by Macky & Veronica | Oct 26, 2019 | Preschool

This week we continued working with “The Five Senses” / “Los Cinco Sentidos”. We focused on the sense of touch (tacto) and sense of hearing(oído)
Sense of touch The kiddos did a god job feeling different materials and textures such as fleece, rocks, sandpaper, cotton, silk paper, sand, beans, playdough, slime, noodles, jelly. We read about different ways that we used the sense of touch; they had a great time doing a texture book and playing textures games. This experience encourages the kids to explore various textures and at the same time promotes observation plus expressive and descriptive vocabulary.

Sense of hearing The little ones learned that we use our ears to take in information about things around us. We used listening games and listened to different instruments. The kids heard sounds from different objects and then I asked them to name the object making the sound, We also did this with different animal sounds and then they had to guess what animal it was. Then the kiddos made different sounds and the teacher had to guess!! The kiddos sang los cinco sentidos and la araña pequeñita while we were varying the volume of our voice.
Kids had a great learning week with us
El Tacto
El oído
Las vocales

Have a great weekend!
by Sarah Segall | Oct 19, 2019 | 2nd/3rd Grade News, 4th/5th Grade News, First Grade News, In The Loop, Kindergarten News, Preschool
What a fabulously fun week that our SPA (Spanish Parent Association) put together for us. The kids (and teachers) had such a fun week and we are SO appreciative of all the hard work and organization that was clearly put into the week. What a great way to show the kiddos how teamwork and cooperation can make wonderful things happen.
Thank you SPA!!!
Pumpkin Fun Run
Preschoolers compete in the Spider Race
Face Painting
Monster Pencils
Día del niño pumpkin gifts
Scarecrows were made by K-5 classes. Thank you Bridget and Amber!
BINGO with Ms. Laura
Parents led all games.
Pumpkin Tic-tac-toe
4th/5th Grade
2nd/3rd Grade
Sock day!
by Sarah Segall | Oct 19, 2019 | Preschool

This week we continued working with “The five Senses” “Los Cinco Sentidos”. During this week we worked on identifying and classifying the senses.We focused on our sense of sight and sense of taste. Children did a great job seeing objects and describing them, as well, we worked with a fantastic book “Brown Bear, brown Bear, What Do You See? / Oso Café, Oso Café, Qué Es Lo Que Tu Ves? The narrator of this book asks various animals what they see with the response usually being another animal, the respondent is then asked what they themselves see, and the process is repeated. It features a
Brown Bear/ Oso Café
Red Bird/Pájaro Rojo
Yellow Duck/ Pato Amarillo
Blue Horse/Caballo Azul
Green Frog/rana Verde
Purple Cat/Gato Morado
White Dog/ Perro Blanco
Black Sheep/ Cordero Negro
Goldfish/ Pez Dorado
In addition, during our sense of taste the kids learned that the senses working together with the tongue, mouth and nose. These senses send messages to the brain and we can taste things, as well, that we have taste buds that help us taste different things; sweet-dulce, sour-ácido, salty-salado, bitter-amargo. They learned that the sense of taste also helps to protect us from eating spoiled or poisonous foods.
The kids did a great job in our science activities related with the senses of learning. Their favorite part was tasting different flavors in our classroom, kids love sweets flavors
Oso Café
El Gusto

This week was such a wonderful week, lot of fun, Preschoolers had a wonderful time and teachers too!!
by Macky & Veronica | Oct 12, 2019 | Preschool
We continued working with the “Five Senses” Unit and the kiddoss did a great job learning Spanish vocabulary and singing songs related to our unit. Also, this week we read the book “It’s Pumpkin Time!” We are learning the pumpkin life cycle and sequencing illustrations from this. Vocabulary:
We did sensorial and fine motor skills activities like cutting, with their fingers, a little pieces of orange paper and gluing it on the paper pumpkin, painting paper plates with orange tempera, painting a white paper pumpkin with tempera and Legos (for texture).
It was also amazing to share with all the preschoolers our Bi-Zi Farm field trip. Miss Veronica and I (Macky) were very happy to see all those little ones enjoying feeding the animals, playing and collecting pumpkins. Thank you to all parents to give us the opportunity to have that special time.

¡Tiempo de Calabazas!

