by Macky & Veronica | Mar 25, 2017 | Preschool
This week we continued working with our “Insects Unit”. Kids learned about flies and ants! They really enjoyed all about ants more than flies! This week the kids were obsessed with ants in our classroom and school. Anywhere they go they shout out when they’ve found an ant. And of course, some of them want to find some to squish them!
To start our week of ants we made a very simple ant and fly craft. Those crafts teach them that an ant and fly have three body parts (head, thorax, abdomen), antennae/antenas, six legs/seis patas, eyes/ojos and mouth/boca. We also read some books like; “Hola Hombre Mosca” and “El Saltamontes y la Hormiga/ The Grasshopper and the Ants”
“Hola Hombre Mosca” is a story; “A fly was flying. He was looking for something to eat. He was looking for something to eat. Something tasty. Something slimy. A boy was walking. He was talking. He was looking for something to catch. Something smart. Something for the amazing pet show.” The boy and fly meet and so begins a beautiful friendship.
“The Grasshopper and the Ants” is a story of a lazy grasshopper and some hard-working ants. The ants spend the summer gathering food to prepare for the winter. They warn the grasshopper to do the same, but he just laughs at them and plays music all summer long. When winter comes, the grasshopper has no food, but the ants are just fine! Will the grasshopper learn his lesson?
Kids love “The Grasshopper and the Ants” book, we discussed the book in our circle time, and it was amazing to heard the kids share all that they get from the book. They said that they learned that they have to work really hard to be successful in life and they do not want to be as a grasshopper! They are
awesome, we are happy to have these wonderful kids in our class.
Additionally, we continued learning the new vocabulary of this theme.
Caracol/ snail,
Mariquita o Catarina/ladybag,
This week we went over to the letter Qq/ letra Qq. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The combination “qu”, in Spanish is always a “k” sound que, quien, quiero). Some examples:
Quetzal/, quetzal,
We did activities that the kiddos enjoyed since they had a variety of ways to learn the letter “Q” like, letters games, coloring, letter recognition, fine motor and letter practice using flour to write the letter into it, working hands on play dough, and letters recognition.
This week we were working with addition 1-5. We started really working with the kids this week on understanding the concept of addition, we have been working with numbers 1 through 5 and number combination. Now they know what happens when they add two numbers. We gathered up our collection of green, blue, yellow, and red manipulatives to start working with our little ones to have fun with addition. They did a
great job practicing addition (forming groups) with hands-on manipulatives, with this activity the kids had the opportunity to learn while also having fun.
La Figura y El Color
This week we continued working with star shape (estrella), and we introduced a new color, white (blanco). The kids were coloring sheets of insects as ants (hormigas), using the colors that they are learning. Also, they practiced the fine motor skills lacing circle, square, rectangle, oval, start, heart, and triangle shapes.
Have a good weekend!
by Macky & Veronica | Mar 18, 2017 | Preschool
This week we continued working with our “Insects Unit”. Kids learned this week that insects are characterized by having three pairs of legs, a body segmented (head/cabeza, thorax/torax and abdomen/abdomen), compound eyes, and one pair of antennae. Most, but not all, insects have wings. Insects represent the largest group of animals on Earth, and are found in nearly all environments on our planet. Insects typically go through a life cycle that includes hatching from an egg, a larva stage, a pupa stage, and finally and adult stage. So, kids were singing a song:
“Tengo una cabeza, tengo un torax, tengo un abdomen…
Tengo una cabeza, tengo un torax, tengo un abdomen…
Tengo seis patas, tengo cuatro alas y soy un….INSECTO”
Kids enjoyed this song as they danced and sang at the same time
Additionally, we continued learning the new vocabulary of this theme.
Caracol/ snail,
Mariquita o Catarina/ladybag,
This week we showed the kiddos how bees make honey. We taught them that bees fly from flower to flower, sipping nectar and collecting grains of pollen. Bees have a special tongue that sucks up the nectar and crop in their throat for storing it until they get back to the hive. In the hive it is turned into honey to use as food. As well they learned that many plants depend on bees to spread pollen helping them to reproduce. Honey bees and bumblebees live in colonies or hives. All the bees in the colony work together for the good of the hive. Each has a job to do, the queen lays the eggs and the workers build the honeycomb, care for the larvae and collect food. Kids did activities working in the sensory bin, fine motor activities, and other activities like a bumblebee made with toilet paper roll, and a paper plate honey bee.
This week we learned all about the letter Ww/ letra Ww. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter W name can be pronounced as (dobel-iu). While the Spanish letter name pronunciation is; W (doble ve or doble u). Some examples:
We did activities that the kiddos enjoyed since they had a variety of ways to learn the letter “W” like letters games, coloring, letter recognition, coloring rainbow writing, fine motor and letter practice using flour to write the letter in, coloring and letter recognition.
This week we were working with addition 1-5. We gathered up our collection of green manipulatives to start working with our little ones to have fun with addition. We did St. Patrick’s clover addition math mats. The kids worked in groups and individually too. They did a great job practicing addition with hands-on manipulatives, with this activity the kids had the opportunity to learn while also having fun.
La Figura y El Color
This week we continued working with star shape (estrella) and we introduced a new color, black (negro). The kids colored sheets of insects like bees (abejas), rainbow caterpillar using diferents color as red (rojo), yellow (amarillo), blue (azul), orange (anaranjado), purple (purpura) and back (negro). Also, they practiced their fine motor skills tracing star shapes and coloring it different colors.
by Macky & Veronica | Mar 11, 2017 | Preschool

