To start our week of ants we made a very simple ant and fly craft. Those crafts teach them that an ant and fly have three body parts (head, thorax, abdomen), antennae/antenas, six legs/seis patas, eyes/ojos and mouth/boca. We also read some books like; “Hola Hombre Mosca” and “El Saltamontes y la Hormiga/ The Grasshopper and the Ants”
“Hola Hombre Mosca” is a story; “A fly was flying. He was looking for something to eat. He was looking for something to eat. Something tasty. Something slimy. A boy was walking. He was talking. He was looking for something to catch. Something smart. Something for the amazing pet show.” The boy and fly meet and so begins a beautiful friendship.
“The Grasshopper and the Ants” is a story of a lazy grasshopper and some hard-working ants. The ants spend the summer gathering food to prepare for the winter. They warn the grasshopper to do the same, but he just laughs at them and plays music all summer long. When winter comes, the grasshopper has no food, but the ants are just fine! Will the grasshopper learn his lesson?
Kids love “The Grasshopper and the Ants” book, we discussed the book in our circle time, and it was amazing to heard the kids share all that they get from the book. They said that they learned that they have to work really hard to be successful in life and they do not want to be as a grasshopper! They are
awesome, we are happy to have these wonderful kids in our class.
Additionally, we continued learning the new vocabulary of this theme.

Additionally, we continued learning the new vocabulary of this theme.
Caracol/ snail,
Mariquita o Catarina/ladybag,
This week we went over to the letter Qq/ letra Qq. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The combination “qu”, in Spanish is always a “k” sound que, quien, quiero). Some examples:
Quetzal/, quetzal,
We did activities that the kiddos enjoyed since they had a variety of ways to learn the letter “Q” like, letters games, coloring, letter recognition, fine motor and letter practice using flour to write the letter into it, working hands on play dough, and letters recognition.
This week we were working with addition 1-5. We started really working with the kids this week on understanding the concept of addition, we have been working with numbers 1 through 5 and number combination. Now they know what happens when they add two numbers. We gathered up our collection of green, blue, yellow, and red manipulatives to start working with our little ones to have fun with addition. They did a
great job practicing addition (forming groups) with hands-on manipulatives, with this activity the kids had the opportunity to learn while also having fun.

La Figura y El Color
This week we continued working with star shape (estrella), and we introduced a new color, white (blanco). The kids were coloring sheets of insects as ants (hormigas), using the colors that they are learning. Also, they practiced the fine motor skills lacing circle, square, rectangle, oval, start, heart, and triangle shapes.
Have a good weekend!