I can/t believe that the time is going so fast. Spring is almost here! And this is the perfect time to introduce children to the life cycles of a variety of living things such as insects. This month we are going to work with insects/insectos unit. There are so many things to do with a bug or insects theme. With over a million species of insects to learn about, the possibilities are endless. Kids will learn about the parts of an insect, insect life cycles, habitats, food and more. Through this theme, we’re going to sing, read different books, do crafts, and science lessons. Kids are going to learn new vocabulary like:
Caracol/ snail,
Mariquita o Catarina/ladybag,
This week we started learning about Life Cycle of a Butterfly. We explained that a butterfly lays a tiny egg on a leaf. A caterpillar hatches from the egg and after eating a whole bunch it turns into pupa and forms a hard-protective shell around its body. The pupa opens and a butterfly is born. We read the books, “Life Cycle of a butterfly and “The very Hungry Caterpillar”. We did activities like the paper plate caterpillar: children’s paint them with their favorites colors and then they add a papercraft to embellishments to give the caterpillars life! We did a multicolor butterfly and a butterfly life cycle necklace.
This week learned the letter Rr/ letra Rr. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter R, can be pronounced as (ar). While the Spanish pronunciation is; R (ere). Some examples:
We did activities as, letters games, coloring and letters recognition.
We were working on and reviewing the number 10 this week. The kids are doing a good job counting 1 through 10. They did diferent activities like counting and regonizing the number through legos, tracing and coloring the number. As well, I placed manipulatives on the ground next to the caterpillar, and then I encouraged the little ones to sort the objects out to corresponding caterpillar stomach. Kids enjoyed doing this activity
La Figura y Color
This week started working with star shape (estrella), and a new color added in our range colors! pink (rosado), and light blue (celeste) color. The kids play in the classroom looking around for star shape and colors in our daily clothes and in classroom insect decorations.