by Sarah Segall | May 23, 2017 | In The Loop, Preschool

by Sarah Segall | May 20, 2017 | Preschool
Los servicios públicos
This week we continued working with“Servicios Públicos y/o Ayudantes de Mi Comunidad/ Community Helpers” unit. So, this week we were working with Community Helpers “Medical Profesions”, Doctors and Nurses. We spoke to the children about what a nurse is and what a doctor is and what they do. The students learned about how they help them when they are sick, about the different tools they use during procedures, the different kinds of doctors such as dentist/dentista, and pediatrician/pediatra. Also, they learned how nurses are such important people. Not only are they often the first health care professional that a sick or injured person sees, but they do their job in all kinds of setting.
We discussed, in circle time, where nurses work. Some of them said that nurses work in hospitals, doctors’ offices, and that’s right, but also, they learned that they can find a nurse in school and in their neighborhood too, because some nurses work directly in the community! Some of these neighborhood nurses teach people with special health problems and help them to manage their conditions, as well they also might travel to a person’s home to provide care for those who are too elderly or sick. As well, they learned that nurses do more that provide hands on health care, they also give patients and their families compassionate support at a time when they need most.
Kids were so exited learning about health care providers, and after doing our activities they did imaginary play to be nurses and doctors. They had a lot of fun playing with this topic. And to finish the week, kids learned about mail office/ oficina de correos, and the people that work there, as the mailmen or postwoman/ carter. They were so happy making letter for their relatives. It was an amazing experience for kids doing their letter, folding the papers and putting them in the envelope/sobre. Finally they placed the letter in the mail box! Parents, wait for your letter in the mail. 
We continued reviewing the vocabulary of the month: kids are doing a good job learning this vocabulary!
Bombero/ firefighter,
Recolector de basura/ garbage collector,
Soldado, soldier,
Cartero/postman or postwoman,
Trabajadores de construccion/ construction workers,
This week we continued reviewing the letter Nn/. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. While in United States this letter doesn’t exist in the alphabet, in the Spanish pronunciation is; N (enye). Some examples:
This week we started working with number 14/ catorce. We had a fun time playing and using different items for sorting and counting. Children have a natural desire to make sense of their world that seems largely out of their control. For that reason, “sorting activities often attract children, and help them see differences and similarities”. Then, we did activities such as counting fourteen/catorce osos. Also, we traced the number 14 (número carorce) to practice the number formation using fine motor skills.
La Figura y Color
We reviewed all shapes the kiddos have learned; circle/circulo, square/cuadrado, triangle/triangulo, rectangle/rectangulo, oval/ovalo, heart/corazon, and star/Estrella and diamond/diamante. Also, kids reviewed the colors that they learned: rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, pink/Rosado, baby blue/celeste, black/negro, white/blanco and gray/gris.
Have a good weekend!
by Macky & Veronica | May 13, 2017 | Preschool
This week we continued working with“Servicios Publicos y/o Ayudantes de Mi Comunidad/ Community Helpers” unit. So, this week we were working with Community Helpers, specifically Police: This theme helps to inform children about the role of the police. They learned that their job is to enforce the law and they do this in many ways, by patrolling the streets, getting to know the people who live in the town, helping people who have accidents, directing traffic to avoid accidents and more. They really loved it and then we acted out playing a police officer. They used their imagination driving a car, watching the streets and more, it was fun! As well, they did different craft activities of police officers. We continued reviewing the vocabulary of the month:
Bombero/ firefighter,
Recolector de basura/ garbage collector,
Soldado, soldier,
Cartero/postman or postwoman,
Trabajadores de construccion/ construction workers,
In addition, to close the week, since Mother Day is coming this Sunday 14 Mother’s Day, and is the time of the year when we take time to show appreciation and express love for our mothers. The kids celebrated their mothers with a beautiful poem:
Brillas como una Estrella/ you shine as a star
Hueles como una flor/ you smell as a flower
Por eso te quiero yo/ for that I love you
Con todo mi Corazon…Felicidades Mama! / with all my hearth…. Happy Mother’s Day!
Then they did a flowers art project using mommy and kiddo’s hands, and to finalize, kids showed their mothers that they can sing in Spanish “La arana pequenita”. I hope mothers enjoyed their celebration…Thank you moms who came in to celebrate with your awesome kids!
This week we continued reviewing the letter Zz/ letra Zz. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter Z, can be pronounced as (zi). While the Spanish pronunciation is; Z (zeta, sounds like “s”). Some examples:
We did activities like, handwriting the letter Zz, letters games and letters recognition.
This week we started working with number 13. We had a fun time playing and using some items sorted and counted. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities such as counting thirteen/trece legos. As well, we traced the number 13 (numero trece).
La Figura y Color
We reviewed all shapes that kids are learning; circle/circulo, square/cuadrado, triangle/triangulo, rectangle/rectangulo, oval/ovalo, heart/corazon, and star/Estrella and diamond/diamante. also, the kids colored sheets of police officers and police cars too. They used different colors, reviewing our colors range; rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, pink/Rosado, baby blue/celeste, black/negro, white/blanco and gray/gris.
Happy mother’s day and have a good weekend!
by Macky & Veronica | May 6, 2017 | Preschool
“Be like a flower and turn your face to the sun”-Kahlil Gibran. I cannot believe how far this year has gone through, and May is here!
We started working with our “Servicios Publicos y Ayudantes de Mi Comunidad/ Community Helpers” theme. Community helpers is an important unit and one all kids will enjoy, so we put on the fire hat, turn on the siren, and we were ready to have some fun!
First, I started asking kids if they know what community helpers are? and most of them think of police, nurses and mail delivers. I explained to them that a community helper can be defined as any person who helps with our health and overall well-being. Community helpers include dentist, doctors, construction workers, even grocery store workers! I am going to teach the kids that the trades these people do are very important to the function of our community, maybe they want to be one of those people “when they grow up” such as a farmer, doctor or soldier. I believe it is important to know who these people are and how important their jobs are to each and every one of us. My goal is that kids understand what each person does in their specific jobs. During this month we will do different craft activities, songs, read books, and to finalize this unit we are going to hit the road. We are planning a field trip to several spots, like the Camas library, the Camas fire station, and possible the post office and bank… Also, parents can help doing a game of spotting community helpers in everyday life. Parents can ask their kids to point out a community helper whenever they sees one such as a police officer parked on the side, etc.
Kids will learn new vocabulary as;
Bombero/ firefighter,
Recolector de basura/ garbage collector,
Soldado, soldier,
Cartero/postman or postwoman,
Trabajadores de construccion/ construction workers,
In addition, this week we are focusing in firefighters and 911. Kids enjoyed calling 911 and pretending to be a firefighter. They learned that 911 is only for emergency, not for fun, as well, they learned what can they do if they are in the middle of the fire. We discussed the importance of leaving the building immediately, staying low to the ground, remaining with the group and never returning to a burning building.
This week we went over the letter Yy/ letra Yy. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter-name Y, can be pronounced as (uai). While the Spanish letter name pronunciation is; Y (i griega). Some examples:
We did activities such as hands working with play dough, letters games, coloring and letters recognition.
This week we started working with the number 12. We had a fun time playing and using some items for sorting and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities such as counting twelve/doce legos and goldfish, rocks and ballons, tracing and coloring the number 12 (numero doce).
La Figura y Color
This week we continued working with diamond /diamante shape. The kids could play through the shape tracing the shape with their fingers, lacing shapes, and shape bingo game. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the colors names that they learned as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, white/blanco, black/negro, and gray/gris. This week kids were coloring a sheet of paper with number 12 and firefighters with our color range of learning.
Have a good weekend!
by Sarah Segall | Apr 30, 2017 | Preschool
This week, we finished our Deportes/Sports Unit. We had a lot of fun with this unit as the little ones enjoyed learning about different kinds of sports like fútbol / soccer, beisbol/baseball, fútbol Americano /football, basquetbol / basketball, tenís/ tennis, golf / golf, natación / swimming, and boliche / bowling Throughout this month the kiddos had the amazing opportunity to enjoy and practice these sports, playing games inside and outside the classroom. We played games and guessing sports with mimes.

