“Tengo una cabeza, tengo un torax, tengo un abdomen…
Tengo una cabeza, tengo un torax, tengo un abdomen…
Tengo seis patas, tengo cuatro alas y soy un….INSECTO”
Additionally, we continued learning the new vocabulary of this theme.
Caracol/ snail,
Mariquita o Catarina/ladybag,
This week we showed the kiddos how bees make honey. We taught them that bees fly from flower to flower, sipping nectar and collecting grains of pollen. Bees have a special tongue that sucks up the nectar and crop in their throat for storing it until they get back to the hive. In the hive it is turned into honey to use as food. As well they learned that many plants depend on bees to spread pollen helping them to reproduce. Honey bees and bumblebees live in colonies or hives. All the bees in the colony work together for the good of the hive. Each has a job to do, the queen lays the eggs and the workers build the honeycomb, care for the larvae and collect food. Kids did activities working in the sensory bin, fine motor activities, and other activities like a bumblebee made with toilet paper roll, and a paper plate honey bee.
This week we learned all about the letter Ww/ letra Ww. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter W name can be pronounced as (dobel-iu). While the Spanish letter name pronunciation is; W (doble ve or doble u). Some examples:
We did activities that the kiddos enjoyed since they had a variety of ways to learn the letter “W” like letters games, coloring, letter recognition, coloring rainbow writing, fine motor and letter practice using flour to write the letter in, coloring and letter recognition.
This week we were working with addition 1-5. We gathered up our collection of green manipulatives to start working with our little ones to have fun with addition. We did St. Patrick’s clover addition math mats. The kids worked in groups and individually too. They did a great job practicing addition with hands-on manipulatives, with this activity the kids had the opportunity to learn while also having fun.
La Figura y El Color
This week we continued working with star shape (estrella) and we introduced a new color, black (negro). The kids colored sheets of insects like bees (abejas), rainbow caterpillar using diferents color as red (rojo), yellow (amarillo), blue (azul), orange (anaranjado), purple (purpura) and back (negro). Also, they practiced their fine motor skills tracing star shapes and coloring it different colors.