Plantas, Aqua, y Sol
This week we started learning all about plants. The little ones learned about what the plants need to grow (sun, water, soil, and air), and plant parts (root, steam, leaves and flower). We also learned about the life cycle of plants from seed to plant. The kiddos were fascinated by the notion that a tiny seed can emerge from the ground as a plant. The little ones enjoyed what they were learning. We had a great time doing crafts and song (las plantas necesitan…tierra, aire , agua y sol…)
We reviewed the letters we have been learning in the past weeks ( L, V, B, K, R, C, G, H, J, Q, W, X). We played games to find letters in books. We also enjoyed looking into letters soup, with the kiddos who had more letters winning a price. This gave them good motivation to find the letters.
This week we started working with number 18. We had a fun time and played and used some items sorted and counted. We used the plants topic to do different activities such as counting seeds. This was a simple activity to help kids practice counting and number recognition.
Have a good weekend!!