by Macky & Veronica | Sep 30, 2017 | Preschool

This week we continued working with “
Mi Familia” “My Family” theme.
I used this theme as a guide to teach children more about families and what makes up a family. It’s so lovely to see how they are learning in every class! We worked with reading the book “Ricitos de Oro y los Tres Osos” “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. With this classic and amazing story tale the kids learned new Spanish words such as:
mamá oso/ mama bear,
papá oso/papa bear,
bebé oso/ baby bear,
We did great activities, such as painting bears faces, followed by recognition of three different sizes big/grande, medium/mediano, small/pequeño. As well, we drew family members into a house that they painted and built with wood sticks. They colored, cut out, and arranged the pieces correctly. The kids enjoyed this book and they had a good time learning our new words. In addition, we worked on different activities to help build up their fine motor skills.

We use D’Nealian handwriting. Notice the ‘monkey tails’.
This week we continued working with vowels. The kiddos recognized and practiced the vowel E e. They did different activities with the letter, such as finding the vowel E e in our daily reading, and handwriting. This week the children learned words such as:
Elefante/ elephant,
Estados Unidos/United States.
This week we started working with number 3. We had a fun time playing and recognizing the number, they traced the number with play dough, traced the number in the board, counting three bears/ tres osos, three chairs/tres sillas, and three camas/tres camas.
La figura y el Color
This month we continued with the circle shape (círculo). I talked about it with the kiddos passing around the shape, so the children could examine this shape up close. We compared different sizes of the circle shape. We also played a game that involved finding circle shapes in our classroom, as making circles holding classmate’s hands, making different sizes of circles with three kids as small, with six kids as medium, and with all class as big. Finally, we continued reviewing the color red, doing activities as paint, coloring, and finding red bears in the classroom.
Have a good weekend!
by Macky & Veronica | Sep 24, 2017 | Preschool
This week we continued with “Family Unit”, where to continue reinforcing the value of families “Families are Forever”. We are continuing to learn the structure of the traditional family which includes a mother, father, and siblings as the main focus of a family. So, at the end of this unit they will know a basic knowledge of how families work and how they are different. Also, we read the book, El Canguro Tiene Mamá?/Does a Kangaroo have a mother too? This book helps us to integrate new words into our Spanish vocabulary such as:
León/ lion,
Pingüino/ penguin,

Cisne/ swan,
Zorro/ fox,
We had fun with different kangaroo projects; paper bag puppet, construction paper bags, paint with their little fingers, and collage. To end, we looked at family photos, they named their family members, who was doing different activities, and they described the photos. Next week they will imitate mom and dad

This week we went over the vowels/vocales. We started with vowel/vocal Aa. They did different activities with this letter such as finding vowels in a letter soup, and handwriting. This week the children learned words such as:
This week we worked with number 2/ número dos. We had a fun time playing and using some items to recognize it. We did different activities like tracing the number 2 to focus on correct number formation, coloring and counting 2 frogs/ranas, and 2 zapatos/shoes. Next week we will use some items for sorting and counting.
This week we continued working with the circle shape/figura circulo and color red/color rojo. The students examined the shape up close and they compared different sizes of circle as chico/small, mediano/medium, and grande/big. Finally, kiddos colored manzanas rojas/red apples and did a hunt for red items in the classroom.
by Macky & Veronica | Sep 16, 2017 | Preschool
Mi familia y yo
This week we continued working with socials skills activities and the Family theme. We use this theme as a guide to teach children more about families and what makes up a family. We have worked with reading the book “Eres tu Mi Mamá”. “Are You My Mother?” is the story about a hatchling bird. His mother, thinking her egg will stay in her nest where she left it, leaves her egg alone and flies off to find food. The baby bird hatches. He does not understand where his mother is so he goes to look for her. As he is unable to fly, he walks, and in his search, he asks a kitten, a hen, a dog, and a cow if they are his mother, but none of them are. Finally, his mother returns to the nest and the two are united, much to their delight, and the baby bird recounts to his mother the adventures he had looking for her. The kids enjoyed this book and they had a good time learning new words like gato/kitten, gallina/hen, perro/dog, and h /cow. Also, we worked with different activities like the hands family tree, paper house (where they used their imagination to draw their families), paper plate and bag paper nest. These activities help them to build up their fine motor skills. In addition, we sang songs, danced and played within the theme.
