We read the book, “The Very Busy Spider” by Eric Carle…Of course, reading this book naturally inspires us to make and take a walk through our own circle time spider web. We used our whole bodies to climb under, over, in, and out of the web. Kiddos were excited to play in our spider web! These activities were a great addition to finish our insects theme learning experience for kids.
This week we went over to the letter Hh/ letra Hh. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter H(eich). While the Spanish pronunciation is; H (ache) “H” is silent. Some examples:
Helado/ice cream,
We did activities that the kiddos enjoyed since they had a variety of ways to learn the letter “H” as coloring, letter recognition, fine motor and letter practice tracing the letter “H”.
This week we were working with addition 1-5, and 1-7. Addition helps kids master the relationship between numbers and understand how quantities relate to one to another. So, we worked with kids doing different activities with our collection of manipulatives (this week we used insects, and little balls). They did a great job practiced addition with hands-on manipulatives.
This week we reviewed all shapes that kids are learning; circle/circulo, square/cuadrado, triangle/triangulo, rectangle/rectangulo, oval/ovalo, heart/corazon, and star/estrella. Besides, the kids were coloring sheets of insects and free coloring and reviewing our colors range; rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, pink/Rosado, baby blue/celeste, black/negro, and white/blanco. Also, they continued practice the fine motor skills lacing circle, square, rectangle, oval, start, heart, and triangle shapes. Have a good weekend!