
We continued our travel theme with a great story: El via en avión. This is realistic fiction that provides an introduction to traveling by plane.  (Although all but one of our class has airplane experience!) This story provided a great example of describing the sequence of events of an airplane trip.

Our weekly learning objectives were:

  • Use sequence words to plan and write instructions.
  • Plan for a trip by illustrating and labeling what you would pack in your luggage.
  • Write about planning for a trip (using commas in a list).
  • Use capital letters for cities, states and countries.

Our word-wall words this week were: voy (I go),  lejos de (far from), and semana (week).


This week we continued our unit on weight.  We had fun exploring with different units and our classroom balances.  You might have noticed, from the work they’ve been bringing home, there is starting to be quite a bit more reading in their math!  They are doing great with this!

Our weekly learning objectives were:

  • Use a non-standard object to find the weight of things.
  • Compare weight using a non-standard object as a unit of measurement.
  • Use the term “unidad” (unit) when writing the weight of things.
  • Explain why there is a difference in a measurement when using different non-standard units.
  • Arrange things according to their weights.


History & Geography

This week in Birth of Our Nation, we read about Thomas Jefferson’s as a patriot, inventor, writer, and author of the Declaration of Independence as well as the third president the U.S.  We we also read about the roles of African Americans, Native Americans, and women during the evolution from 13 English colonies in America to independence as a nation.  We finished sewing our flags this week and our Benjamin Franklin passports.  The class had fun watching a short cartoon film on Benjamin Franklin.  We discussed how even though this movie was fictional it portrayed actual events.

Our objectives this week were:
• describe the roles of African Americans, Native Americans, and women in the 13 colonies
• understand that not all people living in the colonial times were treated equally or justly and even today people are still seeking liberty and justice for all.
• list the contributions and achievements  of Thomas Jeff Jefferson
•identify the similarities between Monticello architecture and the University of Virginia’s architecture

                  Watering our plants


This week in our astronomy domain we read about our solar system.  We finished our Solar System coloring books and our astronomy journals.
Our objectives were to:
• identify Earth as a planet and our home
• understand that the sun is a source of the energy, light, and heat
• place by the sun as a star
• understand that Earth orbits the sun
• explain that our solar system includes the sun and the planets that orbit around it
• indicate that there are eight planets ( mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune)
• classified Pluto as a dwarf planet



English Word Work

This week we got our new sorts for spelling.  Green group long and short i . Blue group worked on short i and u (they should have brought a copy of their sort home to work on), Red group had s, h, and diagraph sh words.
Word wall words were: which, such, begin, often
Vocabulary words were: almanac, wise. architecture, domed, equally, justice, unique, inner
In our journals we wrote about Thomas Jefferson.