The kids were practicing their names. They did clothespin name recognition activity, handwriting letter Aa, and letter soup.
This week we worked with number 1. We had a fun time playing and using some items to recognize it. We were doing different activities such as tracing number 1, coloring and counting one finger/dedo, one leaf/hoja, and one chicken/gallina. We work on writing the number correctly, top-down, and holding our pencil/marker/crayon correctly.
This month we be will working with the circle shape. We talked about it with the kids, passing around the shape so they could examine it up close. They drew the circle shape on the board, focusing on making the ends meet.
by Macky & Veronica | Sep 9, 2017 | Preschool
¡Bienvenidos al año nuevo!
Welcome to all preschool families! We are going to have so much fun, and learn so many new things together. We are so happy to have your kids in our class!
This week we started working with a socials skills activity. This activity was a great way to ease anxious feelings while allowing children to celebrate differences amongst each other. We sat in a circle on the floor. (Circle sitting tends to make everyone equal and encourage participation to all kids.) I announced to them that this was “all about us” time. Everyone introduced themselves and shared some good memories with their parents, how much they love them! It was a wonderful activity. As well, we are working with “My family” topic throughout the month of September. We will discuss how many members of the family they have and what they love most about each of them. We will also talk about the importance of having a family.
This week, we read Tu Mamá Es Una LLama/Llama llama misses mamá.
“It’s Llama Llama’s first day of preschool! And Llama Llama’s mama makes sure he’s ready. They meet the teachers. See the other children. Look at all the books and games. But then it’s time for Mama to leave. And suddenly Llama Llama isn’t so excited anymore.” This is very similar to kiddos that attend the first day of school, but after a few uncertain moments they realize how much fun they are having and that they have an awesome experience. Kids enjoyed this book.
During this month they will learn vocabulary as:
As well, we worked in different activities building up their fine motor skills. They did activities like coloring llamas, llama puppets, etc. In addition, we sang songs, exercised and played.
The kiddos are working on either identifying their name or practicing working with their name. They used handwriting paper and recognized the letter in their names and playdough-names.
This week we worked with number 1. We had a fun time playing and using different items to recognize it. We used different activities to trace number 1 in the board, and coloring the number.
This month we are working with circle shape/ el círculo. I talked about it with the kiddos passing around the shape, so the children could examine this shape up close. We compared different sizes of the circle shape and looked for it around the classroom.
Each week I like to share a little piece of the many activities or topics we do within our class time. The most important thing we will do in preschool is instill a love of learning. Learning with our peers, listening to home and sharing ourselves. Learning is preschool is very social as well as academic.
Looking forward to a great week 2!
Have a good weekend 🙂
by Sarah Segall | Jul 29, 2017 | In The Loop, Preschool
Meet your teachers, check out your classroom, find your desk, and get excited for another great school year at SWS!!
Thursday, August 31st 6:00-7:00
We would like to ask the preschool classes to try to come separately so the room is not quite so busy and full.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday preschool 6:00-6:30
Tuesday / Thursday preschool 6:30-7:00
This is an Open House, come-and-go event.
- The first day of school is Tuesday, September 5th. 8:45-3:15 for K-5.
- Wednesday, September 6th will be our first SPECIALIST -Early Release for our K-5 class (wear PE shoes). 8:45-1:30
- School doors open each morning at 8:45.
- AM Preschool hours: 8:45-11:30
- PM Preschool hours: 12:30-3:15
- There are no supplies for any grade levels! Your supply fee provides all school supplies.
What should students bring to school?
- A labeled backpack big enough to bring home daily projects / work.
- A labeled water bottle. (Please remember: we are a water only school.)
- A labeled lunch box for our full-day students.
- All returning students should also bring their reading binders each day. New K-5 students will receive a new binder for their reading books.
by Macky & Veronica | Jun 18, 2017 | Preschool
This week we continued working with the water cycle and plants and light (the importance of the sun to our planet). We taught the little ones how the water cycle works, the process of plants, and how the sun impacts our life since it warms animals, helps plants to grow, helps the process of the water cycle, is a good source of vitamin D, and the production of solar energy. I was surprised how they absorbed all the information. It is such a great experience working with little ones, they are amazing. Their ideas came up with a natural expression to explain all the knowledge that they get in the class. In addition, to finish this week we celebrated Father’s Day with a finger project, and delicious donuts, coffee, juice, etc. The kids were happy to have their parents join in the class. Kids sang a song; la araña y el globo, Daddy’s spent a good time with their kiddos. I believe this was an amazing experience together
We reviewed the letters that they learned in the past weeks (A, E, I, O, U, L, V, B, K, R, C, G, H, J, K, Q, W, X, Y, Z, D, F, M, N,) We did games to find letters in the books and looked into letter soup, tracing letters on the board and finding their names in the letter soup.