Una Mariquita!
This week we continued working with “Insects Unit”. The kids enjoyed reading and singing books related to insects. We read “La Mariquita Malhumorada” book, “The Grouchy Ladybug” by Eric Carle. This classic book shows us the story of a bad-tempered bug who won’t say please or thank you, won’t share, and thinks she is bigger and better than anyone else. The kids were introduced to the important concepts of time, size, and shape, as well as the benefits of good friendship and good manners. We also continued learning the new vocabulary of this theme.
Caracol/ snail,
Mariquita o Catarina/ladybag,
This week we showed the kiddos a ladybug life cycle. We explained the stages a ladybug goes through. It was pretty fun and easy to understand, since they only have 5 stages; eggs, larva, pupa, young ladybug, and adult ladybug. We did a visual project to help them to understand better this life cycle. Kids did activities working in the sensory bin and fine motor activities. They did activities like the paper plate ladybug, hat ladybug, tissue paper ladybug. As well, they were searching for bugs inside y outside the classroom, and had a “ladybug” snack with strawberries, blueberries and Nutella.
This week we went over to the letter Kk/ letra Kk. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter K, can be
pronounced as (kei). While the Spanish pronunciation is; K (ca). Some examples:
We did activities as, letters games, coloring and letters recognition.
We worked and reviewed the numbers 1 through 10. Kids did activities
for counting and recognizing the number through counting ladybugs, tracing and coloring the number. As well, we placed Legos on the ground next to the caterpillar, and then I encouraged the little ones to sort the objects out to the corresponding caterpillar stomach. Kids love to work with Legos and they also built bugs houses with 1 to 10 Legos 

