La Granja

This week we learned all about the letters Ss /la letra Ss. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter Ss. These can be pronounced in English S(es). While the Spanish pronunciation is S (eh seh). We did activities related with the letter Ss and we sang songs too.
As example:

sandia/ watermelon
We worked with the numbers 1-5, doing different activities such as counting pigs and corn. We started with addition (making groups of 5 using two different colors of bears, how to find the number five counting 3 blue bears and two green bears). ,We also did five little chickens, placing a number inside of the body.
La Figura y Color
This month we started with triangle shape (triangulo), and green (verde) color. I talked about it with the kids, passing around the shape, so the children could examine this shape up close. We compared different sizes of the triangle shape. Also, they did an activity to draw and cut triangle shapes.