The students were really creative, recognizing that some dinosaurs used two legs and some of them used four legs to walk. Also, Tuesday and Thursday, we did activities related with Valentine’s Day/Dia de San Valentin. We talked about how it’s important to show love, kindness, and appreciation for others for Valentin’s Day. We talked about how it is nice show love and be kindness every day too. Kids did different craft; paper plate hearts, hand hearts, dinosaurs fossils rocks, foot print dinosaurs, and dinosaurs fossils. These activities were so much fun for them, especially the last one, dinosaurs fossils was a great addition to our dinosaurs theme learning

This week the kids reviewed consonant letters and vowels, M, S, P, T, N, F, L, D, and B.
We did activities as, letters games, letters recognition, bingo, and we sing the vowels song too.
This week we focussed on the number 9/número nueve. We did different activities like counting and recognizing the number through counting nine/nueve dinosaurs/dinosaurios, jumping into dinosaur’s tracks/huellas de dinosaurio, as well, they were counting and sorting some pile of manipulatives on the ground next to the number 9. We played a memory number game too. They were so excited playing this game.
This week we continued working with ovalo/oval shape and corazon/heart shape. The kids could play through the shape, tracing the shape with their fingers. Also the kids passed around the shape ovalo/oval and corazon/heart so they could examine them up close. They reinforced this shape making hearts and snails. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the colors names that they learned as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, and we introduced the new colors to learn as, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange.
Have a good weekend!