Making a golf ball!
We spent this week learning about Golf/golf, Swimming/natación, and we finished with bowling/boliche/bolos. They were doing exercise and playing at the same time, as well, they worked with different craft activities like a play dough golf ball, swimming art, and swimming puzzle. On Friday kids played bowling/ bolos or boliche. They enjoyed playing this game
. It was awesome working with them throughout this unit. They played sports very well
! So, Jackie and I tried to do our best playing games with them.

Tracing the letter X.
This week we went over the letter Xx/ letra Xx. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter name X(ex). While the Spanish letter name pronunciation is; X (equis). Some examples:
Rayos X/ x-ray
We did activities that the kiddos enjoyed, since they had a variety of ways to learn the letter “X” as coloring, letter recognition, fine motor and letter practice tracing the letter “X” and working hands with play dough too.

These Pre-K kiddos are showing they are ready to join our Kindergarten class next year!
This week we worked with number 11 (once). We had a fun time playing and using some items sorted and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We used these sorts to count little balls of play dough, goldfish, Legos. They were tracing the number too.
La Figura y El Color
This week we continued working with diamond /diamante shape. The kids could play through the shape tracing the shape with their fingers, and lacing shapes. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the color names they learned such as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, white/blanco, black/negro, and gray/gris. This week kids were coloring a sheet of paper with different sports using the colors that they were learning. Also, they continued to practice the fine motor skills through lacing circle, square, rectangle, oval, start, heart, and triangle, and diamod shapes. Have a good weekend!
by Macky & Veronica | Apr 23, 2017 | Preschool
This week we continued working with our Sport/Deportes Unit. Kids really love this unit and had a lot of fun playing, and doing different craft activities with our diferents types of sports like: basketball/basquetbol or baloncesto, football/futbol, and baseball/beisbol. We read different sports books through the week and they clearly enjoy learning about those sports. They did a good job with football lacing, a basketball art paint collage, and play games working on their gross motor skills. Playing baseball was a really fun for all of us!
In addition, to close the week since Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22, we explained to children that is good to create objects from natural and recycled materials and spend more time outdoors, so we did a special craft with them; handprint Earth Day using tempera (in when the hand prints holding the Earth in a hearth shape). And shaving cream marble Earth. We also helped sort lids and caps for a school-wide project.
We reviewed the letters they have learned in the past weeks (A,E,I,O,U,L, V, B, K, R, C, G, H, J, Q, W,). We did games to find letters in the books and looking into letters soup, also, before they leave the classroom, we reviewed the letter placed in our letters tree.

This week the kids continued learning addition 1 through 10. We did different activities, like counting and recognizing the numbers. We worked with football eggs, in which we placed a piece of paper with a number and kiddos had to recognize each number and place quantities beside each football egg. Then they did addition counting buttons and pompoms. They did a good job with addition.
La Figura y Color
This week we learned the diamond /diamante shape. The kids could play with the shape, tracing the shape with their fingers and then lacing them. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the colors names that they learned: rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, white/blanco, black/negro, and we introduced the new color to learn gray/gris. This week kids colored a sheet of paper with different sports, using the colors that they were and are learning.
Have a good weekend!
by Macky & Veronica | Apr 17, 2017 | Preschool
April arrived! And I hope every family of Spanish with Sarah enjoyed their spring break. This month we are going to work with our new “Sports/Deportes” unit. There are so many great things to do with the sports theme. Sports can provide children with lifetime benefits, from the encouragement of exercise to the development of interests and hobbies they can carry into and adulthood. We are going to teach kids about sports by emphasizing the fun aspects of each sport. Focusing on the most common sports like soccer, football, baseball, tennis, golf, basketball and swimming. Through this theme we’re going to read different books, do crafts, and play sports. Kids are going to learn new vocabulary:
Fútbol Soccer/soccer
Fútbol Americano/football
Balón/ball (soccer and football)
Cancha/field, court
Campo/pitch, ground
This week we put our focus on two sports/deportes; soccer and tennis. In our circle time we discussed general sports ideas like accessories and kind of clothes the people used for these sports, and general ideas of soccer. Most of the students like soccer better than tennis, and everyone wanted to kick the soccer ball. Gross motor activities are very important to preschoolers, so we played indoor soccer with a soft soccer ball. We also did different craft as finger people soccer player and paper plate soccer ball and balloon tennis!
