, Ss, Tt, Pp, and Nn. We did activities like vowels games, drawing, coloring the vowels and letter recognition in our daily reading.
We were working with and reviewing the number 7/número siete. The kids did a good job counting and recognizing the number 7. They did different activities such as counting dots, bloques, stickers, fishes, as well as coloring and tracing the number. The purpose of these projects is to help them recognized the numbers as well as reciting/counting the numbers too.
La Figura y Color
The ability to accurately identify shapes is a foundational mathematical skill, and it is quite rewarding for children because their world is full of shapes. Understanding shapes will enable students to be more in tune to the world around them and see the connections between objects, as well as being better able to appreciate artistic works. So, this month we continued working with rectangulo shape (rectangle). I talked about it with the kiddos, passing around the shape, so the children could examine this shape up close. We also observed that this shape has 4 sides/cuatro lados. We also reviewed the yellow/amarillo color, coloring, and finding diferents yellow/ amarillo objects in our classroom.
Have a good weekend!
Macky 🙂
A huge thank you to all the SWS community for making our 3rd Annual Giving Tree for Share a BIG success. Our van was stuffed full of holiday goodness! Thank you for your kindness and generosity to help those less fortunate!
by Macky & Veronica | Dec 9, 2017 | Preschool
This week we started working with our new theme: Celebrations Around the World. We worked with the familiar Christmas celebration and we read Cuentos Clasicos de Navidad / Classic Christmas Stories like: Polar Express, El Arbol de Navidad/ Christmas Tree. We read about different ways that the kids learn values, generosity and sharing with others. The students were learning with different examples and activities using this topic. As well, they learned that Holidays give us a wonderful opportunity to share with others. The kids were really excited learning a little bit of these Classic Christmas Stories. It is amazing to see how they enjoyed the stories. The kids worked with activities like ornaments/esferas y/o ornamentas, elf/duende, and Santa Claus.
This week we went over the letter Nn /la letra Nn and we reviewed the number 9. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The pronunciation of the letter N is the same in English and Spanish.
We worked with number 7. The kiddos are doing a good job counting 1 through 7. We did different activities with counting and recognizing the number through dots, Legos, stickers, coloring and tracing the number. The purpose of these projects is is to give the kiddos different experiences with the numbers to help them recognize the number and counting to the number.
La Figura y Color
This month we started with rectangulo shape (rectangle), and yellow (amarillo) color. We passed the shape around while talking about what makes a rectanglulo and how the shape is different from our other shapes. We compared different sizes of rectangle shape as well.
It was great having a chance to sit down and brag about your kiddos and talk about how different things we can work on together. Have a great weekend!
Macky J
by Macky & Veronica | Dec 2, 2017 | Preschool
December is here, I can’t believe how fast this year has gone. This week we continued working with and finished the unit “Los Alimentos y Su Procedencia/ The Foods and its origin!” This week kids had fun doing activities related with fruits and vegetables, in our circle time we promote the importance of and encourage eating five or more servings of vegetables and fruits every day. Our goals of this week were;
1. Children will become familiar with a variety of vegetables and fruits and the importance of eating them.
2. Children will be made aware of where to find vegetables and fruits (grocery store, vegetable/fruit stand, farmer’s market, garden).
3. Children will be made aware of the importance of eating five or more servings of vegetables and fruits each day. We did different project like, paper corn, carrots, paper watermelon, glass of lemonade. To finish the week, kids chose their favorite fruits and veggies from our fruit and vegetable market. Then they chose meats, chicken, fish, eggs, bread, milk, yogurt to complete their plate of food. They had fun playing this game
This week we went over the letter Tt /la letra Tt. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The pronunciation of this letter is the same in English and Spanish. As example:
tortuga/ turtle
We did activities as, find the letter Tt into our classroom and letters game, draw, coloring and recognition of letter Tt.
