2024 AM Middle School Spanish

AM Spanish

Middle School Spanish is a class intended for students who have completed a Spanish Immersion elementary school program or who have extensive Spanish experience.

The AM Spanish  class will meet Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 7:00-7:50


optional Mondays 7:15-8:00 – Grammar focus – Note taking day – Can join remotely for this class.
Wednesdays and Fridays – We will be reading a book together, discussing the book (think book club).
Reading serves as a fantastic tool for learning new vocabulary, expressions, grammar, and immersing oneself in another world while studying a second language.
Sharing your thoughts on the books you read helps improve fluency in speaking.
Listening to classmates, engaging with their opinions, and occasionally listening to audiobooks enhances listening skills.
Students progress in developing interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational skills in the Spanish language, along with honing critical reading and analytical writing abilities.

1. Analysis Analyze and/or interpret literary texts and audio sources in the target language

2. Cultural Context and Connections    Make connections between a literary text and a non-literary text or an aspect of culture

3. Comparing Literary Texts

4. Comparing Texts and Art Compare a how a theme is developed in a text and in a work of art

5. Argumentation Develop an effective argument when writing a literary analysis

6. Language and Conventions Use accurate language for literary analysis, and apply appropriate conventions of written language

7. Literary Discussions and Presentations Engage in discussions about literary texts in the target language

Homework looks like this:
Google Classroom:
Grammar links to practice topics from Grammar Mondays.
Reading in and out of class.
Participation in class discussions of the book.
Google Classroom – Weekly writing about the book. (Sometimes on topics connected to the book or a reader’s response to summarize or answer specific questions.)
Occasionally we will do an activity in class (in SPANISH) that correlates and supports the book.  (Think: craft.)
1. Wednesdays and Fridays are SPANISH only days.
2. Come prepared – having read the assigned pages.
3. Complete weekly writing assignments to maintain and advance Spanish skills.



Tuition & Fees:

Materials Fee – $75/year

3-day classes – $165/month