This week we continued working with “The five Senses” “Los Cinco Sentidos” theme. We focused on the sense of taste; Taste Sense theme involves the children in sensory experiences. During this theme I started teaching the kids that our tongues are covered in taste buds that allow us to taste things that are salty/salado, sweet/dulce, sour/ácido and bitter/amargo. I provided students examples of each flavor to taste.
Lemon/limón salt/sal, ginger/gengibre, radishand/rabaños, raisins/pasas, and banana/plátano. As well, we were talking about the foods and what kind of food they prefer or like most and why. They did activities such as a paper tongue, gluing pictures of the food that they liked most. Another activity was for them to guess the different flavor the teacher gave them using only their sense of taste/ el gusto. They enjoyed this activity, especially tasting sweets. With this theme, the kids learned new vocabulary, such as, bitter/amargo, sour/ácido, salty/salado, sweet/dulce.

This week we continued working with vowels by focusing on the vowel O,o. The kids recognized in our daily reading the vowel O o, and they practiced the letter Oo doing different activities like tracing letter Oo using their finger first and then, they traced the vowel with crayons and markers. We read a book of the letter Oo as well. The English Letter Oo can be pronounced (o). While the Spanish pronunciation is the same(o). As example:
This week we started working with number 4 (número cuatro). We had a fun time playing and using some items for sorting and counting. We had fun with activities such as counting four fishes, four shapes, tracing and recognition of the number 4.