This week we went over number six (6)/ número seis doing different activities, like placing five watermelon seeds into the watermelon, counting corns, blocks, tracing the number and sorting activities with colors, shapes, and sizes.
La Figura y Color
This week we continued working with the triangle shape (triangulo), and green (verde) color. The kids played around the classroom looking around for triangle shapes and green colors. They played games doing figures using different sizes of shapes as circle/ circulo, cuadrado/square, and triangulo/trinagle.
Have a good weekend!
Macky J
by Sarah Segall | Nov 11, 2017 | Preschool
We continued working with Los Alimentos y Su Procedencia/ The Foods and its origin! This week they had fun doing simple activities related with chicken, bees and fish. We associates the things that they can eat with this, chickens have eggs/huevos and pollo/chicken. Bees produce honey and fish produce fish. We had fun with farm sensory play activities with our different focus animals: cows, chickens, bees and fish. We also did cute projects with a hand print forming a chicken, plastic spoons chickens, fish mobil, and bee puppets. A favorite activity was when they tasted the honey on a small gluten free salt cookie! Most of them loved it! 
This week we learned all about the letter Ss /la letra Ss. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The letter S is pronounced the same in English and Spanish. Our examples this week were: sandia/ watermelon, sombrero/hat, sarten/frying pan, sol/sun, and silla, chair. We did activities related with the letter Ss and we sang songs.
We worked with the numbers 1-5 counting and recognition of each number. The kiddos did different activities such as, counting bees/ abejas, fish/peces, blocks and pom poms.
La Figura y Color
This month we started with triangle shape (triángulo), and green (verde) color. I talked about it with the kids passing around the shape, so the children could examine this shape up close. The kids joined the points from 1 to 5 by plotting to form a triangle, with the result of a clown, and to finish with this activity the kiddos painted the clown. They formed the triangle shape with wooden popsicle sticks. We also had fun doing color searches around the house.
by Macky & Veronica | Nov 4, 2017 | Preschool

One of our three Halloween class pictures.
November is a perfect time to learn about Los Alimentos y su procedencia/ The Foods and their origin! As you we already know, kids are like information sponges, every little thing we say or do, they’re listening and watching, even if we don’t always think they are. So, obviously, what we say and do around them matters, but we also need to extend this to what we eat and how we eat it. Thus, the objective for this unit is that students must grasp the concept of healthy foods versus junk foods. They must also could categorize foods into their respective food groups.
This month we will play several games and activities to introduce food groups and healthy eating to kids. We will also explain the four food groups. Fruits and vegetables grow on trees or plants and many have seeds. Protein foods include animal meat and beans. Dairy foods are milk products, and grains include foods with the ingredients that make bread. The kiddos had fun this week with our first activities related to the cow and we associated the things that they can eat with the cow like;
ice cream/helado,
sour crema/crema, and

Making mantequilla!
We did several different projects: sensory play activities, paper cows, and the kiddos prepared their own butter and spread it onto little pieces of bread and then, they ate it! They had a lot of fun making butter
Here is the recipe:
½ pint of heavy cream
1 clean pint jar or other similarly-sized container with a tight cover or lid, preferably plastic
1 clean marble
Directions :
- Take your jar and place the marble inside
- Pour the cream into the jar and screw the cover on tightly
- Have the children shake the jar. A figure-eight motion seems to work best, but let your kids go wild (not so much, if the jar is glass). If you have a plastic container with a tight lid, you can even roll it back and forth.
- Listen for the marble bouncing up and down.
- After the marble cannot be heard anymore, you’ll know the cream is thickening. Keep shaking, and you will soon start to see the glob of butter form
The marble will go silent as it is enveloped by the butter.
- Find and remove the marble
- Place the butter into a container of your choice to store or use.
The end result: a delicious scoop of butter!
This week we learned all about the letters M m /la letra M m.. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English and Spanish letter M make the same sound. Examples: mamá, mano, mono, mariposa, murciélago. We incorporated our touch investigation with the letter Mm, reading books, tracing the letter, and games of letter recognition.
