Welcome back to all preschool families. I hope you had a wonderful winter vacation! January is a great month to start with Nursery Rhymes. Nursery rhymes are an important part of anyone’s childhood, so this month, we are going to sing to them and with them. We are going to use
rhythm (avoiding monotone voice
). And for a great advantage we are going to use the natural skills of every child asking questions that encourage their memory—making. Thus, we started this week with Spanish nursery rhym “La Muñeca Azul”

“Tengo una muñeca vestida de azul,
zapatitos blancos delantal azul.
La saqué a paseo y se me constipo,
La tengo en la cama con mucho dolor.
Esta mañanita me dijo el doctor,
Que le de jarabe con un tenedor.
Dos y dos son cuatro, cuatro y dos son seis,
Seis y dos son ocho y ocho dieciseis”.
Playing with Spanish Rhymes, children explore the mechanism of language, and also help them to build vocabulary and develop sounds. We then worked on following sequences of the song, dressing and coloring la muñeca azul. They had the opportunity to learn new vocabulary;
Constipo / get a cold or catch a cold,
This week we incorporated our touch investigation with the letter Ff/ letra Ff. Be sure to point out the letters that we practice when you are reading. This letter makes the same sound in Spanish and English. Some examples:
We were working with number 8/número ocho, the kids did a good job counting and recognizing the number 8. They did many different activities to practice their number sense and number recognition, such as counting ocho/eight yellow fishes and drawing numero/number ocho/eight.
La Figura y el Color
This week we continued working with rectangulo shape (rectangle). We talked about the attributes as the kids passed around the shape, so the children could examine it up close. We counted that this shape has a 4 sides/cuatro lados like the square but two side are longer. Also, we were reviewing the yellow/amarillo color, coloring, and finding different yellow/ amarillo objects into our classroom.
Have a good weekend
Macky 🙂