by Sarah Segall | Oct 29, 2016 | Preschool
This week was amazing with the Bizi-Farm field trip and Pumping Fun Run!
This week we continued working with the five senses/ Los Cinco Sentidos. The kids learned about their body’s sense of hearing, they learned that we use our ears to take information about things around us. Like other skills that children learn, listening takes practice. We used listening games involving listening to different instruments, sounds of music at various volumes. Kids heard sounds from different objects and then I asked them
to name the object making the sound, they did great! I changed the volume from quiet to loud to demonstrate the difference, then, we sang la araña pequeñita/ little spider at varying volumes. We read the book Oso Polar, Oso Polar, Oso Polar ¿Qué Es Ese Ruido?/Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? What did the kids hear when I read the book? Lots of noise when kids chanted the rhythmic words. The kiddos enjoyed making the animal sounds. As well, we did a lot of fun projects, as Polar Bear snack, we used bagels, cream cheese, bananas, Oreo cookie, and blueberries, a circle polar bear craft and a print polar bear.
This week we reviewed all the vowels/las vocals we have learned about so far. Be sure to point out the vowels (A, E, I, O , U) that we practice when you are reading. We incorporated our touch investigation with the vowels, reading books, playing bingo, and games of vowels recognition.
We reviewed the numbers 1-5 doing different activities. We had a fun time playing with the number. We traced the numbers 1-5 to work on number formation, coloring and counting stickers, sticks, and more.
This week we continued working with the square shape (cuadrado) and color blue (color azul). We reviewed the square shape using and comparing different sizes of this shape. We did a project where we painted blue sticks and made the square shape with them. This emphasized that squares have 4 sides and they are the same size. Also, they did an activity counting and drawing 4 blue squares.
Have a good weekend

