by Sarah Segall | Feb 4, 2017 | Preschool
Los dinosaurios
I can’t believe how fast the school year is going! February is here and we continued learning from our preschoolers how they are awesome. They make our day! This week we finished with our transportation unit, Monday and Tuesday kids reviewed all the material that they learned while playing games, dancing and singing. On Wednesday, we started working with our Dinosaurs Unit. Dinosaurs are attractive to children because these creatures have signs of strength and power. The purpose of this unit is to captivate your child’s imagination, through books, projects and activities that we are going to use around dramatic play. We know it’s difficult for young children memorize all the long names of these prehistoric creatures, but they will pick up a few names on their own through stories and recordings. In this unit we are going to talk about related words such as bones/huesos, fossils/fosil, museums/museos, lizard/lagarto and skeletons/esqueleto. As well, we are going to invite children to make their own stories about these dinosaur friends. The kids will learn new vocabulary; some of them as, pequeño/small, mediano/medium, grade/large, colors/colores, camina/walk, vuela/fly. Kids had fun playing with dinosaurs and doing craft as; paper plate dinosaurs and coloring dinosaurs.
This week we go over to the letter D/ letra D. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter D, can be pronounced as (di). While the Spanish pronunciation is; D (de). Some examples:
We did activities as, letters games, coloring and letters recognition, tracing letter, and D as a dinosaur craft.
This week the kids learned the number 8, we did different activities, as counting and recognizing the number through cars, bears, dinosaurs, also, they were counting and sorting some pile of manipulatives on the ground next to the number 8.
La Figura y Color
This week we worked with ovalo/oval shape. The kids could play through the shape tracing the shape with their fingers, pasing cars and dinosaurs too. As well, the kids were passing around the shape ovalo/oval, so the children could examine this shape up close. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the colors names that they learned as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and amarillo/yellow, and we introduce the new color to learn purpura/purple. They coloring a dinosaur using three different colors using as number one, green/verde, number two, purpura/purple, and number three, azul/blue.
Have a good weekend!
by Sarah Segall | Jan 22, 2017 | Preschool
Transportation Unit
This week we continued working with our transportation unit. The transportation theme is a traditional topic in most kids, but why? Kids love activities that include playing with all types of transportation items including vehicles such as cars, trucks, airplanes and more. This topic is part of their everyday lives. They drive or walk to school, have seen or ridden on a bus or taken an airplane to go on vacation.
We did games and had fun doing crafts like; paper plate car/carro craft, paper plate school bus/autobus escolar or camión escolar. Also, we did a science project for transportation which involved color sorting and mixing racing cars through silky smooth shaving cream and paint. The purpose of this activity was for them to learn and explore colors and how they mixe to create new colors. They used their senses to gather information about the materials and the vocabulary to describe what they observed. They could explore cause and effect, doing something and making something else happen. They could think about what happened when they do something or change what they are doing to something else. These concepts are solid science foundation that provide structure for further learning.
As well they continued learning transportation vocabulary as,
Carro o coche/ car,
Velero/sailing boat,
This week we learned all about the letter Ff/ letra Ff. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter name F, can be pronounced as (ef). While the Spanish name pronunciation is; F (efe). Some examples:
We had fun with our activities: letters games, coloring and letters recognition.
This week the kids learned the number 7. We worked on counting and recognizing the number through Legos, cars, trains, and counting and sorting some pile of manipulatives on the ground next to the number 7.
La Figura y Color
This week we reviewed the shapes circulo/circle, cuadrado/square, triangulo/triangle, rectangulo/rectangle and we started with óvalo/oval shape. The kids played and reviewed the shapes in our road truck shape. They drove the cars along the roads and counted how many corners each shape has. They identified the shape names. Also, the kids reinforced the color names they learned as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and our new color Amarillo/yellow.
Have a good weekend!
Macky ☺
by Sarah Segall | Jan 7, 2017 | Preschool
January is here and I hope you had an amazing winter break! This month we are going to work with our transportation unit. Transportation is an important part of everyday life, and the kids will learn the different types of transportation:land, sea, and air. This transportation theme not only helps children learn about what different vehicles are for and how they work, but they can also learn other important concepts such as safety when riding in a vehicle or walking. We are going to use games and crafts while we are teaching the transportation unit, as it will help them remember important information.
Here are some of the new vocabulary words we will work with this month:
Carro o coche/ car,
Velero/sailing boat,
The first and second week of January, the kids will learn land transportation. This week they were learning how the train works, and what they can carry or transport. The kids discusses, in our circle time, how they come to the school, as car, but some of them used their imagination and said that they come in a motorcycle. Some of them explained to us that they wish to come to the school in airplane, helicopter and boat! The kids really love this unit.
