by Sarah Segall | Jun 6, 2015 | Preschool

Father’s Day
We wanted to make sure our dads didn’t get left out so we celebrated them before summer vacation. Our annual SWS Father’s Day Carwash & Stepping Stones was a blast! If your child made a stepping stone please be sure to take it home this Monday or Tuesday. They are right in the hallway outside the school office.
Los Deportes
This week we began our sports unit. This unit is not only a LOT of fun but it also provides a wonderful opportunity to practice many gross motor skills.
Some things we worked on:
- kicking a ball between two points
- throwing a ball (over hand)
- tossing a ball (under hand)
- weaving our body in and out of cones
We also read and talked about the different types of balls that are used in different sports. We have included the following into our calendar pattern:
baseball – béisbol
soccer – fútbol
football – fútbol americano
basketball –basquetbol
Letras y Números
We had so much fun using our balls and bean bags to practice adding and subtracting in small numbers! We wer
e very active during these activities! (Definitely active/whole body engagement!)
We also used fun sports pictures to work on syllables. Knowing letter sounds, putting those sounds together to form syllables, and then putting the syllables together to form words. This is beginning reading! (Not every student is doing this but they are all benefiting from the exposure.)
by Sarah Segall | May 30, 2015 | In The Loop, Preschool
Spirit Week was a blast! There were some very creative hats, fun socks, CRAZY hair, and lots of red and black.

by Sarah Segall | May 30, 2015 | Preschool
Los Insectos
This week we read Hombre Mosca. This is a fun book about a little boy who is
looking for a new pet for a pet competition. He finds a fly who knows his name, “Buzz”. Everyone laughs but the boy and the fly show them how great they really are.
Each class this week put together their own insect book. This was a lot of work, coloring all the different pages. We had a blast putting the words to the book into song form. Each book was heartily sung to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus. Doing a multi-step, long project, is a skill we have been working on all year and all the students did very well!
Letras y Números
This week we reviewed all the letters of the alphabet. We included several uppercase to lowercase matching activities. We ‘painted’ our letters on the chalkboard with water. Students provided the sounds when shown letters, etc. Next week we will work on blends. Pre-Kindergarten students will also be receiving beginning reading booklets. When these come home its a good idea to have a storage place for them so they can be re-read throughout the summer.
We also focused on the number 19 this week. There were lots of insect activities counting up to 19.
The morning classes also joined the Kindergarten class for their calendar
routine this week. This is a great way for the preschoolers to integrate with the older children at the school. It’s also a nice way to ease the transition for our pre-K kiddos. There are some things that are the same during calendar routine and it’s comforting for them to know this.
We also had time for our Kindergartners to read their books to your preschoolers. These are great experiences!
by Sarah Segall | May 23, 2015 | In The Loop, Preschool
Our End of the year Program will be Monday, June 15th. This program is where each class sings a few of their favorite songs from throughout the school year. Some of the classes have put together more than a few songs…and are very excited to share them with you.
This is also a great way for students to practice performing in front of larger audiences, as well as giving a preview of the curriculum to come in future years.
Please join us on Monday, June 15th in the main sanctuary of the Camas Church of the Nazarene. (This is the church attached to our school.) Students should arrive at 5:40. The performance will begin at 6:00 and should last about an hour.
by Sarah Segall | May 23, 2015 | Preschool
Los Insectos
This week we were very busy with la oruga hambriente / The Hungry Caterpillar. This story focuses on the life cycle of the butterfly. The story starts
out with a little egg/huevo on a leaf/hoja then follows the caterpillar/oruga as it eats and grows, enters a cocoon (most caterpillars enter a chrysalis, but Eric Carle used the word “cocoon” as that’s what his father called it when he was a child) and emerges as a colorful butterfly/mariposa.
The caterpillar in this story eats a lot of food – some of it is very nutritious (like the fruits and the leaf) and some is “junk food.” We talked about what foods are good for you and what happens when you eat too much! We also enjoyed talking about each child’s favorite foods.
Letras y Números
This week we introduced the letter F. The letter F makes the same sound in English and Spanish. We form the letter F from the top right, going straight to the left and then straight down – all in one movement. Then we add in the little line in the middle from left to right.
We also focused on the number 18. Students did several activities adding insects, insect dots, and insect parts to form the number 18. Our younger students are focusing on counting up to 18, identifying the number 18, and forming groups of 18.
by Sarah Segall | May 15, 2015 | Preschool
Los Insectos
This week we read the book La mariquita
malhumorada. This is a great story about a grumpy ladybug who goes from animal to animal looking for someone who is big enough to fight with. In the end he ends up back where he started, next to a nice ladybug, and decides to be peaceful and share the aphids on the leaves.
We talked about the significance of the different colors of ladybugs. This might be a good thing to reinforce at home:

red- normal ,
orange/yellow- poisonous – don’t touch.
blue – irritable
We continued our study of the life cycle and characteristics of insects. We used our craft time to explore the characteristics of insects:
6 legs / 6 patas,
2 antenas,
un caparazón,
2 alas
We also used our craft time to work on the tricky skill of folding paper and then cutting. We used this to make equal wings for our mariquitas. We worked specifically with the life cycle of the mariquita. We compared it to that of last week’s mariposa. They are very similar!!
Letras y Números
This week we introduced the letter ch. The sound is the same in Spanish and English. Think chocolate! This letter combination makes the same sound at the beginning, middle, or end of words.
Our number focus this week was Number 17. We did crafts making 17 ladybugs, making 17 spots, and matching numbers with the number of dots on the ladybugs.
by Sarah Segall | May 9, 2015 | Preschool
Los insectos
This week we began our insect unit with the very fun story: The Crunching Munching Caterpillar. 
This is such a fun story to act out. It really shows how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. We acted the life cycle out by being:
eggs / huevos – by laying in balls on the floor,
larva/ larvae – by wiggling around like a caterpillar,
pupa/ pupa – by folding ourselves into balls and taking a nap,
butterfly/ mariposa – by spreading our wings and flying around the room.
We also talked about the different body parts of insects and created fun crafts to go along with the topic.

Letras y Números
We played a fun insect game this week. Students rolled a die and chose that many insects to place on the leaf game board. Pre-K students played a challenge version of the game by adding 2 dice. This was very fun!
This week we focused on the number 17. This number is THE MOST skipped number during oral counting. We would like to encourage you to count, count, count and be sure this number isn’t left out.
We had a great time creating Mother’s Day gifts. We hope you all enjoy them and have a fabulous weekend!
by Sarah Segall | May 7, 2015 | In The Loop, Preschool
Our last Scholastic Book Order is due Friday, May 15th. Scholastic magazines went home this week with all students, with even more options available online. All orders should be done online.
- ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code H2CQB
- SHOP from a carefully curated selection of the best books, value packs, and Storia eBooks
- SUBMIT your order and earn FREE Books for our classroom
- All book orders will be shipped to our classroom so we can celebrate the joy of reading together!
by Sarah Segall | May 2, 2015 | Preschool
Servicios públicos
We finished our Community helpers unit this week. We read a great book that talked about all the different people who make a community. We learned there are different types of communities:
grandes ciudades – big cities
suburbios – suburbs
pequeños pueblos – little towns
We looked at the different signs that can be seen around town. The stop sign is an important one! We also looked at the different shapes of crosswalk signs. Our shape study this week was the diamante.
It was fun to play a few rounds of Luz Rojo, Luz Verde – Red Light, Green
rojo = para
amarillo = despacio
verde = corre
Next week we will begin our new unit: Los deportes – Sports
Letras y Números
This week we introduced the letter Z. The letter Z makes the /s/ sound in Spanish. There is no buz
zing! This was a fun letter to write: al lado, diagonal, al lado. All with straight lines!
Our number focus this week was the number 16: diez y seis. All the children do a fabulous job counting up to 30 with our monthly calendar. To practice counting, challenge your child to find 16 …of the letter A (or any letter) in their favorite book, or 16 red blocks, 16 of anything. Counting is fun!