by Sarah Segall | Oct 22, 2016 | Preschool
The five senses/ Los Cinco Sentidos
This week the students learned about their sense of touch (sentido del tacto) by feeling different materials and textures. We used a collection of fabrics including fleece, burlap, silk and satin, as well, we used rocks, sandpaper, cotton, silk paper, different colors of diamantine/brilliantine. I taught the kiddos the difference between soft, rough and smooth. We used examples of a rock for hard. I gave them some objects to feel the texture while they explained what they felt. We read about different ways that we use the sense of touch. The kids enjoyed all the activities, playing and singing songs with this sense. The students had a great time touching all the different textures. We did activities as sensory texture touching and gluing rocks, cotton, etc., this experience encourages the children to explore various textures and promotes the use of observation, plus expressive and descriptive vocabulary. We also created a texture book, and a fish with different textures. This activity helps the kids to observe, compare, experiment and practice descriptive and expressive skills.
This week we learned about the letter U u /la letra U u. Be sure to point out the letters that we practice when you are reading. The Spanish letter U makes the same sound a monkey makes!
We incorporated our touch investigation with the letter U. We used different textures in the letter Uu as long-staple wool, sandpaper, rice. As well the kids identified the letter(vowel) Uu in our daily reading.
We continued working with number 4 (número cuatro) through different activities. We used beans, rocks, silk paper, cottons and little blue bears for sorting and counting. Sorting and counting helps the kids to begin notice how items are alike and different, and creates an awareness that is vital for math learning. The kids traced and colored the number 4 too.
This week we continued working with square shape (cuadrado) and blue color (color azul). We reviewed the square shape, comparing different sizes. Also, they did an activity counting 4 blue bears, finding blue things in our classroom and they continued cutting square blue shapes.
Field Trip Information
Our first preschool field trip this year will be Bi-Zi Farms on Wednesday, October 26th. We will meet at the farm at 11:15. This field trip is rain or shine. Please be prepared to tromp through the farm and field with appropriate rain boots. This field trip is for ALL preschool students. Siblings are also welcome to attend!
Bi-Zi Farms
9504 NE 119th Street
Vancouver, WA 98662
The AM class will meet from 8:45-10:30 at the school and then parents will take their children to the Farm.
The PM class will meet at the school after the field trip until 3:15.
Pumpkin Fun Run
Please be sure to join us for our annual Pumpkin Fun Run. We will leave from the school (walking) at 1:45 on Thursdays, October 27th. We hope to see all preschoolers there!
by Sarah Segall | Oct 15, 2016 | Preschool
Mis cinco sentidos
This week we continued working with “The five Senses” “Los Cinco Sentidos” theme.We learned all about the sense of taste.The taste sense theme involves the children in sensory experiences. During this theme I started teaching the kids that our tongues are covered in taste buds that allow us to taste things that are salty, sweet, sour and bitter. I provided students with examples of each flavor to taste. Lemons, pretzels, unsweetened cocoa, and sugar work well. As well, we did an apple experiment in when the kids could taste this fruit with different flavors, we used sweet apple, salty apple, sour apple, and bitter apple using honey, salt, green apple with lemon, and dark chocolate. We talked about the foods and whether or not the kiddos liked them. They did activities such as paper in the shape of a tongue and pictures of the four foods they tried and have them glue them on the tongue. We labeled salty, sweet, sour and bitter and the students glued these under the correct pictures. We did a taste sorting game, the kids saw pictures of different foods and they sorted them into the four tastes- salty, sweet, sour and bitter. The kiddos enjoyed tasting all different flavors. Whit this theme, the kids learned new vocabulary, as bitter/amargo, sour/acido, salty/salado, sweet/dulce.
This week we continued working with vowels, this week, vowel Oo. The kids identified this letter in our daily reading. They practiced the letter Oo through different activities such as tracing letter O o using their finger first and then, they traced it with crayons and markers. We did letter Ii necklaces.We read a book of the letter Oo. The Spanish pronunciation is the same as the letter name. Examples: oso/bear, ocho/eight, olla/pot, ovalo/oval, oveja/sheep.
This week we started working with number 4 (número cuatro). We had a fun time playing and using different items for sorting and counting. We did activities such as counting four squares, four tongues, four mouths and we traced and colored the number.
La Figura y el Color
This week we continued with square shape (cuadrado), and blue (azul) color. We talked about it with the kids, passing around the shape, so the children could examine this shape up close. We compared different sizes of the square shape. Also, they did an activity to find 4 different blue things in our classroom. They tried to cut 4 squares as well.
Field Trip Information
Our first preschool field trip this year will be Bi-Zi Farms on Wednesday, October 26th. We will meet at the farm at 11:15. This field trip is rain or shine. Please be prepared to tromp through the farm and field with appropriate rain boots. This field trip is for ALL preschool students. Siblings are also welcome to attend!
Bi-Zi Farms
9504 NE 119th Street
Vancouver, WA 98662
The AM class will meet from 8:45-10:30 at the school and then parents will take their children to the Farm.
The PM class will meet at the school after the field trip until 3:15.
by Sarah Segall | Oct 8, 2016 | Preschool
Mis cinco sentidos