This week we go over to the letter Zz/ letra Zz. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter Z, can be pronounced as (zi). While the Spanish pronunciation is; Z (zeta, sounds like “s”). Some examples:
We did activities like letters games, coloring, making the letter with play dough and letter recognition.
This week we worked with addition 1-10. We continued really working with the kids this week on understanding the concept of addition. We have been working with numbers 1 through 10 and number combinations. We are doing this so they can continue knowing what happens when they add two numbers. We gathered up our collection of manipulatives to work with the kiddos to have fun with addition. They did a great job and also hey had the opportunity to learn while having fun.
La Figura y Color
This week we reviewed all shapes that kids are learning; circle/circulo, square/cuadrado, triangle/triangulo, rectangle/rectangulo, oval/ovalo, heart/corazon, and star/estrella. The kids were coloring sheets of sports like tennis and soccer. They used different colors, reviewing our color range; rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, pink/Rosado, baby blue/celeste, black/negro, and white/blanco.
Have a good weekend!
Macky J
by Sarah Segall | Apr 4, 2017 | In The Loop, Preschool
We know many of you are looking for us to post our summer camp schedule. We will have more detailed information available after spring break.
Spanish Camp
July 10-July 14 (5 days)
10:00-2:00 (20 hours total)
Kinder-5th grade
10-15 students
Spanish Camp
July 31- August 4 (5 days)
10:00-2:00 (20 hours total)
Kinder-5th grade
10-15 students
Intro to Robotics
July 31 – Aug. 3 (4 days)
9:30 – 2:30 (20 hours total)
3rd grade – 6th grade
8-10 students
Advanced Robotics
Aug. 8 – 11 (4 days)
9:30 – 2:30 (20 hr.)
3rd – 6th grade
by Macky & Veronica | Apr 1, 2017 | Preschool
This week we finished our Insects Unit,. The students (and teachers!) had a lot of fun with this unit. The little ones really enjoyed learning all about the insects. Throughout this month, the kiddos had the amazing opportunity to learn and express their ideas and thoughts related to the insects. They sang, played, and worked with different insect craft activities. Also, this week they had the experience to identify the differences between insects and arachnids. They learned that the insects have a head, thorax, abdomen, six legs, and four wings, while the arachnid has a eight legs, head and thorax. It was so great working with them during this unit! I asked them what they learned this month and they answered very well! They are awesome kiddos!
We read the book, “The Very Busy Spider” by Eric Carle…Of course, reading this book naturally inspires us to make and take a walk through our own circle time spider web. We used our whole bodies to climb under, over, in, and out of the web. Kiddos were excited to play in our spider web! These activities were a great addition to finish our insects theme learning experience for kids.
This week we went over to the letter Hh/ letra Hh. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter H(eich). While the Spanish pronunciation is; H (ache) “H” is silent. Some examples:
Helado/ice cream,
We did activities that the kiddos enjoyed since they had a variety of ways to learn the letter “H” as coloring, letter recognition, fine motor and letter practice tracing the letter “H”.
This week we were working with addition 1-5, and 1-7. Addition helps kids master the relationship between numbers and understand how quantities relate to one to another. So, we worked with kids doing different activities with our collection of manipulatives (this week we used insects, and little balls). They did a great job practiced addition with hands-on manipulatives.
La Figura y El Color
This week we reviewed all shapes that kids are learning; circle/circulo, square/cuadrado, triangle/triangulo, rectangle/rectangulo, oval/ovalo, heart/corazon, and star/estrella. Besides, the kids were coloring sheets of insects and free coloring and reviewing our colors range; rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, pink/Rosado, baby blue/celeste, black/negro, and white/blanco. Also, they continued practice the fine motor skills lacing circle, square, rectangle, oval, start, heart, and triangle shapes. Have a good weekend!