This week we started working with number 18/ número 18. they had a fun time played and used some items sorted and counted. We used the water cycle topic, plants and sun(light) to do different activities like counting clouds, water drops, seeds, and solar rays and tracing the number eighteen.
La Figura y El Color
We reviewed all shapes that kids are learning; circle/circulo, square/cuadrado, triangle/triangulo, rectangle/rectangulo, oval/ovalo, heart/corazon, and star/Estrella and diamond/diamante. also, they were reviewing our colors range; rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, pink/Rosado, baby blue/celeste, black/negro, white/blanco and gray/gris.
Parents, kids should wear for our performance on Thursday 22:
Niñas/grls; white blouse or shirt with a short pants or leggings, and black shoes or cowboy boots.
Niños/boys; lines or square shirt with jeans, and black shoes.
by Macky & Veronica | Jun 11, 2017 | Preschool
This week we started to work with the water cycle. We learned all about how the water cycle works. I was surprised how they absorbed the information so well that by the end of the week they were using their new knowledge to explain the water cycle. Everyone had their own particular way to explain this topic. They learned how the water cycle works with facts to help them understand how this process works in a way that’s easy to follow. Forexample:
Heat from the Sun causes water on Earth (in oceans, lakes etc) to evaporate (turn from liquid into gas) and rise into the sky. This water vapor collects in the sky in the form of clouds
As water vapor in the clouds cools down it becomes water again, this process is called condensation
Water falls from the sky in the form of rain, snow, hail, or sleet, this process is called precipitation.
Oceans and lakes collect water that has fallen. Water evaporates into the sky again and the cycle continues.
The kiddos were fascinated by how clouds make rain. They learned that when water droplets and ice crystals continue to collect in a cloud, they get heavier and heavier. They will eventually become too heavy to float on the air. Water droplets will fall to the earth as rain. Kids did a water cycle project and an easy science precipitation experiment with shaving cream (foam kind), a jar, water, and food coloring. We filled a cup almost full of water. On top we sprayed shaving cream as clouds. Then, we squirted several drops of food coloring on top of the shaving cream. As the “cloud” became heavy, the food coloring “rained” into the cup.
Finally, Thursday and Friday, we started a little introduction of plants. (We will continue next week with this topic.) We talked about what plants need to grow (sun, water, soil, and air). We also talked about plant parts: root, stem, leaves, and flower. This was a great time to connect these two topics with another cycle. We talked about the life cycle of plants from to seed to plant. The students were all fascinated by the notion that a tiny seed can emerge from he ground as a plant. We did some fun crafts and sang a plant cycle song (las plantas necesitan…tierra, aire , agua y sol…) kids enjoyed this topic Agua/water, and Plantas/plants, particularly the science project 
We reviewed the letters they have learned in the past weeks (A, E, I, O, U, L, V, B, K, R, C, G, H, J, K, Q, W, X, Y, Z, D, F, M, N,) We played games to find letters in the books and looking into letters soup. The kiddos who had more letters won a prize. It give them a good motivation to find the letters!
This week we started working with number 17. We had a fun time playing with this number and using different items from the classroom for sorting and counting. We used the cycle water topic to do different counting activities such as counting clouds, and water drops. It was a simple activity to help kids practice counting and number recognition.
La Figura y El Color
We reviewed all shapes that the students are learning; circle/circulo, square/cuadrado, triangle/triangulo, rectangle/rectangulo, oval/ovalo, heart/corazon, and star/Estrella and diamond/diamante. Also, they were reviewing our colors range; rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, pink/Rosado, baby blue/celeste, black/negro, white/blanco and gray/gris.
by Macky & Veronica | Jun 3, 2017 | Preschool
“Far up in the deep blue sky, great white clouds are floating by; all the world is dressed in green; many happy birds are seen, roses bright and sunshine clear show that lovely June is here.” F. G. Sanders.