October is here! And we started working with “The five Senses” “Los Cinco Sentidos” theme. The Five Senses theme involves the children in sensory experiences. During this theme the child will identify, compare and classify items as they investigate the world around them. We are going to explore the five senses of touch, sight, smell, taste and sound during this month. Therefore, we started this week with the sense of sight, we were working with a fantastic book “Brown Bear, brown Bear, What Do You See?
/ Oso Café, Oso Café, ¿Qué Es Lo Que Tú Ves? The narrator of this book asks various animals what they see with the response usually being another animal, the respondent is then asked what they themselves see, and the process is repeated. It features a:
Brown Bear/ Oso Cafe,
Red Bird/ Pajaro Rojo,
Yellow Duck/ Pato Amarillo
Blue Horse/ Caballo Azul
Green Frog/ rana Verde
Purple Cat/ Gato Morado
White Dog/ Perro Blanco
Black Sheep/ Cordero Negro
Goldfish/ Pez Dorado
The kiddos were fascinated with this wonderful book, and learning our new vocabulary. In addition, we worked on different activities to help them to build up their fine motor skills. We did a sequence book Brown Bear/ Oso Café, necklaces sequences, and we had a fun time playing Brown Bear/ Oso Café bingo.
This week we continued working with vowels, this week, vowel Ii. The kids identified this letter in our daily reading. They practiced the letter Ii through different activities such as tracing letter I i using their finger first and then, they traced it with crayons and markers. We did letter Ii necklaces.We read a book of the letter Ii. The English Letter Ii can be pronounced (ai). While the Spanish pronunciation is the sound you hear in steam. Examples: iglesia/church, iglu/igloo, insignia/insignia or emblem, isla/island.
This week we started working with number 3. We had a fun time and played and a variety of items for sorting and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities such as counting three squares and goldfish. We traced and colored the number 3 (número tres).
La Figura y el Color
This month we started with the square shape (cuadrado), and the color blue (azul). The students passed around the shape, so the children could examine it up close. We compared different sizes of the square shape. Also, they did an activity to find 3 different blue cuadrados in our classroom.
Field Trip Information
Our first preschool field trip this year will be Bi-Zi Farms on Wednesday, October 26th. We will meet at the farm at 11:15. This field trip is rain or shine. Please be prepared to tromp through the farm and field with appropriate rain boots. This field trip is for ALL preschool students. Siblings are also welcome to attend!
Bi-Zi Farms
9504 NE 119th Street
Vancouver, WA 98662
The AM class will meet from 8:45-10:30 at the school and then parents will take their children to the Farm.
The PM class will meet at the school after the field trip until 3:15.
by Sarah Segall | Oct 2, 2016 | Preschool
Mi familia

This week we continued working with our “Mi Familia” /“My Family” theme. We use
this theme as a guide to teach children more about families and what makes up a family. We worked with reading the book ¿El Canguro Tiene Mamá? Does a Kangaroo have a mother? With the gorgeous collage illustrations, the children learn about animal mothers and their babies, the kiddos learned vocabulary and enhanced the social concepts about animals. They enjoyed this book, recognizing the animals and making animals sounds! The kiddos learned new Spanish words as canguro/kangaroo, león/lion, cisne/swan, delfin/ dolphin, zorro/ fox, jirafa/giraffe, oso/bear, elefante/elephant, mono/monkey. The kids enjoyed this book and they had a good time learning our new words. In addition, we worked with different activities to help them build up their fine motor skills. We did kangaroo activities such as kangaroo faces, kangaroo paper sacks, etc.
This week we continued working with vowels. The kids recognized and practiced the vowel E e. This vowel makes the same sound as the it does in the English words egg and elephant. They did different activities such as tracing letter Ee into corn flour and finding the letter in our daily reading, letter stickers, coloring and handwriting the letter Ee. We played with different things that start with letter Ee as, elefante/elephant, estrella/star, espejo/mirror. We also sang songs.
This week we started working with the number 3. We had a fun time playing, sorting and counting different classroom objects. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities such as counting three kangaroos and placing the babies into kangaroo mother’s tummy. We traced the number 3 (numero tres), coloring and counting stickers, sticks, and more items.
by Sarah Segall | Sep 24, 2016 | Preschool
Mi famiia
This week we continued working with “Mi Familia” “My Family” theme. I used this theme as a guide to teach children more about families and what makes up a family. It’s so lovely to see how they are learning in every class! We worked with reading the book “Ricitos de Oro y los Tres Osos” “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. With this classic and amazing story tale the kids learned new Spanish words such as:
mamá oso/ mama bear,
papá oso/papa bear,
bebé oso/ baby bear,
We did great activity, such as story sequencing, coloring, cutting out, and arranging correctly. They also regonized three diferents sizes as grande/big, mediano/medium, and pequeño/small. The kids enjoyed this book and they had a good time learning our new words. In addition, we worked on different activities to help build up their fine motor skills.
This week we started working with vowels. The kiddos recognized and practiced the vowel A a. They did different activities with the letter, such as finding the vowel Aa in our daily reading, stickers, and handwriting.
This week we continued working with number 2. We had a fun time playing and using items for sorting and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We used

