This week, we finished our Dinosaurs Unit. We had a lot of fun with this unit as the little ones enjoyed

What’s in that frozen dinosaur egg?
learning about dinosaurs. Throughout this month the kiddos had the amazing opportunity to express their ideas and thoughts related to all things dinosaurs. They were singing, playing, and working with different craft activities with dinosaurs. Also, they had the experience to use their imagination thinking what dinosaurs they wanted to be! It was awesome working with them in this unit. Every day they surprised us! I asked them what they learned this month and they had great answers!
We did several different crafts this week such as ice eggs excavations and making dinosaurs fossils with plaster of Paris. These activities were a great addition to complete our dinosaurs theme learning experience for kids.

Dinosaur snack!
This week we went over the letter Vv/ letra Vv. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter V, can be pronounced as (vi). While the Spanish pronunciation is; V (ve, sounds like b). Some examples:

Dinosaur fossils!
This week we went over number 10/número diez, we did different activities, as counting and recognizing the number through counting diez/ten dinosaurs/dinosaurios, counting dinosaur’s eggs and hearts, they trace the number ten/diez as well. They were counting and sorting piles of manipulatives on the ground next to the number 10. We played a memory number game. It was super exciting for all the kids.
La Figura y Color
This week we continued working with ovalo/oval shape and corazon/heart shape. The kids could play through the shape tracing the shape with their fingers. As well, the kids were passing around the shape ovalo/oval and corazon/heart, so the children could examine this shape up close. They reinforce this shape doing hearts and dinosaur eggs. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the colors names that they learned as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange.