“Be like a flower and turn your face to the sun”-Kahlil Gibran. I cannot believe how far this year has gone through, and May is here!

First, I started asking kids if they know what community helpers are? and most of them think of police, nurses and mail delivers. I explained to them that a community helper can be defined as any person who helps with our health and overall well-being. Community helpers include dentist, doctors, construction workers, even grocery store workers! I am going to teach the kids that the trades these people do are very important to the function of our community, maybe they want to be one of those people “when they grow up” such as a farmer, doctor or soldier. I believe it is important to know who these people are and how important their jobs are to each and every one of us. My goal is that kids understand what each person does in their specific jobs. During this month we will do different craft activities, songs, read books, and to finalize this unit we are going to hit the road. We are planning a field trip to several spots, like the Camas library, the Camas fire station, and possible the post office and bank… Also, parents can help doing a game of spotting community helpers in everyday life. Parents can ask their kids to point out a community helper whenever they sees one such as a police officer parked on the side, etc.
Kids will learn new vocabulary as;
Recolector de basura/ garbage collector,
Soldado, soldier,
Cartero/postman or postwoman,
Trabajadores de construccion/ construction workers,
In addition, this week we are focusing in firefighters and 911. Kids enjoyed calling 911 and pretending to be a firefighter. They learned that 911 is only for emergency, not for fun, as well, they learned what can they do if they are in the middle of the fire. We discussed the importance of leaving the building immediately, staying low to the ground, remaining with the group and never returning to a burning building.
This week we went over the letter Yy/ letra Yy. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter-name Y, can be pronounced as (uai). While the Spanish letter name pronunciation is; Y (i griega). Some examples:
We did activities such as hands working with play dough, letters games, coloring and letters recognition.
This week we started working with the number 12. We had a fun time playing and using some items for sorting and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities such as counting twelve/doce legos and goldfish, rocks and ballons, tracing and coloring the number 12 (numero doce).
This week we continued working with diamond /diamante shape. The kids could play through the shape tracing the shape with their fingers, lacing shapes, and shape bingo game. Also, the kids continued reinforcing the colors names that they learned as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, and amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, white/blanco, black/negro, and gray/gris. This week kids were coloring a sheet of paper with number 12 and firefighters with our color range of learning.
Have a good weekend!