colors bears and buttons. We traced the number 2 (número dos), colored, and counted stickers, sticks, and more items.
La figura
This month we continued with circle shape (círculo). I talked about it with the kiddos passing around the shape, so the children could examine this shape up close. We compared different sizes of the circle shape. We also played a game that involved finding circle shapes in our classroom.
by Sarah Segall | Sep 17, 2016 | Preschool
La familia
This week we continued working with our Socials Skills and Family theme.
I Used this theme
as a guide to teach children more about families and what makes up a family. We worked with the book “¿Eres tú Mi Mamá?”. “Are You My Mother?” This story is about a hatchling bird. His mother, thinking her egg will stay in her nest where she left it, leaves her egg alone and flies off to find food. The baby bird hatches. He does not understand where his mother is so he goes to look for her. As he is unable to fly, he walks, and in his search, he asks a kitten, a hen, a dog, and a cow if they are his mother, but none of them are. Finally, his mother returns to the nest and the two are united, much to their delight, and the baby bird recounts to his mother the adventures he had looking for her. The kids enjoyed this book and they had a good time learning new words: gato/kitten, gallina/hen, perro/dog, and vaca/cow. We also worked on different activities such as the hands family tree and nests. These activities help them to build up their fine motor skills. In addition, we sang songs, danced, and play.
The kiddos practiced identif

ying their names. They did a clothespin name recognition activity, handwriting, and a letter soup activity.
This week we worked with number 2. We had a fun time playing and using some items to recognize it. We did different activities such as tracing and coloring the number 2 and counting 2 shoes. We also used fun items for sorting and counting.
This month we are working with circle shape. We talked about it while passing around the shape, so the children could examine up close. We compared different sizes of the circle shape. círclo = circle
by Sarah Segall | Sep 17, 2016 | In The Loop, Preschool

Family game day is a great time to get to know other families from the school while sharing your favorite family games. After our last game days we heard:
“That was the best school event I’ve ever attended!”
“We should do these all the time!”
“Great fun for kiddos, moms, dads and grandparents!”
Saturday, September 24th
3pm – 5pm
Shepherd’s Hall (upstairs, through the main church doors)
Please join us for an afternoon of fun with family & friends!
Please bring: your favorite games……(and a non-messy snack to share if you choose)…
Bottled water will be provided!

by Macky & Veronica | Sep 10, 2016 | Preschool
Welcome to all preschool families!
I am so happy to have your children in my class!
This week we started working with a socials skills activity. This activity was a great w

ay to ease anxious feelings, while allowing children to celebrate differences amongst each other. Circle time social skills are very important. Circle sitting tends to make everyone equal and encourage participation to all kids, so I announced to them that this was “all about us” time. Everyone introduced themselves and shared their favorites and special things! it was a wonderful activity.
We are also working with the “My family” topic for the month of September. This week we read ¿Tu Mamá Es Una Llama? where the kiddos learned some Spanish words as llama/llama, vaca/cow, cisne/swan, murciélago/bat., also we worked in different activities building up their fine motor skills. In addition, we sang songs, danced and played.
The children practiced tracing their names. We work on holding all writing utensils correctly. Grip is important! Recognizing the first (or all) letter in their names was our focus this week.
This week we worked with number 1. We had a fun time playing and using some items to recognize it. We did different activities with the number such as making number 1 with play dough, and coloring it, identifying groups of the number.
This month we are working with the circle shape, el círculo. We talked about the shape, passing it around, so the children could examine this shape up close. We compared different sizes of the circle shape and students sorted the shape from others.