We were working with the numbers 1-5 doing different activities, like counting cows, blocks, tracing numbers and recognition of numbers with games, and finding the numbers into the classroom.
La Figura y Color
This month we started with the triangle shape (triangulo), and green (verde) color. We talked about it and passed around the shape so the children could examine it up close. We compared different sizes of the triangle shape. Also, they did an activity to draw, count the sides of a triangle and cut triangle shape.
Have a good weekend.
by Macky & Veronica | Oct 29, 2017 | Preschool

This week has has been amazing! The Bizi-Farm field trip was very fun!
This week we continued working with the five senses/ Los Cinco Sentidos. We focused on the body’s sense of hearing. We learned that we use our ears to take information about things around us. Like others skills that children learn, listening takes practice. So we used listening games like listening to different instruments, sounds of music at various volumes. Kids heard sounds from different objects and then we asked them to name the object making the sound. They did great!
They learned about their body’s sense of smell. They learned that the sense of smell tells us about our environment. They know that they can smell good things like ‘tasty ’ food, horrible smells like dirty socks and dangerous smells like smoke from a fire. We read the book Oso Polar, Oso Polar, Oso Polar Qué Es Ese Ruido?/Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? What did the kids hear when I read the book? Lots of noise when kids chant the rhythmic words. The kids made the sounds the animals made in the story.
We also read Tiempo de Calabazas!/ It’s Pumpkin Time! As well, we did a lot of fun projects for these senses like: guessing what was inside of the egg using the sound. And they played with a pumpkin by smelling, touching it, and hitting the pumpkin to hear her sound.
This week we reviewed the vowels/las vocales. Be sure to point out the vowels (A, E, I, O , U) that we practice when you are reading. We incorporated our touch investigation with the vowels, reading books, playing bingo, and games of vowels recognition.
We work with number 5/ número 5 and the kiddos had fun with different activities. They had a fun time playing and using some items for sorting and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities like tracing numbers, games like finding the number in the classroom, counting five blue squares, and placing little pieces of paper onto the number five.
This week we continued working with square shape (cuadrado) and blue color (color azul). We reviewed the square shape using and comparing different sizes of this shape. We did a fun project painting blue sticks and making the square shapes with them.
by Macky & Veronica | Oct 21, 2017 | Preschool
El Sentido del Tacto
We continued working with the five senses/ Los Cinco Sentidos. This week the kids learned about their sense of touch (sentido del tacto) by feeling different materials and textures. We used a collection of fabrics including fleece, burlap, silk and satin, rocks, sandpaper, cotton, flour, silk paper, rice, beans, corn, pompom, and feathers as well. We taught the kiddos the difference between soft, rough and smooth. I used, as an example, a rock as a hard object. We gave them some objects to feel the texture of each item while they explained what they felt as they touched it.
We read about different ways we use our sense of touch. The kids enjoyed all the activities, playing and singing songs with this sense. The students had a great time touching different textures. We did activities with sensory texture touching and gluing rocks, cotton, etc., These experiences encourage the children to explore various textures and promotes the use of observation, plus expressive and descriptive vocabulary. As well, we had fun with texture games. They put their hand inside a paper bag and then they described what they felt touching the different objects in the bag (rocks, pompoms, oranges, corn, and shapes). The activities that we used this week help the kids to observe, compare, experiment and practice descriptive and expressive skills.
This week we learned all about the letter U u /la letra U u. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. As example:
We incorporated our touch investigation with the letter U, reading books, the letter Uu in rice, sandpaper, beans, corn, and feathers. To end the week, the kids identified the letter(vowel) Uu in our daily reading.
We continued working with number 4 (número cuatro) doing different activities with beans, rocks, and silk paper. Also, they were tracing the number four (4)/ número cuatro (4). Otherwise they were sorting and counting blocks. Sorting and counting helps the kids to begin notice how items are alike and different, and creates an awareness that is vital for math learning.
