Spanish Literacy
As we start wrapping up our unit En equipo, we realized that we have been applying all of these concepts and will continue to, throughout the end of the school year, and beyond. We have discovered what a great equipo/comunidad SWS is! Our collaborative culminating activity for this unit is a play and a lap book. This week we continued with our literacy routines (phonemic awareness, Spanish language conventions, letter recognition and print awareness, etc…) Our story of the week was La gallinita roja. The comprehension strategies and skills we focused on were predicting, making connections and sequencing. We discussed the literary elements of the story and learned the play format. We practiced performing in front of the class. We will continue to work on this project next week. On Friday, students took their scrips home to practice over the weekend. All students were assigned a role in the play that will be presented next Friday in front of an audience. Please make sure your child brings the scrip back to school next week so we can polish all the details! Also, stay tuned to know more about simple costumes students can wear the day of the play!
Spanish Math
This week in math, we spent time going back and reviewing concepts seen during the year. We are making sure all the content is covered and that here are no gaps left. I am very happy to inform you all that our Kindergartners have a very solid understanding of math concepts and in some areas, they exceed grade level expectations! I am so proud of them!
The focus in math this week was on number facts and addition stories. Students are getting very fluent with their addition facts to ten. Some of the objectives included:
- Show understanding of the concept of addition (joining two sets)
- Understand symbols +, =, and the word equation
- Use symbols and numerals to write number sentences
- Represent addition stories with addition sentences(equations)
- Practice vertical addition
- Work towards reaching fluency with addition number facts
English Social Studies
This week we continued our unit on Kings and Queens. We read the song “Sing a Song of Sixpence”, and also read two versions of Cinderella. We had a royal time on Friday with our King and Queen for a Day activities. The students worked on making a new class book which included all of their Royal decrees.
Our objectives were to:
• understand that Kings usually possess gold and other Treasures
• describe the behaviors that reinforce that kings and queens are royal
• recite “Sing a Song of Sixpence”
• describe the characters, settings, and plots in the stories
• discuss the lesson in Cinderella that goodness prevails and is rewarded
Our new sorts this week were the “ig”, “ip”, and “ill” word famillies. On Monday the class took an assessment on word family recognition everyone did very well . Our poem for the week was sing a song of sixpence, and we were introduced to two songs about the Earth.
English Science
This week we continued our science domain on Taking Care of the Earth. we read the book recycle by Gail Gibbons and we discussed pollution.
Our objectives were to:
• recognize different pieces of garbage as either recyclable, reusable, compostable , or throw away
• understand that land, air, and water all suffer from different types of pollution, and all types of pollution are caused by human activities
• understand people are careful and creative they can help reduce pollution
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our first SWS Pride Night . The turnout was terrific and I know the students were very proud to show all of their hard work from this year . I hope everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. We will see you on Tuesday !
Character Education
Thank you so much for supporting our Buy a Goat Bake Sale! We were able to raise $409!!! Next week in Character Ed the kids will vote on what other animals to buy through Heifer International. The 3/4 kids did a fantastic job and I am so proud of them.