Happy Birthday to this guy!
La Figura y Color
This week we continued working with star shape (estrella), and the new colors, pink (rosado), and light blue (celeste) color. The kids played in the classroom looking around for the star shape. We also reviewed the colors in our daily clothes, coloring insects with color indication, and in classroom insect’s decorations.
by Macky & Veronica | Mar 5, 2017 | Preschool
I can/t believe that the time is going so fast. Spring is almost here! And this is the perfect time to
introduce children to the life cycles of a variety of living things such as insects. This month we are going to work with insects/insectos unit. There are so many things to do with a bug or insects theme. With over a million species of insects to learn about, the possibilities are endless. Kids will learn about the parts of an insect, insect life cycles, habitats, food and more. Through this theme, we’re going to sing, read different books, do crafts, and science lessons. Kids are going to learn new vocabulary like:
Caracol/ snail,
Mariquita o Catarina/ladybag,
This week we started learning about Life Cycle of a Butterfly. We explained that a butterfly lays a tiny egg on a leaf. A caterpillar hatches from the egg and after eating a whole bunch it turns into pupa and forms a hard-protective shell around its body. The pupa opens and a butterfly is born. We read the books, “Life Cycle of a butterfly and “The very Hungry Caterpillar”. We did activities like the paper plate caterpillar: children’s paint them with their favorites colors and then they add a papercraft to embellishments to give the caterpillars life! We did a multicolor butterfly and a butterfly life cycle necklace.
This week learned the letter Rr/ letra Rr. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter R, can be pronounced as (ar). While the Spanish pronunciation is; R (ere). Some examples:
We did activities as, letters games, coloring and letters recognition.
We were working on and reviewing the number 10 this week. The kids are doing a good job counting 1 through 10. They did diferent activities like counting and regonizing the number through legos, tracing and coloring the number. As well, I placed manipulatives on the ground next to the caterpillar, and then I encouraged the little ones to sort the objects out to corresponding caterpillar stomach. Kids enjoyed doing this activity
La Figura y Color
This week started working with star shape (estrella), and a new color added in our range colors! pink (rosado), and light blue (celeste) color. The kids play in the classroom looking around for star shape and colors
in our daily clothes and in classroom insect decorations.
by Sarah Segall | Feb 28, 2017 | In The Loop, Preschool
Celebrate Dr. Seuss Week March 6th- March 10th

by Sarah Segall | Feb 25, 2017 | Preschool
This week, we finished our Dinosaurs Unit. We had a lot of fun with this unit as the little ones enjoyed

What’s in that frozen dinosaur egg?
learning about dinosaurs. Throughout this month the kiddos had the amazing opportunity to express their ideas and thoughts related to all things dinosaurs. They were singing, playing, and working with different craft activities with dinosaurs. Also, they had the experience to use their imagination thinking what dinosaurs they wanted to be! It was awesome working with them in this unit. Every day they surprised us! I asked them what they learned this month and they had great answers!
We did several different crafts this week such as ice eggs excavations and making dinosaurs fossils with plaster of Paris. These activities were a great addition to complete our dinosaurs theme learning experience for kids.

Dinosaur snack!
This week we went over the letter Vv/ letra Vv. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter V, can be pronounced as (vi). While the Spanish pronunciation is; V (ve, sounds like b). Some examples:

Dinosaur fossils!
This week we went over number 10/número diez, we did different activities, as counting and recognizing the number through counting diez/ten dinosaurs/dinosaurios, counting dinosaur’s eggs and hearts, they trace the number ten/diez as well. They were counting and sorting piles of manipulatives on the ground next to the number 10. We played a memory number game. It was super exciting for all the kids.
La Figura y Color
This week we continued working with ovalo/oval shape and corazon/heart shape. The kids could play through the shape tracing the shape with their fingers. As well, the kids were passing around the shape ovalo/oval and corazon/heart, so the children could examine this shape up close. They reinforce this shape doing hearts and dinosaur eggs. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the colors names that they learned as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange.
by Sarah Segall | Feb 18, 2017 | Preschool