This week we continued working with square shape (cuadrado) and blue color (color azul). We reviewed the square shape using and comparing different sizes of this shape. Also, they did an activity counting 4 blue bears and finding blue things in our classroom.
by Macky & Veronica | Oct 13, 2017 | Preschool

This week we continued working with “The five Senses” “Los Cinco Sentidos” theme. We focused on the sense of taste; Taste Sense theme involves the children in sensory experiences. During this theme I started teaching the kids that our tongues are covered in taste buds that allow us to taste things that are salty/salado, sweet/dulce, sour/ácido and bitter/amargo. I provided students examples of each flavor to taste.
Lemon/limón salt/sal, ginger/gengibre, radishand/rabaños, raisins/pasas, and banana/plátano. As well, we were talking about the foods and what kind of food they prefer or like most and why. They did activities such as a paper tongue, gluing pictures of the food that they liked most. Another activity was for them to guess the different flavor the teacher gave them using only their sense of taste/ el gusto. They enjoyed this activity, especially tasting sweets. With this theme, the kids learned new vocabulary, such as, bitter/amargo, sour/ácido, salty/salado, sweet/dulce.
This week we continued working with vowels by focusing on the vowel O,o. The kids recognized in our daily reading the vowel O o, and they practiced the letter Oo doing different activities like tracing letter Oo using their finger first and then, they traced the vowel with crayons and markers. We read a book of the letter Oo as well. The English Letter Oo can be pronounced (o). While the Spanish pronunciation is the same(o). As example:

Letter O hunt
This week we started working with number 4 (número cuatro). We had a fun time playing and using some items for sorting and counting. We had fun with activities such as counting four fishes, four shapes, tracing and recognition of the number 4.
by Macky & Veronica | Oct 9, 2017 | Preschool
October is here! And we started working with “The five Senses” “Los Cinco Sentidos” theme. We also introduced the children to the fall season through projects where they identified the autumnal season. During this theme of sensory experiences your child will identify, compare and classify items as they investigate the world around them. We are going to explore the five senses of touch, sight, smell, taste and sound during this month. Therefore, we started this week with the sense of sight. We worked with a fantastic book, “Brown Bear, brown Bear, What Do You See? / Oso Café, Oso Café, Que Es Lo Que Tu Ves? The narrator of this book asks various animals what they see with the response usually being another animal, the respondent is then asked what they themselves see, and the process is repeated. It features a
Brown Bear/ Oso Café,
Red Bird/Pájaro Rojo,
Yellow Duck/ Pato Amarillo
Blue Horse/Caballo Azul
Green Frog/rana Verde
Purple Cat/Gato Morado
White Dog/ Perro Blanco
Black Sheep/ Cordero Negro
Goldfish/ Pez Dorado
The kiddos were fascinated with this wonderful book, and learning our new vocabulary. In addition, we were working in different activities that helped them to build up their fine motor skills. We did projects such as a sequencing hat Brown Bear, Brown Bear/ Oso Café, bear puppets, and autumn handprint tree.
This week we continued working with vowels. The letter of the week was Ii. The kids recognized the vowel Ii in our daily reading, and they practiced the letter Ii doing different activities like tracing letter I i using their finger first and then, they tracing with crayons and markers. We did letter Ii on the classroom board. We read a book of the letter Ii. The English Letter Ii can be pronounced (ai). While the Spanish pronunciation is (ee). As example;
Insignia/insignia or emblem,
This week we continued working with number 3. We had a fun time playing and using some items for sorting and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities such as counting three fingers and tracing number 3,
La Figura y Color
This month we started with the square shape (cuadrado), and blue (azul) color. I talked about it with the kids passing around the shape, so the children could examine this shape up close. We compare different sizes of the square shape. Also, they did an activities as tracing blue square and drawing robots, presents, dice and windows.