Sistema Solar
This week we continued working with the solar system. I am surprised how much my little ones can absorb. We learned that the sun is the center of our universe, and the sun gives us light and warmth. We started our week doing an amazing art project of the sun!! The kids place a big circle on a black construction paper, adding three different colors they mixed it. They used a perfect combination that seemed to be similar colors of our sun. They enjoyed mixing colors and making the sun rays. Also they learned that the moon and the earth are always together and that the earth spends 1 year to go around the sun. We reviewed that in our solar system we have 8 planets that orbit around the sun. The four planets nearest to the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, and Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are the farthest of the sun.
Next week we are going to work describing each planet as the earth is the only planet with liquid water and Jupiter has more than 60 moons. Another project that we did this week was the name space rocket. The kiddos enjoyed making their names in each square, and placing stars around the rocket space. This also provided an opportunity to compare length of names. Some students had really short rockets while others had tall rockets.
Letras y Números
We incorporated our touch investigation with the letter/ letra Hh. The kids practiced handwriting, we sang songs, read a book of the letter Hh, and identified the letter in our daily reading. The English letter Hh can be pronounced (eich ). While the Spanish pronunciation is ( hache, while the “h” is silent ). Examples we worked with this week were: hilo / thread, hueso / bone, hoja / leaf, hormiga / ant, hada / fairy.
This week we continued working with the number 15. We had a fun time playing “moon rock throw”. The children were asked to throw 15 moon rocks (aluminum foil balls) into the can, this was a great eye coordination fun!! and sequence number.