la biblioteca
This week we continued working with“Servicios Publicos y/o Ayudantes de Mi Comunidad/ Community Helpers” unit. So, this week we were working with Community Helpers “Teachers, hairdresser/stylist, and Librarian, ” We spoke with the children about what teachers do and the importance of teachers in the community
. Teachers: here they learned what a teachers does, they learned that teachers work really hard, their job does not end with the school day. Although standing in front of the classroom is a huge part of a teacher’s responsibilities, they extend far beyond that into the lives of their students, their students’ families and their community. Teachers motivate, inspire and lead. They interact with their community to affect positive change through their students and themselves.
They also learned that Librarians are important people. We introduced them to the concept of our local librarians and teach what a wonderful resource our librarians are! They help us to find a book, to organize, etc, They are a people that work professionally in a library and in schools.
To finish the week, kids learned about hairdressers. Most of kids have been to the hairdresser and they were happy to share their experiences in our circle time! They learned that a hairdresser is a person whose occupation is to cut or style hair to change or maintain a person’s image. Kids were so exited learning about this topic and after doing our activities they enjoyed pretend-play to be teachers, librarians, and hairdressers. They have a lot of fun playing with this topic. It was an amazing experience for kids doing a hairstyle themselves.
We continued reviewing the vocabulary of the month. Your kids are doing a great job learning this vocabulary!
Bombero/ firefighter,
Recolector de basura/ garbage collector,
Soldado, soldier,
Cartero/postman or postwoman,
Trabajadores de construcción/ construction workers,
This week kids learned the letter “Ch”. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. While in United States this letter does not exist in the alphabet. In the Spanish pronunciation is; Ch (che). Some examples:
Chaqueta / jacket
Chapulin/grasshopper or locust.
We did activities like handwriting the letter Ch in the board, singing, letters games and letters recognition.
This week we started working with number 15 / quince. We had a fun time playing and using different items for sorting and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities such as counting osos/bears and memory games. As well, we traced the number 15 (número quince).
La Figura y Color
We reviewed all shapes that kids are learning; circle/circulo, square/cuadrado, triangle/triangulo, rectangle/rectangulo, oval/óvalo, heart/corazon, and star/Estrella and diamond/diamante. Also, kids were reviewing the colors that they learned in our daily class routine: rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, cafe/brown, anaranjado o naranja/orange, pink/Rosado, baby blue/celeste, black/negro, white/blanco and gray/gris.
Have a good weekend!