This week we finished La Unidad de Servicios Publicos y/o Ayudantes de mi Comunidad /Community Helpers Unit. We had a lot of fun with this unit as the little ones enjoyed learning about different public service helpers/servidores publicos. The students are able to differentiate between the jobs of farmers, doctors, nurses, veternarians, firefighters, construction workers, teachers, bakers, cooks, police, stylists or hairdressers, mailmen, and librarians. Throughout this month the kiddos had the amazing opportunity to enjoy playing and pretending to be servidores publicos/ community helpers. They sang songs and did hand activities using their motor skills while working on different projects. During this unit it was interesting to hear the kids say what they want to be when they grow up. Some of them want to be a vet, a police officer, firefighter, teachers, doctors, and nurses. So, I think they have a fantastic future in front of them, based on all those great ideas that they shared with us!
Finally, we hit the road with our field trip. Thank you to all parents that were able to take the kids to our field trip. I believe they had a good time visiting the Firefighter Station, the Camas Library, the quick stop by the Post Office, and finally….Dairy Queen!
This week we reviewed the letters they have learned in the past weeks (A,E,I,O,U,L, V, B, K, R, C, G, H, J, Q, W,X, Y, Z, Ch). We played games to find letters in the books and traced the letters on the board. Also, before they left the classroom each day, we reviewed the letters placed in our letters tree.
This week we worked with number 16 (dieciseis). We had a fun time playing and using items for sorting and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We used these sorts to count fish, beans, and Legos. They also traced the number to work on correct number formation and pencil grip.
La Figura y El Color
We reviewed all shapes that kids are learning; circle/circulo, square/cuadrado, triangle/triangulo, rectangle/rectangulo, oval/ovalo, heart/corazon, and star/Estrella and diamond/diamante. Also, the kids could draw and color sheets of paper using different colors, reviewing our colors range; rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, pink/Rosado, baby blue/celeste, black/negro, white/blanco and gray/gris. As well, when we were counting fishes they reviewed the colors too.
by Macky & Veronica | May 29, 2017 | Preschool

la biblioteca
This week we continued working with“Servicios Publicos y/o Ayudantes de Mi Comunidad/ Community Helpers” unit. So, this week we were working with Community Helpers “Teachers, hairdresser/stylist, and Librarian, ” We spoke with the children about what teachers do and the importance of teachers in the community
. Teachers: here they learned what a teachers does, they learned that teachers work really hard, their job does not end with the school day. Although standing in front of the classroom is a huge part of a teacher’s responsibilities, they extend far beyond that into the lives of their students, their students’ families and their community. Teachers motivate, inspire and lead. They interact with their community to affect positive change through their students and themselves.
They also learned that Librarians are important people. We introduced them to the concept of our local librarians and teach what a wonderful resource our librarians are! They help us to find a book, to organize, etc, They are a people that work professionally in a library and in schools.
To finish the week, kids learned about hairdressers. Most of kids have been to the hairdresser and they were happy to share their experiences in our circle time! They learned that a hairdresser is a person whose occupation is to cut or style hair to change or maintain a person’s image. Kids were so exited learning about this topic and after doing our activities they enjoyed pretend-play to be teachers, librarians, and hairdressers. They have a lot of fun playing with this topic. It was an amazing experience for kids doing a hairstyle themselves.
We continued reviewing the vocabulary of the month. Your kids are doing a great job learning this vocabulary!
Bombero/ firefighter,
Recolector de basura/ garbage collector,
Soldado, soldier,
Cartero/postman or postwoman,
Trabajadores de construcción/ construction workers,
This week kids learned the letter “Ch”. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. While in United States this letter does not exist in the alphabet. In the Spanish pronunciation is; Ch (che). Some examples:
Chaqueta / jacket
Chapulin/grasshopper or locust.
We did activities like handwriting the letter Ch in the board, singing, letters games and letters recognition.
This week we started working with number 15 / quince. We had a fun time playing and using different items for sorting and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities such as counting osos/bears and memory games. As well, we traced the number 15 (número quince).
La Figura y Color
We reviewed all shapes that kids are learning; circle/circulo, square/cuadrado, triangle/triangulo, rectangle/rectangulo, oval/óvalo, heart/corazon, and star/Estrella and diamond/diamante. Also, kids were reviewing the colors that they learned in our daily class routine: rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, pink/Rosado, baby blue/celeste, black/negro, white/blanco and gray/gris.
Have a good weekend!