La lectura

This week we read Llegó la hora de hacer un equipo  / The time has arrived to make a team. This story looks at many kinds of teams – teams that work together and teams that play together.  This story addresses the value of teamwork and the characteristics of teams.  Key concepts include:

  • Teamwork makes a job easier.
  • Teamwork is essential in any culture.

Our main learning goals this week were:

  • to identify and use the pronouns for I and you: yo and 
  • identify and clap out syllables of words
  • identify the first sound in given words
  • write in their journals, using the words of the day, correct spacing, capitals and punctuation
  • identify and form rhymes

Las matemáticas

We had such a great time working together, as a team, to begin to create our class shape mural. We really had to talk about how we should consult with the other members of our team to make the plan and as we work through our plan. We also talked about how to be kind when giving criticism or suggestions.

It was fun to hear the kiddos using their shape and color vocabulary during their mural work time.

We also worked on using manipulatives and number lines to practice our adding and subtracting skills.  The kiddos have come a long way with this concept!  This is a fun review before we jump into word problems.


History & Geography

Our field trip to Fort Vancouver was a great success. Thank you to all the parents who were able to drive and chaperone for the strip. Seen the blacksmith at work in his shop was one of the highlights of the trip and fit perfectly into our Colonial tradespeople unit. This week in Kings and Queens we continue to discuss royal families and Royal etiquette such as high tea. The class continue to work in their Kings and Queen vocabulary booklets.

Our weekly objectives were to:
•  identify treasures that Royalty may have
• understand that there were important rules and behavior that was associated with anyone meeting the King or Queen.
• retell the story of King Midas and the Golden Touch.


This week in our Plants domain we had fun doing some experiments gathering information on how they bring water and nutrients through their roots and stems. The class also observed there plants growing and know that they can identify stems and leaves are there sprouts. Our goal this week was to identify different plant parts

Our weekly objectives were to:

• identify the root, stem, leaf, flower, and seed of a plant
• explain that roots anchor the plant and take in water and nutrients
• explain that stems support the plant and carry water and nutrients to the various parts of the plant
• explain that the plant makes its own food in its leaves


Character Ed with Ms. Jennie

Over the past few months we have focused on the themes of Courage (February), Overcoming Adversity (March), and Appreciation of Nature (April). We’ve read some great books and had good discussions. We’ve also continued to focus on one poem each month and in June will have a special poetry day to celebrate. Kids are encouraged to find a poem they love and either practice reading it in order to present it, or go for the extra challenge of memorizing it. This is NOT required but highly encouraged! It strengthens kids’ confidence to stand up in front of the class and read or recite something! Poetry day will be on June 5th.
In May, we will continue to focus on appreciating nature along with our annual May tradition of talking about and celebrating other cultures. Our culminating project for this topic will be our 4th Annual Bake Sale to raise money for a special cause. This year we will be raising money for the Ryan’s Well Foundation, which was born out of a six-year old’s desire to help dig a well for people without access in Uganda. Check out this inspiring story here: This ties in so well to our own water fountain “project” this year and hopefully will remind our kids that no matter what your age, you can make a difference in the world! The Bake Sale will be held outside after school on Wednesday, May 29th. We will ask for your participation in donating a batch of baked goods to sell. More information to come!