We did crafts as shape train and putting their name into the train. As well we did a monster trucks activity with paint. They drove the trucks through the paint and onto paper, they loved it!
This week, we reviewed the vowels/ las vocales (A, E, I, O, U). and letters M, S, P, T, N We did activities as, letters games, draw, coloring and letters recognition
We worked with and reviewed the numbers 1-6. The kids are doing a good job counting 1 through 6. We did different activities, as counting and recognizing the number through Legos, stickers, and color the numbers. As well, the kids did a train color sorting activity. I placed a pile of manipulatives on the ground next to the train and then I encouraged the little ones to sort the objects out to the corresponding train cars. The kids really enjoyed doing this. I extended the learning for them by asking them to add a certain number of items to a train car or to count the items in each of the train cars.
La Figura y Color
This week we continued working with rectangle shape (rectángulo), and green (verde) color. The kids played a game in the classroom looking around for triangle shape and green color. They played games making figures using different sizes of shapes as circle/ circulo, cuadrado/square, and triangulo/trinagle. As well, the kids did a train shapes with cicles, rectangles, triangles and squares.
Have a good weekend!
by Sarah Segall | Dec 16, 2016 | Preschool
This two short weeks we were working with celebrations. We worked with Christmas celebrations. We read Cuentos Clasicos de Navidad / Classic Christmas Stories as, Rodolfo El Reno / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer and La Navidad de Clifford/ The Clifford’s Christmas. We read about different ways that the kids learned values, generosity and to share with others. The students were learning with different examples and activities using this topic. As well, they learned that Holidays give us a wonderful opportunity to share with others. The kids were really exited learning a little bit of the Classic Christmas Stories. It is amazing to see how they enjoyed this stories. The kids worked with activities as, Reed Nose Reindeer, Christmas three, Ginger breadmen, and ornaments. In addition, we sang the song campana sobre campana, the kids love this song!
This week, we reviewed the vowels/ las vocales (A, E, I, O, U). We did activities, vowels games, drawing, coloring, and vowels recognition in our daily reading.
We were working and reviewed the numbers 1-6. The kids are doing a good job counting 1 through 6. We did different activities, as counting and recognizing the number through dots, Legos, stickers, color and trace the numbers. The purpose of these projects is that kids recognized the number and counting the number too.
La Figura y Color
This month we started with rectangulo shape (rectangle), and yellow (amarillo) color. I talked about it with the kids, passing around the shape so the children could examine this shape up close. And, we compared different sizes of rectangle shape as well.
by Sarah Segall | Dec 15, 2016 | In The Loop, Preschool
All classes and activities are cancelled for Thursday, December 15th due to inclement weather.
by Macky & Veronica | Dec 3, 2016 | Preschool
I cannot believe that the holidays are almost coming!!
This week we continue working with The Farm/La Granja unit. The kids did a great job learning animal’s names and sounds. This week we read a book El Chivo en la Huerta/ The Goat in the Orchard, and Dubi, Dubi Muu book. The kiddos enjoyed this book that shows us a trip to the county fair and involves secretly entering a talent contest-unbeknownst to Farmer Brown-to win a trampoline. In the contest tres vacas/three cows, cuatro ovejas/four sheeps, cuatro cerdos/ four pigs and un pato/one duck participated. After reading the book the kids were singing the same as animals did, in different tones.
Also, the kiddos did different projects, such as chivo/goat paper plate and a goat mask. In addition, I explained to them about cows and what they give us, as example, leche/milk, queso/cheese, mantequilla/butter, and meat. So, we did a little experiment and they milked a “cow” by hand. It works just like a real cow!!!! All I did was fill a rubber glove with water and a bit of tempera paint to make it white and a tiny bit thicker than water. I poked a hole in one of the fingers. Then, I hung my little “Milk the Cow” I had to pinch off one of the utters with my thumb and pointer finger to trap the milk in the utter-so that it doesn’t go back up. Then, the kids squeeze it!! The kids think this is the neatest thing ever!
This week we go learned all about the letters Tt /la letra Tt. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter Tt can be pronounced in English T(Ti). While the Spanish pronunciation is T (te). As example
tortuga/ turtle
We did activities as, find the letter Tt into our classroom and letters game, draw, coloring and recognition of letter Tt.
This week we worked with the number six (6)/ número seis doing different activities like placing five watermelon seeds into the watermelon, counting mole cows, and sorting activities with colors, shapes, and sizes.
La Figura y Color
This week we continued working with the triangle shape (triangulo), and green (verde) color. The kids played in the classroom looking around for triangle shapes and green color. They played games doing figures, using different sizes of shapes as circle/ circulo, cuadrado/square, and triangulo/trinagle.
Have a good weekend!