Have a great long weekend!
by Macky & Veronica | Oct 5, 2019 | Preschool
“I am falling for you sweet October”
Welcome October and our new unit is here! “The Five Sense”/ “Los Cinco Sentidos” The five senses to our students are really important because children need to have an understanding of the world they live in. Understanding comes through their experiences of this world that
they can only have through their five senses. It’s also important that we emphasize to the little kids the importance of the five senses since our senses do more than let us see the sky, smell a flower, taste a sandwich, hear the music from the radio, or feel snowflakes against our skins. The five senses also enable all of us to learn, enjoy different activities, protect ourselves, and have a clear picture of the things around us.
Thus, we started talking about five senses doing fun projects in which we used our five senses:hearing music in music class on Wednesdays was an amazing experience for them, they were very exited going to a different class and sharing with the older kids.
As well, they could smell, touch, see, hear, and taste delicious popcorns. We also made five senses puppets and crowns!!
New vocabulary;
They had a lot of fun singing songs, dancing and learning the vocabulary.
Mis Cinco Sentidos-My five Senses

Have a Great weekend!
by Sarah Segall | Oct 5, 2019 | 2nd/3rd Grade News, 4th/5th Grade News, First Grade News, In The Loop, Kindergarten News, Preschool

by Macky & Veronica | Sep 28, 2019 | Preschool
This week we completed our “Mi Familia” unit. This month was amazing! The kids did a great job learning family vocabulary such as;
As well, we learned more about our students and their awesome families through their family’s picture and stories that they brought to class!
This week we read the book “¿El Canguro Tiene Mamá? by Eric Carle. In this book we met little joey bouncing in mother kangaroo’s pouch, watched little cubs prance around their mother lion, and swim with a baby dolphin calf in the deep blue sea. Kids know that all moms love their children. Also, they learned new vocabulary:
León / lion
Jirafa / giraffe
Cisne / swan
Pingüino / penguin
Zorro / fox
Delfin / dolphin
Cordero / lamb
Oso / bear
Elefante / elephant
Mono / monkey
We had a lot of fun with our different activities such as, paper plate kangaroos, counting kangaroos’ game, kangaroo crown, as well, coloring, cut, glue with different materials.
Libro de la Semana
¿El Canguro Tiene Mamá?
Special Focus of the Week:

Have a great weekend!
by Macky & Veronica | Sep 21, 2019 | Preschool

This week we continued working with our “Mi Familia” – “My Family” unit. We use this unit as a guide to continue teaching the children more about families and what makes up a family. It’s so lovely to see how the kiddos are learning in every class! We worked with reading the book “Ricitos de Oro y los Tres Osos” “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. With this classic and amazing story the kids learned new Spanish words such as:
mamá oso- mama bear,
papá oso- papa bear,
bebé oso- baby bear,
bosque -forest,
oso- bear,
cama- bed,
pelo -hair,

Also, this week we introduced an “All about me” lesson. Kids did a great job describing their self in circle time. They did an amazing activity such as; draw on a piece of paper their eyes, nose, mouth and hair. They did a sequence activity, followed by recognition of three different sizes big-grande, medium-mediano, small-pequeño. The kids enjoyed “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” book and they had a good time learning our new Spanish words. In addition, we worked on different activities to help build up their fine motor skills.
“Ricitos de Oro y los Tres Osos”

(Oops! square = cuadrado)
Have a good weekend!
Macky 🙂
by Macky & Veronica | Sep 14, 2019 | Preschool
This week we continued working with our social’s skills activity and “Family” unit. Family is forever. This unit provides the kiddos with a basic knowledge of how family works and how every family is different. When the children were participating in our circle time, they had the opportunity to discuss their families, and gain knowledge on how each family is unique. I provided a variety of ideas to capture the essence of family importance. We have worked with reading the book as “Eres tu Mi Mama?”/ “Are You My Mother?” The kids enjoyed this book and they had a good time learning new words such as:
gato – kitten,
perro- dog,
vaca- cow.
The kiddos were very excited learning about families. Words of the month:
In addition, the children did activities with a bird and nest, bird nest sensory bin, pasta bird nest, baby bird eats the worm (fine motor sensory bin) and find the mamá game.
These activities help the children to build up their fine motor skills.
Special Focus:

We practiced tracing and writing our names throughout the week. Soon we will begin our letter study!