by Macky & Veronica | Apr 26, 2019 | Preschool
We started the week celebrating Earth Day. Monday and Tuesday we learned about how to take care of the earth. We started by separating our trash: trash that can be reused, thrown away, and recycled. The children completed projects related to Earth Day and participated in circle time discussions about how their family recycles.

We also continued working with “The pirates” unit. The children made different projects, like our parrots, using small pieces of paper and gluing them in the half circles and then coloring the face of the parrot with red and yellow to make a pretty parrot.

Thursday and Friday the children played pirate’s games; as they walked in obstacles to find the treasure. Once they found the treasure they counted to five and grabbed the diamonds and coins, as much as they could. Then they finished by counting to see who found the most coins and diamonds. The children had a lot of fun with the games!
We continued reviewing the words of learning this month
Libro de la semana “El Tesoro del Pirata Frank”, “Esconde el Escondite”

by Macky & Veronica | Apr 19, 2019 | Preschool
This week we continued working with “Los piratas / The pirates” unit. The kids had an amazing time playing and making pirate projects that helped them to continue development of their motricity skills. We did activities making: pirate’s hats, captain’s hooks, pirate masks and playing a letters bingo game (pirates treasure hunt).
Also, the kids learned new vocabulary:
They did great learning the words!
Libro de la semana “” “Los juegos piratas” y “El Tesoro Pirata

by Macky & Veronica | Apr 12, 2019 | Preschool
This month we started with our “Pirates Unit.” I particularly love ding this one with the kiddos. It’s one of my favorite units because it is so appealing to the imagination of children and can be a beautiful event to experience. With a little help, the children can be exposed to a new world, the world of imagination. We will work on how to live in a world that they themselves can create with their minds. In this world, they probably make up the rules as they go along, or they can have no rules at all. Their imaginary world is one where they can learn too. If we adults can incorporate ourselves into their imaginary world then we can teach them about many subjects. We can guide them while they play, even teaching them about pirates.

All the kiddos had an amazing time learning and making pirates craft. We did activities such as hand print boats, paper bag pirates, and they used their imaginations to make a boat with materials that we proportioned. To end the week we played with pirate’s puppets. They did a great job and had a blast!
Libro de la semana “Como ser un pirata” “How to be a pirate”

Have a great weekend!
Our areas of focus this week.
by Macky & Veronica | Mar 29, 2019 | Preschool
This week we worked with and talked about the spring season. The children learned that spring is a very beautiful time of the year, when the rain falls, the flowers sprout, and many animals are born like pigs, lambs and deer. Some animals come out of their lairs like bears. They also learned that it is very fun to play in the water and splash with their rain boots and rain coat and, if the weather is nice enough, it’s possible to fly the kites.
The children had a lot of fun doing projects such as bees where the children developed fine motricity and the development of attention skills. We used yellow, black and white colors. They also did activities like a bright sun with strips of tissue forming a rainbow. To finish the last day of the week(Friday) the children made a nice snail that amused the children at the time of its elaboration, this in order to show their ability to count when sticking colors, following the line in the shape of a snail. This was a great activity for their fine motor skills.
El libro de la semana

Thank you and have an excellent spring break!
by Macky & Veronica | Mar 22, 2019 | Preschool

The preschoolers helped the entire school with the wood chip project!
This week we continued working with the unit “The Media”. They learned during this unit why the media is important to society. Through communication we can inform ourselves and educate ourselves and connect with others. Therefore, we finished this week learning about the computer as a means of communication. The children learned that the computer is an instrument that helps us to learn many things, to communicate and entertain us. We also talked about the use of our senses; the sense of sight to observe, the sense of touch and the sense of hearing.

Finally, to end the week we did a review of the means of communication (mail, radio, television, telephone, newspaper, magazine and computer) The children a blast creating paper computers and doing a media recognition activity. The children did an excellent job.
Our book of focus this week were Mice Squeak, We Speak by Tommie DePaolo.

We practice correct letter formation: top down!