Macky J
by Macky & Veronica | Nov 19, 2016 | Preschool
La Granja
We continued working with The Farm/La Granja. The kids are doing great learning animal’s names and sounds. This week we read a book la Gallinita Roja / The Little Red Hen. The kids enjoyed this book.
Here is a short summary for our week lecture; the little red hen finds a grain of wheat and asks for help from the other farmyard animals, cat, dog and mouse to plant it, but none of them volunteer. At each later stage (harvest, threshing, milling the wheat into flour, and baking the flour into bread), the hen again asks for help from the other animals, but again she gets no assistance. Finally, the hen has completed her task and asks who will help her eat the bread. This time, all the previous non-participants eagerly volunteer. She declines their help stating that no one aided her in the preparation work. Thus, the hen eats it with her chicks leaving none for anyone else. The moral of this story is that those who pay no to contribution to a product do not deserve to enjoy the product: “if any would not work, neither should he eat.” The kids did different projects, as a red hen, as well, they learned the life cycle of a chick. We discussed how the hen lays an egg, how the baby chick grows inside the fertilized egg and then uses its beak to break the egg and come out, and how the chick grows into an adult chicken. They were fascinated with this process. In addition, we closed this week doing activities related with Thanksgiving celebration. It was nice to hear how they were thankful for their parents, brothers and sisters!!
This week went over to the letters Pp /la letra Pp. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter Pp can be pronounced in English P(PI). While the Spanish pronunciation is P (pe). As example
pantalones/ pants
We did activities like find the letter Pp into our classroom and letters game, draw, coloring and recognition of letter Pp.
We continued working with the numbers 1-5 doing different activities, as placing five corn grain into pig mouth, counting farm animals, as well, the kids did sorting activities with colors, shapes, and sizes. This is an important math skill for them.
La Figura y Color
This week we continued working with the triangle shape (triangulo), and green (verde) color. The kids played by looking around for the triangle shape and green color. They passed around the different sizes of the shape. They could draw a clown, ice cream cone and pine tree with the triangle shape.
Have a great weekend and Happy Thanksgiving!
by Macky & Veronica | Nov 12, 2016 | In The Loop, Preschool
La Granja
November is a perfect time to learn about farm! We had fun this week doing a simple farm unit with the kiddos.This unit is a great way to introduce the kids to the differences between types of animals and types of lifestyle. Also, kids can learn how the farm is important for our life. They will learn how farm animals can contribute to our life style. We also will learn who and how take care of farm animals. The objective for this unit is that kids learn name of animals, sounds of animals, food of farm animals, uses of farm animals. We did different projects for the farm like sensory play activities, paper plate chickens, paper craft chicks, paper plate caws, and paper plate and cotton ball sheep.
This week we learned all about the letters Ss /la letra Ss. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter Ss. These can be pronounced in English S(es). While the Spanish pronunciation is S (eh seh). We did activities related with the letter Ss and we sang songs too.
As example:
sandia/ watermelon
We worked with the numbers 1-5, doing different activities such as counting pigs and corn. We started with addition (making groups of 5 using two different colors of bears, how to find the number five counting 3 blue bears and two green bears). ,We also did five little chickens, placing a number inside of the body.
La Figura y Color
This month we started with triangle shape (triangulo), and green (verde) color. I talked about it with the kids, passing around the shape, so the children could examine this shape up close. We compared different sizes of the triangle shape. Also, they did an activity to draw and cut triangle shapes.
by Sarah Segall | Nov 5, 2016 | Preschool

Los Cinco Sentidos
This week we continued working with the five senses/ Los Cinco Sentidos. This week the kids learned about their body’s sense of smell. They discovered that we use our senses to learn about the world around us. They learn
ed that we breathe in odors in the air and our brain makes sense of what we smell. How to protect our noses and how our noses can protect us, as well, they learned that the noses sends messages to our brain and the brain tells us what we smell. So, we did activities guessing by the smell of items. It is amazing how the kiddos guessed most of the items! We used coffee, ginger, cinnamon, flowers, clove, vanilla, and oranges. Another activity that we did was to choose items that they like or dislike.
This week we learned all about the letter M m /la letra M m.. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter Mm. These letter names can be pronounced in English M(em). While the Spanish letter name pronunciation is M (em meh). As example mamá, mano, mono, mariposa, murciélago. We incorporated our touch investigation with the letter Mm, reading books, tracing the letter, and games of letter recognition.
We reviewed the number 5 with all sorts of activities. We had a fun time playing and using some items for sorting and counting. We did activities like counting squares, flowers, and stickers. We traced and colored the number 5.

calabazas para el dia de Halloween
This week we continued working with the square shape (cuadrado) and blue color (color azul). We reviewing the square shape using and comparing different sizes of this shape. We did a project drawing the shape and games to find blue square shapes in our classroom.
Have a good weekend!