Little scientists uncovering dinosaur bones.
This week, we continued working with our Dinosaur Unit. The students had a lot of fun playing, singing and doing different craft activities with dinosaurs. We continued to work with the concepts of small/pequeño, median/mediano and big/grande, and they learned new words: nada/swim, camina/walk, vuela/fly since some dinosaurs used to walk, swim, and fly.
The students were really creative, recognizing that some dinosaurs used two legs and some of them used four legs to walk. Also, Tuesday and Thursday, we did activities related with Valentine’s Day/Dia de San Valentin. We talked about how it’s important to show love, kindness, and appreciation for others for Valentin’s Day. We talked about how it is nice show love and be kindness every day too. Kids did different craft; paper plate hearts, hand hearts, dinosaurs fossils rocks, foot print dinosaurs, and dinosaurs fossils. These activities were so much fun for them, especially the last one, dinosaurs fossils was a great addition to our dinosaurs theme learning
This week the kids reviewed consonant letters and vowels, M, S, P, T, N, F, L, D, and B.
We did activities as, letters games, letters recognition, bingo, and we sing the vowels song too.
This week we focussed on the number 9/número nueve. We did different activities like counting and recognizing the number through counting nine/nueve dinosaurs/dinosaurios, jumping into dinosaur’s tracks/huellas de dinosaurio, as well, they were counting and sorting some pile of manipulatives on the ground next to the number 9. We played a memory number game too. They were so excited playing this game.
La Figura y Color
This week we continued working with ovalo/oval shape and corazon/heart shape. The kids could play through the shape, tracing the shape with their fingers. Also the kids passed around the shape ovalo/oval and corazon/heart so they could examine them up close. They reinforced this shape making hearts and snails. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the colors names that they learned as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, and we introduced the new colors to learn as, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange.
Have a good weekend!
by Sarah Segall | Feb 11, 2017 | In The Loop, Preschool

Do you have a pile of ‘gently used’ childrens books at home that they’ve already read? Do you wish you had the opportunity to exchange them for different, new-to-you, exciting books?
How it Works
On Thursday, February 23rd students may bring in any “gently used” kids books to Spanish With Sarah. We will count the number of picture books, early reader, fiction, Spanish, bi-lingual, chapter books, young adult, classics and non-fiction books brought in by each student and give each student a ‘book buck’ (raffle ticket) for each book they donate. There is no limit to the number of books that can be donated.
On Friday, February 24th students can browse through the donated books and swap their ‘book bucks’ for ‘new to you’ books!
Students are responsible for their own book bucks; we will not keep track of them!
If there are any books left over we will offer them to the Spanish with Sarah library, or take them to Powell’s books for store credit – donated to SWS.
Book Criteria
Please make choices carefully before bringing in books. Books will only be accepted under the following guidelines:
- Books must be in gently used condition: cover on, no rips, tears, or bent edges
- Books with coloring or writing in them will not be accepted
- Coloring books, activity books, and sticker books will not be accepted
by Macky & Veronica | Feb 11, 2017 | Preschool
Los Dinosaurios
This week we continued working with our Dinosaurs Unit. Kids really love this unit! They had a lot of fun playing, singing and doing different craft activities with dinosaurs. We read different dinosaur books and the kiddos enjoy learning names, sizes and colors of dinosaurs. After reading a book they wanted to play dinosaurs game…! They pretended to be a dinosaur, stronger, with a lot of power! They have a lot imagination. This was a good time to teach them the concepts about small/pequeño, median/mediano and big/grande. Kids are doing pretty good learning and visualizing dinosaurs sizes by comparing them to everyday things, for example; brontosaurus/apatosaurio was tall/alto as a skyscraper building, as some dinosaurs were large/largo o ancho, and still others were the sizes of chickens. Finally, kids had fun doing crafts; dinosaurs book, hands print dinosaurs, and dinosaurs track painting, the last activity got a little messy, but the kids loved it! The purpose of these activities was to develope their hand muscles and coordination as they manipulated the dinosaurs.
This week we went over the letter B/ letra B. Be sure to point out the letter we practice when you are reading. The English letter B, can be pronounced as (bee). While the Spanish pronunciation is; B (bay). Some examples:
Bolsa/bag or sack,
We did activities as, letters games, coloring and letters recognition, and tracing letter B.
This week the kids continued learning the number 8, we did different activities, as counting and recognizing the number through counting eight/ocho dinosaurs/dinosaurios, jumping into dinosaur’s tracks/huellas de dinosaurio, as well, they were counting and sorting a pile of manipulatives on the ground next to the number 8.
La Figura y Color
This week we continued working with ovalo/oval shape. The kids could play through the shape, tracing the shape with their fingers, passing cars and dinosaurs too. As well, the kids were passing around the shape ovalo/oval, so they could examine it up close. They reinforced this shape doing a dinosaur egg. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the colors names that they learned as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, and we introduced the new colors to learn as, café/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange.
Have a good weekend!