Gracias, que tengas un excelente fin de semana.
by Macky & Veronica | Mar 15, 2019 | Preschool
This week we continued working with our “The Media” unit, specifically with radio and television. The children learned that the radio helps us to inform ourselves, entertain us and we can use our sense of hearing to listen. We also learned that television is a means of communication that helps us to spend pleasant moments in family and to have fun. In addition we can know what happens in our community, our country
and in the whole world through the news. They also learned that the senses we use when watching
television are the sense of sight to observe and the sense of hearing to listen. We made activities such as radios and televisions of paper. The projects were quite fun since with the radio they danced and sang and with the television the kids played and talked about the actors of their favorite shows.
We learned all about the letter Rr/ letra Rr. The letter R in Spanish is different from English. In Spanish, when the letter R is the first letter in a word it trills, like the ringing of a telephone.
Rana – frog,
Regalo – present,
Relog – clock,
Robot – robot,
Reina – queen,
Raton – mouse.
The children used different sensory materials to draw the letter R: materials such as rice, play dough, salt and sugar. We also drew the letter on the blackboard. I also showed them objects that start with the letter R like the frog, the mouse, the rose. We also observed names of the children to see which of their names had the letter R.
Los Números / Color / Figura
We continued working with the number thirteen/número trece. We reviewed the sequence of the numbers and did activities such as counting and random number identification of 1-13. We kept working with the star figure and the orange color, the children made a star by gluing balls of orange paper inside the figure.
by Macky & Veronica | Mar 8, 2019 | Preschool
March arrived and Spring is almost here!! And our new theme too. So, this month the children will have fun with the themes: “The Media” and “Spring.” We will learn that the media are tools that help us to communicate and know what happens in our city, the country and the whole world. In addition, they will learn that the media also serve to educate, inform and entertain. The children will learn basic vocabulary of the different means of communication and recognize the means of communication according to the medium used in class as oral, written, gestural and iconographic. Also, we will continue working with motor development by strokes, coloring, cutting and chopping. In this unit children will be able to identify the numbers in different communication media such as the telephone, mobile and radio. Also, they will be able to identify the letters of the alphabet in the media such as newspapers, magazines and computers. In addition to this, the children will learn poetry, songs and riddles related to the media.
This week we learned about media such as mail and telephone. We learned that mail is an instrument that we use to communicate with people that are in another place. We learned that we also use our sense of sight to see the letter and the sense of touch to write the letter.
Telephone; helps us to communicate with people, family, friends, etc. Also, we learned that to communicate through this way people use the sense of sound to listen and the sense of touch to hold the phone.
We practiced writing letters to family members. We drew and colored the letters, then placed the letters in a special mail box that they built and colored. Also the children made a paper telephone and used the sequence of number 1-9, zero, number button and star button. They had to glue the numbers on their telephone and then played with the telephone and pretended to call family members.
This week we learned all about the letter Kk/letra Kk. The English letter K can be pronounced and the Spanish K have the same pronunciation. This letter only occurs in foreign words in Spanish.
Kayac – kayac,
Karate- karate,
Koala – koala.
This week we worked with the number 13/número trece, The children did different classroom activities to recognize the number thirteen and matching number with groups. We also played a dice game where the children had to
count and identify the numbers one to thirteen.
La Figura y Color
This week we started working with star shape (estrella), and a new color added in our color range: Anaranjado/ naranja (orange). The kids played a game to find orange manipulatives in the classroom”. They were so exited!

We LOVED having the older kids come read to us for the school’s celebration of Dr. Seuss week!
by Macky & Veronica | Mar 1, 2019 | Preschool
This week we finished our study of the unit “El Pasado y el Presente”. This was such a great theme! Throughout this unit we learned that the past has already happened and the present is occurring right now. Between the past and the present there are sometimes a lot of differences. Students enjoyed comparing the different types of transportation used in the past with the transportation that we use right now. It was very interesting to compare the houses, the schools and the type of clothes from the past and the present. I loved the particular way the children explained that the past/el pasado” long, long, long, long time ago”, and the present/el presente “right now!!!!”
This week we continued reviewing the vocabulary of the month:
Casa – house,
Escuela – school,
Carro – car,
Caballo – horse,
Telefono – phone,
Computadora – computer,
Avión – airplane,
Tren – train,
Estufa – stove
Vela – candle,
Lámpara – lamp
We enjoyed activities such as coloring new and old pictures, cutting and gluing them in the correct place “pasado, presente”. They used pictures like school and house tools, transportation and communication ways. They did a great job!

This week we learned all about the letter Vv/ letra Vv. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The pronunciation is similar between the English and Spanish sounds. The Spanish pronunciation is a little blurred to where it can be confused with the B sound.
Vivora – snake,
Vaca – cow,
Vaquero – cowboy,
Ventana – window,
Violin – violin,
Vela – candle.
This week we started working with the number 12 / el número doce. We had a fun time playing and
using different items for sorting and counting.
Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We practicing number formation by tracing the number 12 (doce). Also, we formed a group of twelve by cutting and gluing 12 pieces of paper.
by Macky & Veronica | Feb 22, 2019 | Preschool

This week we continued working with our “Past and Present” Unit. The kiddos are really enjoying this unit and doing a great job understanding their lives compared to the lives of people who lived long ago. We worked in our little book “El Pasado y el Presente/Past and Present,” coloring the pages and recognizing the time in each page if the pictures represented the present or past. As well, the kiddos continued working with games such as, memory games of past and present, placing the pictures in the correct place” Pasado o Presente/Past or Present”.
Pre-k did a great job explaining to the whole class what Pasado and Presente/ Past and Present means. They did an awesome job. It’s amazing to see how these little ones absorbed all the information that they learned in class.
Vocabulary review of this month:
Casa -house,
Escuela -school,
Carro -car,
Caballo -horse,
Telefono -phone,
Computadora -computer,
Avion -airplane,
Tren -train,
Estufa -stove
Vestido -dress,
Vela -candle,
Lampara -lamp
This week we reviewed letters: vowels (a, e, i, o, u) M, S, P, T, N, F, L, D, and B.
We did activities with letters games, letter recognition, bingo, and vowels song too.

This week the children worked with the number 11 / número 11. As well as reviewing the numbers that we see every day in our classroom calendar, we counted 1-22 and most of them counted very well! They did different activities counting and recognizing the number through bears, play dough, and dice game. As well, I encouraged them to trace the number eleven on the classroom board.
La Figura y Color
This week the kiddos continued learning the heart shape(corazon). The children had fun with activities tracing hearts and looking around our classroom for the heart shape. Also, the kids continued learning and working with pink color/color rosado and also the colors they have learned like rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, brown/cafe.
Have a great weekend!
Macky J